📿🦁🐆Leona's Necklace (Mara/Leona)

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Takes place after "cheetah cleaning time"

"Leona's necklace?"

The cheetah stared at the piece of jewelry as its fanged-shaped pendants shimmered from the remaining sunlight that peeked into the room from the setting sun. Mara's golden eyes looked at it with a glint of curiosity in them.

Her hand reached out to pick it up, but then her fingers curled back in hesitation. Mara shook her head as the thinking part of her disagreed. "No. This is Leona's. It also belongs to the royal family." She reasoned with herself, reminding her more curious side that she came to clean Leona's room, and that's it. The mission was done, and it was time to leave before he got back.

However, those golden eyes glanced back at the piece of jewelry lying on the bed. Its beads and fangs shimmered, tempting her one more time to inspect it up close and personal. "Then again...." her ears tilted up for any sounds of footsteps approaching, waiting a few seconds for someone to enter the room.

"It's his fault for leaving his stuff lying around all carelessly."

With a devious smile on her face, her fingers opened and latched onto the gold beads, picking it up. "Oh, it's heavy." It shocked her at how much it weighed when she lifted off the bed. It wasn't too heavy to pick up, but she felt some weight to it. Staring at one of the fangs, she could see her reflection in them. It reflected her tear marks that ran down her face.

That was how she looked without the necklace on. Now, it was time to see how it looked on her. The cheetah took one more glance in case someone came in and caught her red-handed.

Mara started to wrap the necklace around her neck, clasping the clips closed as her ear perked at its sound clicking. She felt its weight rest on her neck. It made the cheetah wonder how the royal family wears this jewelry every day.

"It feels heavy." She commented, not sure that she liked that. While she didn't mind wearing jewelry, she would prefer it to be light weight so it wouldn't weigh her down. No wonder he took this off during PE class.

Making her way over to the bathroom, Mara stood in front of the mirror to see it. Her eyebrows rose in surprise at seeing herself with the necklace on. Sure, it wasn't the most regal or elegant look with her bandana and green cargo pants. But ignoring that, the golden jewelery was an impressive accessory that popped out.

"Not bad. Leona surprisingly has good taste in fashion. " Mara noted, gently caressing one of its golden fangs. For someone who often gives no care on how he looks, she had to give it to him that he knew how to dress well.

"Well, at least there's something we agree on."

Mara's ears were upright at that familiar deep, smug voice reaching them. Her golden orbs grew big as dinner plates, swiftly moving away from the mirror to the very last person she wanted to be caught by.

Leona leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed. His smirk was plastered on his face, amused to have caught the level-headed cheetah in the act. With her most guilty moment caught, Mara felt her face get very hot. Her mouth went dry, trying to say something, but couldn't.

"Heh. And here, I thought it was Ruggie stealing one of my things again." He commented, eyeing the necklace clinging to her neck. From his view, it was a tad big on her, and he knew she rarely wore jewelry since cheetahs like to move around. Still, he never pictured her in HIS jewelry.

"Ruggie is a little thief who steals without honor. I was just making sure your necklace wasn't dirty since you couldn't even bother cleaning your own room." She critiqued him as her face burned red in embarrassment and anger, ready to get out of the bathroom.

"This the thanks I get for cleaning your room? Ruggie was right! I should have just...wait, what are you-whoa!"

Mara attempted to leave the bathroom but suddenly found her back against the edge of the sink. Leona had his hands on both sides to trap her. His green eyes stayed on the necklace, examining it up close. She noticed how he focused on the piece of jewelry, and her face got red again but for different reasons.

Leona then fixed one of the gold fangs that was flipped upside down, adjusting the necklace. It looked like he was seeing how well it fit her and if the size works on her. "Leona....what are you doing?" She whispered, not sure why her voice got so quiet. He didn't respond, continuing to adjust it. Without warning, his fingers latched underneath the gold chain, pulling her torwards him.

Their faces were now inches apart as Leona held onto the necklace gently that she wasn't hurt but also firmly, so he had her in place. "Le-Leona?!" Mara asked, startled by this move. Her eyes went to his lips, and felt her face flushed at the close proximity, and it only worsened when he smirked at her.

The necklace was tugged on again, and Leona leaned to her ear. "You look good in my necklace, Mara." He complimented her. The cheetah glanced at him, surprised. She was expecting one of his usual smug comments or taunting. A compliment was rare from the lazy housewarden.

His hand then went around her neck to un-clasp the necklace and stepped away from her. She felt it easier to breathe now as he put his necklace back on. His green eyes glanced back at her, and he felt proud to see her all red and flustered because of him.

"If you want, I could let you borrow this." He offered her teasingly. The cheetah glared at him, annoyed as her tail moved fiercely to indicate that. "No way! That thing's heavy! You keep it!" She exclaimed angrily and stomped out of the room. But then a thought crossed her mind and zoomed right back in an instance up at his face.

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll be the reason that you joined the great kings in the sky!" The cheetah snarled a warning at him before leaving the bathroom. Leona chuckled in amusement, finding it cute to see her this way. A rare sight for him with Mara. He would have to do that more often.

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