🦁🎂🥳Happy Birthday Leona! (Yuu/Leona)

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Happy birthday to Leona Kingscholar! Also, Yuu is in her dorm outfit

As Yuu sat outside the entrance of the dorm, kicking her legs as she sat on a large rock and looking through the pictures she took on her ghost camera from the party while waiting for someone. The prefect glanced up at the sky, seeing the stars spread out on the night sky. The crescent moon was out and shining.

The girl glanced down at the orange and brown pawprint goodie bag next to her, gently opening it to make sure everything was in there. The prefect of Ramshackle dorm wanted to make sure she had every little gift to there and not one missed. Yuu then looked back at the camera, scanning through the pictures from the aftermath of the party.

There was one she came across that brought a smile to her face. It was the photo where Leona got the pie thrown at his face by Malleus. Yuu actually found that tradition for birthday parties really fun and funny. Especially since it was worth it if it meant getting a smile and a laugh from Leona. She chuckled to herself at seeing for once a warm smile rather than that smug grin and half lidded expression of his.

"Oi. What are you laughing about herbivore?"

Yuu quickly pulled the camera close to her startled and she turned her head around to see who it was. Only one person called her that name. "L-Leona! Hi! Um happy birthday!" She stuttered and blurted nervously as she smiled awkwardly, keeping the his photo hidden from him. He had no idea that she took that picture and Yuu was worried about how he might react.

The lion rolled his eyes at her, grinning smugly at her as he took off his birthday hoodie off, tossing it on the ground near her as the feline sat down crossed legged. "Yeah yeah. I know it's my birthday. So, what was it that lead you dragged me out of the party?" He asked her curious because it seemed to him that the human wanted to give him this gift in private.

Yuu beamed at him and set the camera down. Her hands reached to the goodie bag, passing it to him with a big smile. "Surprise!" She told him eagerly as Leona stared at it surprised, his curiosity peaked up more. He could see two lion shaped candies sticking out of the bag with orange ribbon tied to it.

The lion got out of his shock and took the bag from her as he looked inside. He had heard from Ruggie, Jack and other students about how Yuu would create special birthday goodie bags for them, each one different.

"Huh. Well isn't this a neat gift. Ruggie said you had a skill in making these little goodies" he noted to her as he tooked out the lion lollipop. His guess was she got from Sam's shop. He set those down and founded a golden keychain with the savannaclaw symbol and a yellow gem charm hanging on it. He grinned at that, finding it to his liking. The gifts were small but simple. It beats the lavish and over exaggerated gifts he got back home on his birthdays.

"Heh. Not bad herbivore. I guess you know me well enough to please me with such small trinkets" he commented but Yuu frowned. Not from his comment but something else. She took the not empty bag from him and looked inside, her blue eyes started to have alarm and worry in them.

Leona noticed that and wondered what had gotten the excited Ramshackle prefect to get all worried up. "Hey. What's got into you?" He asked her, playing with the little keychain. "There's another gift missing. Ugh I thought I put it in there....wait" she explained until realization hit her. Yuu started patting her pockets on the jacket and shorts, trying to remember where she put it.

The prince chuckled amusingly at seeing her frantic. Her reactions were enough entertainment on his birthday. His eyes glanced down the camera and noticed the picture on it. She didn't turn the camera off but the scene looked familar. Getting the feeling of deja vu, he set the key chain down and picked up the camera. His eyes widen at recognizing at when Malleus pied him. 'Huh. I know Yuu is good at taking pictures but I didn't realize that sneaky herbivore took this' He thought in his head as he looked at it.

"Ah. Here it is" Yuu said relieved and happy, finally founding the little thing hidden in her hat. "Did you take this?" He asked her, showing the photo to her and her smile fell in nervousness.

"Oh. Um heh heh. I uh might have took that one without you knowing it. You seemed so happy though. I thought it was nice to see you and Malleus were getting along instead of being at eachother's throats. And you looked like you were having a lot of fun. Plus, there's no way I'm missing a moment of you getting pied in the face" she explained nervously at first but then as she remembered that moment of Malleus throwing the pie at Leona's face, her tone changed to excited and happy and she laughed at the memory.

The lion's emerald green eyes glanced away from the camera and to Yuu, making contact with her soft blue eyes. He let out a small smile, finding the quick change from nervous to happy in her voice amusing and her laughter music to his ears.

Yuu however took his silence as a sign of annoyance or displeasure so she cleared her throat. "Here. I'll delete it" she said, reaching to the camera. But the lion pulled back from her hands, which surprised her. She looked at him quizzical and confused.

"I actually like this picture"

He said to her and her eyes widen surprised. His voice had no sarcasm, no teasing or mocking. It was honest and sincere. Leona then did a move that surprised her. The lion showed her a very warm smile. Just like the picture she took of him.

"This year I feel that celebrating my birthday was not such a bad idea. Normally I don't see any reason to get excited on a day someone is born. But honestly I quite enjoyed it. If you don't mind, I want you to send this picture to me" he explained to her as he gave her camera back. Yuu blinked to process what she heard from and she tilted her head.

Leona chuckled at her reaction and then it turned into laughter. "Oh man. Does my honestly make you freeze herbivore? Hahaha!" He asked her, seeing that she was in shock. His green eyes caught something shimmering in her hand.

"Oh? Is that the missing gift?" He asked and tooked it before she could answer. Thankfully, Yuu snapped out of her shock when he took it from her hand. It was a small silver bracelet with a lion emblem on it. "Yeah so Sam had some new stuff come in fee days ago from your hometown so I took a look and found this. I know it's kinda simple and I didn't know if it was your style" she rambled on, running her hands on her ponytail nervously.

"Put it on me"

She stopped talking when she heard his request and turned to him. He held the bracelet out for her to put it on. "Well hurry up. I don't want someone to see us" he told her annoyed which snapped out of it. "Yep. There's the Leona I know" she said plainly as she helped him to put the bracelet around his wrist.

"Hey. It fits. Phew. I was worried it might be small" she commented, glad to see it worked for his side. But just as her hand left, Leona grabbed it before it left and brought it to his face.

Yuu stared at him, surprised by how strange he was acting around her. Leona gave her another warm smile that made her blush pink. She wasn't use to seeing that smile on him. It was so rare.

"Having your reactions, your words, and your kindness is enough of a gift for me on my birthday, Yuu. Thanks" he told her gratefully. She realized he used her real name when he was being serious. He brought her hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss to it.

Her blushed deepened as she looked down but she smiled, glad to see be was happy. To her, birthdays were meant to be celebrated because there's a reason why one is born. "Leona. Thank you" she said and he looked at her confused, placing her hand down gently.

"For what? Since when does the birthday boy give gifts to the guests?" He asked her teasingly as she rolled her eyes at him. "Thank you for being born. Because I got to meet you" she explained and his smug grin fell into shock and he blushed red. Truth was, ever since she helped at that tournament, they grew closer and looked out for one another. He founded her prescene and lack of fear of him comforting and assuring.

To hide his blush, the lion turned around and grabbed the groovy lion candy. "Here" he handed one to Yuu, putting it in her hand. "But it's your" she protested as the lion opened the wrapped on his. "Hey my birthday so you do what I say herbivore" he said to her flatly as he took a bite out of his candy. Yuu smiled at him as thought came to her. "Hey. I'll make sure to send you the picture" she assured him and to her excitement, he offered a small yet relaxed smile as the two eat the candy and spended time together. 'Perhaps this year my birthday was better than I hoped' Leona thought as he felt that his favorite herbivore made his day better than it usually is.

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