Chapter 34

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Harper Bry

"Mommy, why isn't mommy pretty here yet?" That's the 7th? No, 8th? No.. argh! I don't know anymore. I lost count dahil kanina pa siya nagtatatanong niyan.

It's sunday now and it's already 12:30 in the afternoon.

That Mackenzie promised Brielle she'll go here today but I guess she forgot. I also tried calling her but she's can not be reached.

Damn her.

"Mommy! I want to see mommy pretty na po." I mentally facepalm when I see her crying already.

I went near her and hugged her. "Hey, baby. Stop crying na. Maybe she got busy today."

She shook her head. "No, mommy. She promised me po e." Arghhh! That Mackenzie!

I don't know what she fed to my daughter para magustuhan siya nito. Even Honey and Yuna ay nagsasawa na dahil sa twing nag kukwento si Brielle, kalahati sa kinukwento niya ay si Mackenzie.

I admit that Mackenzie is very nice and pretty. Wala kang hindi magugustohan sa kanya. I mean... Nung una. Because as time goes by, she's becoming talkative.

Seriously, I felt guilty on the first time we met on the restaurant since inakusahan ko siya, but honestly, as my eyes landed on her, she already tattooed on my mind. I was mesmerized by her beauty and I just don't know what to say that is why I suddenly asked Brielle such stupid question which made her pissed, I think.

The second time we met on the school, hindi ko alam kung magpapasalamat ba ako o maiinis because she doesn't seem to remember me until Brielle appeared. Well, even Brielle pala ay hindi niya maalala.

I got curious to why she's afraid of people but I respect her that is why I never ask her any questions that is related to her condition. I just stayed and see what can I do to make her calm.

I don't know also to why of all people, she was the one I called when Brielle got lost and ended up in the hospital because that silly lady did not tell me she has asthma and she ran almost the whole campus.

On our tour, I really blamed myself to why I left her on the restaurant. I totally forgot her conditions. Well, who wouldn't? You're student just confessed to you.

The moment I realized it, I went back immediately to the restaurant but she's not there anymore. I came back to our room thinking she's already there but none. She's not there yet.

I called Cortez for help and luckily, she found her.

The next day, I really never left her side anymore. I don't even know to why I got mad to her when she complimented those girls. Really? In front of me? She just confessed yet there she was, complimenting others in front of me.

Good thing Brielle was there.

I don't know what got into her mind para magustohan niya ako.

First, I already have a daughter. Second, I am her teacher, third, I'm a woman and so as she.

But I admit it, her presence is enough for me to calm and I totally got pissed when she ignored me! And soon enough, I just knew she's jealous. Even though she wouldn't say it directly, I know she was jealous and it makes me happy.

Am I weird?

"Mommy?" My daughter called me as she was wiping her tears. Aww, so cute.

"Yes, baby?"

"Do you know mommy pretty's house po?" Pahikbi hikbi pa siya.

"Huh? Why?" I asked her.

"Let's go po to their house. I really want to see mommy pretty po."

Her SaviorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon