I'm Happy with Whatever ya Got(Leona/Mara)🎂

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Happy birthday, Leona Kingscholar! 🦁🎂🍰🎊🎊


Mara rolled her eyes, smiling in amusement at her snoring boyfriend, lying cat-like on a rock. His hands were beneath his head, acting as a pillow. Ruggie had sent Mara to fetch the vice housewarden to retrieve their lazy housewarden to get cleaned up for his birthday party, which the cheetah accepted eagerly.

She had wanted to give him her present personally, but now she was nervous. Her fingers gently rubbed onto the gift, feeling the smoothness and the ridges of her work.

"Here to wish me a happy birthday?"

Her ears were upright, and eyebrows rose when that deep, familiar voice and her eyes glanced to find Leona with that half lidded smirk, sitting up as he stared at her.

Good on ya." He commented, jumping off the rock and approaching her slowly. "Now, what'd you bring me?" He asked, trying to take a peek at what his partner held behind her back. His green eyes curiously set on what her hands held and clasped so tightly to keep his gift out of sight.

The cheetah would turn the opposite of him to avoid his eyes catching the gift. "Oh, um...it's a pretty cool gift. Heh heh. But you can't have it until the party." She insisted nervously, smiling awkwardly as the lion eyed her suspiciously yet amusingly at her stranger behavior.

"I'm royalty, remember, so it better be good." He mentioned, circling around her impatiently to spot his birthday gift. Her hand gripped the gift even more tightly, starting to have second thoughts. "Well...um....I thought you didn't have expensive tastes." Leona watched her ears flattened down and noticed how worried she seemed in just giving him a gift. He stopped circling her and stood in front of her with a slightly annoyed look.

"...Hey lighten up. S'just a joke. I'm happy with whatever ya got, so out with it." He assured her, holding his hand out. As long as it wasn't some overly exaggerated gift like the ones from home, he wasn't picky about it. He watched her ears perk up, and her grip on the gift loosened.

Mara wanted to just run right now and find a gift that could work better. But his relaxed smile lessened her worries. Hesitantly, her hand moved around her back, and her clench fist opened, unveiling the gift.

If revealing the gift wasn't enough to wane her confidence in the gift, the puzzled look and raised eyebrow made it worse. In her palm, there was a bracelet made of small little seashells, each a different variety. In the center was a white shell that was the only one of its color and kind.

"I uh made it myself. Happy birthday, Leona!" Mara exclaimed nervously, holding it out to him further. He did take it and put it on, which surprised her. He held his wrist up, examining it up in the sun. The shells shimmer with the sunlight illuminating the insides. But his feline green eyes spotted blue flickers on the white shell especially.


The upright motion of his ears and his eyes narrowing in confusion made the corner of Mara's mouth go up in a grin, glad to see he was catching on. He caught her eyes and a glint of amusement in those golden eyes. There was more to this gift. It wasn't just a simple bracelet. Not for him, especially.

"Mara...did you do something to my birthday present?" He inquired, watching her hands reach out to the accessory, adjusting it and seeing if it fits. Her golden orbs glanced up at his jade colored ones unfazed. Made him wonder if her nervousness was a facade. He found it odd for her to act that way so it would make sense.

"No. It's just seashells and a little touch of water magic."

With a tap of her finger onto the white shell, Leona's pupils dilated when it illuminated blue. The vice housewarden turned his hand so his palm faced up, and to help him, she curled it into a ball. "Now you gonna open your hand." She instructed him, perking his interest as his fist opened.

A ball of water had formed, floating above his hand but he could feel the cold temperature beneath the liquid. Leona glanced at the cheetah who smiled in satisfaction at his reaction. It was rare to impress him. She knew that a simple gift in magic wielding might be just the gift for him.

Leona grinned at her, and slowly moved the water spell aside, watching the way it moved the same way water would move in a cup. "Heh. Hah hah! Impressive Mara! Now that is a birthday gift." He complimented, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Glad you like it." She responded, thinking of how to thank the prefect later. They helped with figuring out how to put magic in objects.

For Leona, it was the perfect gift. Simple yet useful. And he was glad that of all people, it was Mara that got him this. "Heh. Ya had me fooled Mar-Mar. I thought you really were nervous." He noted, tossing the water ball around and playing with it. "Well I actually was nervous." His ears twitched at her voice and he glanced back at her.

"No offense but you're not easy with getting gifts. I wasn't sure if you liked it." She explained to him, rubbing his arm. What helped in choosing a gift was what he didn't like. Food was too obvious because he was gonna have a ton of it. She just wanted to gift him something that would make him happy. Especially on his birthday.


The two turned heads at Ruggie calling out, looking for his classmate. Leona wasn't done yet with Mara and was not gonna let any disturbances end this conversation. His eyes glanced at the water still floating in his hand and an idea came to him.

His hand hurled it across at the hyena as Mara watched with widen eyes. "AAAAH! Why is it raining?!" The cheetah tried to stifle her laughter at seeing Ruggie shake his head to rid the wetness. She suddenly felt a her hand being grabbed and then pulled off around the rock Leona slept on.

Once out of Ruggie's sight, Leona tilted his girlfriend's face, cupping her cheek, and staring firmly at her eyes. "I said I would he happy with whatever you got me. And I am. Don't ever think I'm not gonna love what you give me, Mara." He stated firmly but gently, hoping to get the message straight before placing a soft kiss to her temple

The cheetah purred in content, leaning against his chest as Leona held her, rubbing his face into her thick dreads. Her hand reached to clasp his hand with the bracelet and she beamed when he squeezed back. "Happy birthday, Leona." She spoke softly, feeling a growl of content from him at that.


The two glanced behind them and found a soaking wet hyena beastmen, glowering at them from above the flat stoney rock. "I said get him Mara! Not distract him!" He reminder his classmate agitated. However, the irritation on his face dropped when both cats grinned wildly as Leona summoned another water ball in his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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