❄️❄️Fluffy Fur(Leona/Yuu)

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Got this idea when I was reading this fanfic where mc gets winter coat from Profesional Crewel along with other winter accessories from the other teachers (it was also an mc/Leona fanfic too)

Winter time wasn't exactly Leona's favorite season. Growing up in the warmth of the Sunset Savanna, he had always been use to its heat rather than the cold. He was outside with Ruggie, Epel and Rook with the three students playing a snowblow fight while he leaned against a tree, huffing cold air. 'At least it's quiet' He thought to himself, enjoying the silence.

"Ay magnifique! Epel my friend come look at our precious prefect!" Rook suddenly exclaimed extravagantly as usual. Leona groaned, annoyed by that pomefiore student's exaggerated reactions.

"Quit yelling Rook. It's just the lousy herbivore. We see her all the time so why are you-" Leona started talking as his eyes took a quick glance but they noticed something different that made him turn his face all the way. His ears perked up, and his eyes widen a little at seeing something different in his herbivore.

Yuu was wearing the new winter faux coat that Crewel gave her to stay warm. She also wore black pants with these white winter boots, these sleek white winter gloves, and white fluffy earmuffs.

"Hi guys" she said to them cheerfully, waving a hand at them. "Oh hi Yuu!" Epel said excitedly as he waved his hand. Rook walked over to her with a big smile. "Ay mademoiselle! Don't you look more lovely than usual! And I thought the snow was the only thing lovely today!" He complimented her ever so dramatically as she chuckled at him.

"Thanks Rook"

"Grrr..." By instinct, Leona found himself growling in irritation, his hand clenched his sleeve as he heard her thanking that archer so sweetly. Ruggie noticed that, glancing at where the lion was looking and he couldn't help but smirked as he realizes what had ticked his friend off.

"Wow Leona. Didn't take you to be the jealous type when it comes to the prefect sheyheehee" the hyena teased him. The beast man scoffed. Then, his ears twitched at a crunch in the snow. He turned his head torward it, and saw a white rabbit walking through the snow.

'Perfect. Something to distract me from this'

He thought in his head, licking his mouth as he eyed his prey. He moved off the tree he was leaning on, and started making his way to it. The hyena wanted to ask him where he was going but decided that it didn't matter and assumed Leona needed to cool off somewhere. However, someone else took notice of it.

The little rabbit just continued trudging through the snow, unaware of the lion stalking it. His green eyes stayed on the small creature, every inch of his body twitching. "Just stay still for a moment" he quietly whispered, waiting for it to stop moving. Any hint of impatience can scare it off. It finally stopped moving, taking the time to clean its face.

"Perfect" he mumbled quietly as he crouched down, ready to pounce on it as his teeth was bared and he grinned predator like. But just before he can make the kill, something scooped up the little animal in their arms, and he glanced up, wondering who interfered in his hunt so he can rip them apart. He snarled at them but it stopped the moment he saw who it was.

Yuu stood in front of him, holding the rabbit protectively in her arms as they stared at eachother, she had noticed him getting jealous as usual and decided to follow him. When she found him hunting that poor bunny, she couldn't let him take his envy out on that little creature.

Leona didn't bare his teeth anymore but he did glare at her, his ears flats. "Give it to me" he told her coldly, his green eyes glowing with jealousy. She didn't respond to him. Only shook her head no.

His glare intensified and he walked over to her, snow crunching with each of his steps. Yuu stood her ground. The rabbit squirmed in her arms, getting nervous and she held it tightly. She feared letting it go would be a big mistake for it. Leona stopped in front of her where both can see the cold air coming from their breathing in the icy air.

"Give. It. To. Me" he told her slowly and angrily, growling as a way to warn her. She ran a hand down the bunny's ears to calm it down. But that action made him more jealous than before. He grabbed her arm to pull it away from the bunny but she pulled back. "No!" She protested as she fought back but he was stronger than her and the rabbit, startled, slipped out of her arms and made a dash for it.

Seeing his chance, he pounced on the rabbit, holding it down with his hands. "LEONA NO!" Her voice rung out loudly that his ears flatten at the volume. His back was facing torwards her so she couldn't see what he was doing to the animal.

"Leona look. Just because Rook complimented me doesn't mean that there's something between us. You know him. Always getting over, even with the most simplest things. Just like you getting angry over the smallest things" she explained to him, the last part irritated him as she heard him growl.

"Look you need to quit getting jealous so easily. In fact, that jealously is what gets you into trouble. I don't know why you're upset about Rook complimenting me. It's not like we're dating. It's not like I'm some precious gem" she explained annoyed, trying to look at where the bunny was. The lion stood there silently, not making a move.

"You are a precious gem"

His voice broke through the silence as he stood up. Yuu watched him carefully, suspense building within her about the rabbit. But she blushed a bit at what he said. The lion finally turned around to look at her...with the bunny safely tucked in his arms.

She smiled relieved to see it unharmed. It seemed to calm down a bit. Yuu went to pet it but hesitated as she looked up at him to see his reaction. It was calm and he nodded to her, letting know her it was ok.

She ran her hand on its ears down to its back. The bunny leaned to her touch as she smiled softly at it. Leona was watching her, and he did let out a small smile. He found this side of her precious, and warm. The prefect noticed his eyes on her, and she glanced up at him. Leona quickly dropped it, and glanced away. "Can I let it go now? I'm not serving as a herbivore's servant" he told her irritated, feeling strange with this.

Yuu chuckled at him, and nodded yes. Gently, he lowered the bunny down, letting it walk off. "Come on. Let's go back to the others" she said, bout to turn around but Leona grabbed her arm, and pulled her in a hug.

"L-Leona?" She asked him puzzled as he held her tightly. The lion buried his nose in her soft, furry coat, nuzzling her. "You look nice" he told her in her ear as he let her go, feeling if he still held on he lose himself. The lion walked off as she stared at him, blushing a bit.

"Oi herbivore! Move it" He called out to her and she followed him. Yuu then smiled softly, realizing that her new look must have gotten Leona all flustered around her. Not that she mind.

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