The Lion in the Garden(Yuu/Leona)

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Happens in episode 1, chapter 10 Garden Spat. Highly recommend picking the option where you ask are you sniffing me. The other option shortens the conversation

"Don't pick anything Grim" Yuu told him sternly as he reached out to pick an orange fruit, dismissing her. She marched over to him, and picked him up by his scruff.


All of a sudden, Yuu heard a grunt, and felt something beneath her foot when she walked over. "Did I just step on something?" she asked warily, having a feeling that wasn't a stick or a vine. She glanced behind her, and what she saw stunned her. It looked like to be a lion's tail. As her blue eyes followed where the tail came from, turning her whole body around, her eyes went up and widen at what she saw as something stood up.

Within the shadows of some plants and trees was a tall young man with tan skin, thick dark brown hair going down mid torso with long side-parted bangs that fall over his eyes with braids. He had these bright green eyes that glowed, standing out from the shadows as it glared at her.

He walked into the light, where she recognized him, the scar acrossed his right eye familiar. 'That guy. I saw him during the opening ceremony' She thought as she scanned him. Her eyes noticed two lion ears, flattening in annoyance. She didn't noticed that earlier because the hood was on. His school uniform was this white button up shirt with a yellow blazer, black gloves, black pants and sandals.

"You've got some nerve stepping on my tail, and just walking away" he told her irritated, his ears flatten as a growl came from his throat. "Are you the caretaker? Not sure you oughta be talking to students like that, pal" Grim commented plainly and Yuu glanced down at him, with a look of annoyance. Knowing him, he was going to make things worse than it should be.

"Ain't nothing worse than being in the middle of a good nap and having some jerk step on your tail" the lion guy said angrily, taking a few steps to her. She slowly backed away from him, trying to keep distance as she held Grim in her arms protectively.

"I'm so sorry" Yuu apologized as she tried to leave but the mysterious student put his hand on the tree behind her, blocking her and she found herself pressed to the tree. He stared down at her intensely, sending her chills through her. His eyes widen surprised but then shifted into a smug grin.

"You...aren't you that herbivore that the mirror said can't use magic?" He asked her tauntingly. Yuu noticed that his eyes were not normal human eyes. They were cat like. His smirk faded when his nose caught something and he leaned close to her face, sniffing her as she turned her face away.

"Are you...smelling me?!" She asked him weirded out yet annoyed, pushing against his chest to move him away. She found his behavior a bit rude. The action took him by surprise but kinda intrigued him a bit. No one had that kinda boldness to push him away. His tail looped around her wrist tightly like a snake, catching her off guard. She tried to free her wrist from it but he was much stronger than her.

"Ha. I really don't smell a speck of magic on you" he noted to her mockingly as he smirked and Yuu turned back to him, feeling a bit scared. He had this intimidating aura on him. "Well, can't say it be fun to hurt someone so helpless. Still gonna do it though" he told her darkly while keeping the smug grin on, finding her attempt to free her arm from his hold quite entertaining. She looked at alarmed, wondering what he was going to do.

"Man, being scrutinized by this guy is making my fur stand" Grim commented afraid, trembling in Yuu's other arm. She felt his body shaking and started to worry for his well-being. Sure, he was a trpublemaking feline but that didn't mean she didn't care about him. Yuu let go of him, allowing him to run. The fire cat hid behind the plant behind as he stared at her, worry for her safety. She was in a much worser position than him. 'Aw geez. How she gonna get out?' He thought in his head with concern.

"No one gets to stomp on my tail and just walk away without paying the price. I'm in a bad mood on account of being woken up from my nap. That's gonna cost you a tooth" he told her darkly with his smug grin showing his sharp teeth. He lifted her chin up and she saw his eyes had a wild and fierce glint in them.

"What!?" Yuu exclaimed alarmed. "Hurry! Let's get out of here!" Grim shouted alarm, grabbed Yuu's ankle and trying to drag her out of Leona's grasp. It caught the lion's attention and Yuu took advantage bite his tail. He growled in pain as his tail let go of her wrist. "Look I already said sorry! Besides, you're one the who shouldn't leave your tail lying around the path" Yuu snapped at him irritated, crossing her arms as she glared back at him.

"Oh? What's this? A herbivore standing up to a lion? How cute" he said to her, grinning smugly at her. He found her more interesting with how she didn't hesitate to stand up to him. "You are so weird" she told him, confused by this human feline. "You have no idea" he answered her amused as he found her responses kinda impressive.


"Huh?" Leona said, turning his face away from the girl to the voice calling him. Yuu and Grim also turned to the source of the voice. It's origin was this boy who had small hyena ears and a tail, sandy blonde hair that fades darkly, and gray eyes with a mishevious smile. His school uniform was similar to the lion known as Leona only he had on a black jacket and lacked the gloves and also had a striped tie on.

"I knew I'd I find you here! We got after school classes today, remember?" The boy told him, putting his hands behind his head. He noticed  Yuu and Grim, curiosity peaked him at who those two were. He scanned her to see what dorm she was from but to his surprised there was no indication of any of the dorms he knew. Plus he wondered why a girl student was here in an all boys academy.

Leona groaned annoyed, his tail swishing a lot. "Ugh...and now I've got this guy on my tail..." he remarked in displeasure. "Leona, you've already had to repeat one year. If you get held back again, we'll be in the same grade!" His classmate reminded him, teasing him on the last part.

'Held back again?' Yuu thought in her head surprise. Now that he mentioned it, this Leona seemed more older than the hyena or her. "Oh, put a sock in it already. I'm tired of yer yapping, Ruggie" the lion complained, pinching the bridge of his nose irritated.

"I don't enjoy nagging you" Ruggie told him annoyed as his ears flatten, placing a hand on his hip. Unfortunately, his teachers always ask him to bring his lazy classmate. "You would have no problem if you tried. Whatever, let's go" he told him, motioning with his arm as he turned around and left with his hands in his pockets.

"Tsk..." he clicked his tongue and turned back to the prefect. "Watch out next time you come onto my turf, herbivores" Leona warned them, flattening his ears and snarling a warning at her as his eyes dilated before turning around and leaving with that hyena boy known as Ruggie. Yuu watched him leave, feeling her heart rate calm down as she let out a breath that she was holding.

Yuu noticed that the hyena boy known as Ruggie had a yellow ribbon on his right arm. Her eyes widen recognizing it as from SavannaClaw. "Myah! I dont like the sound of that! What is up with this nutso?!" Grim exclaimed, still shaken from that encounter as he held Yuu's ankle. That's the last time he messes with a cat bigger than him

"Yeah I don't think he's the caretaker..." Yuu told him warily, realizing that may have been a student. Something told her this that this was not the last time they would see eachother.

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