🎵A Song to Put the Lion Sleep (Mara/Leona)🦁🐆

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The lion's ears twitched at hearing a sound that entered his surroundings. He was asleep outside beneath a tree in his dorm, taking a cat nap when the peaceful silence was disturbed by a soft singing. Groaning in agitation as he mumbled about killing whoever was being noisy, he was about to storm away only to pause when he noticed something.

"Why does that sound familair?" He wondered, recognizing that voice. His ears tilted to the direction of that singing. Initially wanting to ignore it, curiosity won his desire to sleep more, and he started following the source to investigate.

As he followed the singing, it got louder and a little clearer. He could make out that it was female with a strong, deep voice with what sounded to be like an accent. His sharp green eyes spotted something moving above the golden blades of the grass. Getting closer, it was a spotted tail.

Leona froze in his spot, and his eyes grew wide. He knew who it was. That tail. The voice. He put two and two together and found the culprit behind this out of the blue singing. "No way." He gently whispered before a large grin showed in his face, now fully interested in confirming his suspicions.

Crouching down lower into the grass, he curiously approached closer just enough for him to get a better look. "Heh. I should've known." He told himself, smirking in amusement as he found the culprit behind the mysterious singing.

That spotted tail belonged to Mara. The cheetah was leaning against a tree, singing quietly as her tail moved slowly to reflect her calm mood. She was looking to the distance with a dazed smile written in her features, admiring the sun setting in their dorm.

She was unaware of the lion beastman watching her from within the grass since she was looking the opposite away. But she was beastman like him. Leona wasn't a fool. One misstep or crunch on the grass would get her to turn to his way quickly and spot him. The last thing Leona wanted was dealing with an angry king cheetah hot on his tail.

🎵"He lives in you. He lives in me. He watches above us. He lives in you."🎵

His ears rose up at how Mara would change the key and tone of her voice. He was always used to hearing her deep, strong voice. But he had no idea that that powerful voice would always nag him when he was lazing off or scold him for skipping classes could shift to a soft, soothing melody.

"Hey....I know that song. That's one of the old songs that our family would say. Scoff. So, Mara likes those old traditional songs, huh?" He scoffed, having to hate listening to old people songs that had no meaning to him except get stuck in his head and torture him.

Yet, there was something different from this song. He frowned, trying to understand why he didn't feel annoyed when hearing this song as he did before. Why did sound comforting to him? In a way, it was giving him assurance. He glanced back at the cheetah, who still kept her eyes closed and continued singing with a smile, gracing her face.

Leona stared at her face for a while. He hoped she would spot him to end this strange feeling he felt. But she was so lost in the song to pay attention to her surroundings. Quietly, the lion moved to the tree she was resting on and laid his back against it from the other way to avoid her sight.

He had initially planned to expose himself on purpose just to tease and mess with her like always. However, this time, he couldn't. He wanted to enjoy the song. Listen to it longer. Leona didn't understand what, but the song soothed him. It made him relax. It's almost like he could sleep to it.

Leaning his head against the bark of the tree, his ears tilted in the direction of Mara's voice. He wanted to hate it. Not her, but the song that his family would insist must be memorized as it was part of their history and all that nonsense. Tradition was something he always despised. It was too set in its ways and too stubborn to change.

'Why do I feel like I want to sleep?' He thought in his head as his eyelids felt heavy, and he started to feel dazed. 'Did the song change?' He wondered, finding it hard to make out the lyrics anymore as his vision went black. His body started to relax as sleep took over him.

Leona was so deep asleep that he did not hear the sound of grass crunching from someone standing up and ready to leave until they spotted him sleeping. The one that got him to sleep.

Mara's golden eyes widen to find Leona here. She wanted to say something. But seeing him so peacefully asleep made her think twice. Crouching down, she eyed his face. Her eyes wondered on his body to understand his current mood. If any hint of agitation showed, she would gladly make a run for it. She didn't fear, but she was no fool either.

Leona's face was calm. His breathing was soft and slow. Even the way he was curled into a ball was more loose. It was different from his lazier poses or any sleeping posture that showed he was annoyed and ready to snarl a warning at someone.

Mara couldn't help but smile softly at him. While they butt heads a lot, that didn't mean she never worried about him. Not wanting to disturb him, she quietly stepped away from him, and once at a good amount for distance, walked back to her dorm to let the lion sleep with her little secret that she had indirectly shared with.

A bit about Mara. She is a king cheetah beastwoman in savannaclaw dorm, and has a love hate relationship with Leona

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