👕🦁Leona's Shirt (Leona/Yuuma)

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Yuuma hummed in consideration, pulling on the shirt a little. Her eyes surveyed her reflection in the mirror at the oversized shirt that clearly was too big for her. She turned her body around, trying to view how the shirt fitted from different angles.

"I wonder if Leona even uses this mirror. I bet if it broke, he would've brushed it off." She commented, surveying the mirror. It was a circular shaped mirror with colorful designs on the rim. The prefect assumed must've been a gift from the prince's family.

Yuuma was doing laundry for Leona as a favor for Ruggie so that the hyena could go get some limited stuff at Mr S's shop. Somehow, when it comes to chores, the prefect and Leona's lackey get along more nicely than when they aren't doing chores. When she got to Leona's shirt, curiosity convinced her to try it on once she saw how loose the fabric felt.

Looking at the mirror, her reflection showed the shirt was really wide on her. With the way it went past her waist and down to her thighs, it looked looked like one of those large shirts you slept in. "Hmm. It's a bit big....wait!" She gasped at an idea that clicked in her head and immediately started tying the bottom part of the short into a knot.

Glancing back at her reflection, the shirt was now uneven, with the left side covering her waist, thanks to the knot, and the right side still dripping down. If Vil were here, he would've marched up to her and fixed the shirt, whichever, critiquing her harshly about her poor choice in clothes. Actually, it would've been more directed to the dorm's clothing style rather than her.

"Hm. That's kinda nice, actually. Wonder if they got any extra shirts." She wondered to herself, having fun with it as she tried different poses. Her smile dropped when she heard the door open and someone entered the room.

"Is that my shirt?"

Yuuma's heart fell down deeper, and her breathed hinged when the question came a familiar and deep voice. Reluctantly, she slowly turned around with a wide eye look and closed lip look, and it was the last person she wanted to catch her like this.

Leona's vibrant eyes surveyed the shirt, tilting his head curiously. He had just gotten back from class and came over to take a nap. Well, after he would chase the prefect off once, he learned that she was doing his laundry. But he definitely was expecting to walk in and find this.


Yuuma lied, twisting and fidgeting the fabric of the shirt nervously. The lion gave her the 'really?' look and walked up to her. "I'm sorry. I'll go take it off right now." She proceeded to apologize, glancing her eyes down in embarrassment. However, she suddenly felt him tug on the shirt's fit and eyeing the knot she made. "That's got to be the worst knot I have ever seen." He criticized, wearing an amused smile when he saw the annoyed look written on her face.

"Meh. I've heard harsher critiques from Vil on my fashion choice." She brought up, watching him circle her around as he surveyed the shirt. He never thought he would see her wearing one of his clothes. Not mention his scent on the shirt mixed with hers. It was strange, but kinda interesting at the same time.

"Hmm. Not bad."

Yuuma's eyes grew, and she lifted her head up to find an amusing smile on his face. "Huh?" She tilted her head, blinking to progress what she just heard. But before she could question him further, the prefect found the lion bringing her to the door and gently nudged her outside his room. "You can keep that. There should be some extras in the dorm. And remember..." she turned around with a puzzled look as he held that amusing look on his face. "It's our little secret." He reminded her before closing the door.

"He's so weird." She mumbled, shaking her head as she walked away from his dorm only to stop and realize that she had left her shirt in there. About to turn back, she shook her head no and decided to just Leona later to get her shirt back. "Well, at least I get to keep this hee hee. Hm. Maybe I should try the uniforms at the other dorms." She suggested to herself, thinking about which dorm to go to next to try a change in style.

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