Chapter 56

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I still can't believe that she's here na. Kailan pa siya nakabalik? Does her family knows that she's back? Bakit hindi nila sinabi?

"It's a good thing that you decided to accept my offer now, Miss Mackenzie. It's exam week, so you still have enough time to clean and organize your office. I'm sorry I couldn't able to clean it, especially since you called me last minute."

She nodded and then looked at her phone. Again. Who is she texting? Kanina pa yan. When the president introduced her to us it looks like she was not here because all she did was text someone I don't fucking know.

We heard the president chuckle which is very unusual for us because he doesn't laugh or smile at anyone. Even to his daughter. Tsk.

"I think Miss Mackenzie here is already bored. You really never change." He said. What does she mean?

"I've met her 3 years ago on London when I visited my former school there which was her school back then. She was so quiet and cold but so intelligent to outsmart me during their debate. She caught my attention so I asked her if once she graduated, I want her to teach here and it's a pleasure she accepted it."

I saw her rolled her eyes which is, again, hindi niya gawain noon.

Narinig ko ding suminghal ang katabi ko maybe because she saw her father smile and that's not because of her.

Should I say "deserve"? Cause honestly, there's nothing to be proud of her. I heard she just became a teacher because of her mother's help. She's not really that smart. Tsk. Why am I talking about her, by the way?

"Okay okay. Enough of the story. Miss Carlos, I want you to tour Miss Mackenzie on our school for her to famil--"

"What? I can't, dad. I'm busy" maarteng putol ng katabi ko sa daddy niya.

See? How can her father be proud of her kung ganyan siya. Tsk.

"Busy with what? Flirting and disturbing Miss Turner?" I don't know but I suddenly looked at London to see her reaction but to my dismay, she doesn't seem care.


"It's President, Miss Carlos. We're still at work." Malamig na tugon ng presidente sa kanya.

"It's okay, Sir. You don't have to worry about me. I already studied the map of this school when I searched it online. All I need now is to see my office." She suddenly spoke with her cold voice. Really? What happened?

The president sigh and threw a death glare to his daughter na ngayo'y parang walang nangyari. Afterwards, he looked at me.

"Miss Turner, would you mind if you guide Miss Mackenzie to her office? It was the office beside yours. The vacant one."

I can feel my heart beat so fast and loud that even a drum won't win against it. I just saw my self nodding to him.

"Can I go with you?"

"No! I mean... I t-thought you're busy?" Damn this woman. Epal. Tsk.

"Well, I won't basta kasama ka." I rolled my eyes after hearing her answer.

When I saw London stood up ay kusa rin akong napatayo kaya napatingin ito sa akin. 

Damn, self. Calm down.

I maintained my posture as I am waiting for her.

"By the way, Sir, as much as I want to stay here today for a little longer, I would like to go home after I saw my office. I just arrived this morning and went straight here. Also, there is someone waiting for me in my car." Paalam niya.

Her SaviorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon