A swimsuit that worked too well 🏖(Leona/Mara)

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"Oi! Splash somewhere else." Leona snarled a warning at Ace and Jack, who just jumped into the pool, splashing droplets onto the lion. At the Savannaclaw dorm, there was a pool day since that was the only dorm  with a pool. Ruggie, Jack, Ace, Deuce, and Kalim plus the prefect and Grim were at the pool, just having fun and splashing around.

The lion lounged on a beach chair beneath an umbrella, just watching the whole thing. He chuckled in amusement at how they were acting like little cubs.

"You don't wanna join in, Leona?"

His ears perked at Mara's voice, who stood next to him. Leona didn't spare a glance at her and was trying to take a nap. His eyes were closed, so he didn't see her. "I only came outside because it's impossible to sleep with this commotion from inside. It's louder than a herd of elephants." He complained, letting his head rest on his fist.

"It's a hot day. And I'm pretty sure you couldn't sleep through this heat. Come in the pool with us. I'm going." Mara suggested, even adding in that she was coming. "Ok. And why should it matter to me if you are going in the water?" He inquired, opening his eyes and glancing at her only to find his green eyes getting big and now stuck on her.

The king cheetah had a black two-piece swimsuit that clung to her body nicely, with the top being criss crossed. There was a bright blue skirt wrapped around her waist with a slit on the right side.

His eyes went to the abundance of spots all over her body. Some were small while others were blotchy. Leona felt his face heat up, realizing she had more markings than he thought. Normally, it would be her arms, tail, face, and ears that were visible.

"It matters because we can have fun together if you just move your tail." She added, putting a hand on her hip that cocked to the side. That only made Leona's face heat up. Especially at that motion, his ears dropped, and his eyes got bigger to see something he didn't notice, even in PE class. Mara had some abs on her. Probably from her training as a royal guard. Leona wasn't sure if he should be intimidated by that or turned on.

"Leona? Hello? Earth to Prince Leona?"

A flick to his ear snapped him out of it, and he snarled at the cheetah, agitated by that as his hand went to soothe it. The cheetah looked at him oddly, knowing this was not the sleep loving lion she knew. Leona glanced away from her, realizing he had stared at her for too long. Not to mention with how hot his face felt, he definitely didn't want Mara to see him of all people blushing.

"Ugh. This heat is so annoying." He groaned, getting up, hoping he could play it off and hide the fact that he was staring at her. "I'll join ya for a swim." He told her, already taking his shirt off and tossing it on the chair. He just needed a swim short. "I'll be back." He told her before heading back to his room. Mara looked at him bewildered, wondering what she said to change his mind. "Purr?" She chirped in confusion, tilting her head and left ear to one side.

Five minutes later....

Mara was lounging on the chair with her tail curled to her feet. "Here, Mara." Ruggie spoke, setting down a glass of mango juice. Her eyes brightened at the orange drink before. "Thanks, Ruggie." She grabbed the drink and raised it before taking a sip. "Hey, by the way, how did you know that you could get Leona to join us in the pool? Jack and I had no luck with him, so how did it work with you?" He questioned her, curious to know her secret.

The cheetah smirked at him, feeling proud of herself with that little trick. "Simple. Leona doesn't like trouble with girls, and he especially doesn't like trouble with me since I'm a royal guard in training." She began to explain, and Ruggie glanced behind her only for his blue eyes to shoot back wide and alarmed. 

Mara took notice of his reaction and looked at him oddly. "What? What did I say?" She inquired, puzzled until two brown hands gripped the arms of the chair, trapping her. The cheetah was suddenly met with a familiar angry face as his green eyes glowered at her.

"L-Leona! You're back!" She exclaimed, smiling sheepishly at him. Her golden eyes widened at the sight of his abs and the muscular physique he had. She was seriously wondering how he maintained when he all did was sleep, and eat meat.

"Boss. Chill. Mara was just joking." Ruggie cautioned, looking anxiously between the two cats. However, Leona noticed where she was staying and smirked at her, amusingly. "Now you know I feel." He whispered, grinning at her wickedly. Mara blushed, knowing exactly what he was applying, and she squeaked when his arms lunged at her and scooped her up.



Ruggie was suddenly running after his housewarden as he carried her to the pool. Mara's eyes got big to see the pool getting closer. Their friends watched, turning their attention over when they heard the commotion. She turned to the lion, glaring at him. "Leona! You drop me in the water, I'm gonna put a curse on YOU!!!!" She yelled that last part when the pool was close in view and her arms wrapped tightly around his neck.

"Hey! Boss, don't hurt her!" Ruggie insisted, pulling at his ears. Leona, however, just threw his head back and laughed, already enjoying this. However, he wasn't satisfied until he had his revenge.




"Boy, I'm taking you down with me!"



Leona felt her tail wrap around his right arm, so when he threw her in the pool, her tail pulled him in with her. "Mara! Leona!" Ruggie called out m, scanning the water as their friends stared, hoping no one got hurt. The two cats burst out of the water, soaking wet. The hyena breathed a sigh of relief once he heard Leona laughing, satisfied to have gotten his revenge. Mara's body was shivering from meeting the cold water. Turning to playfully glare at the lion, she splashed him to exact revenge. "Boy, you are so dead!" She exclaimed, kinda happy to hear him laugh. He retaliated by splashing back, laughing. The hyena shrugged, shaking his head with a smile as he jumped in, too, splashing them.

"Count us in!" Ace yelled out, all pumped up to have Leona join them as they got in the pool and started splashing one another.

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