𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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"you should be a good example for your younger siblings

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"you should be a good example for your younger siblings. i didn't raise you to go out till night time, with a school uniform." you secretly roll your eyes at it.

"i did message you that i'll be home late."

"really? that's on me then. but don't do it again, even though you told me from the start but i won't let out for more than 4 hours. i'll let this slide for now."

you nod and sigh taking off your shoes and socks.

"but the next time you do it again, you won't like what happen."

'was that suppose to scare me?'

you don't know what your mother is capable of. who knows what might she do if you rebel once again.

you walk toward your room and place your bag on the bed, taking off your black cardigan and hang it on the hanger.

you throw yourself on the bed, sighing loudly.

kanade's word kept on repeating in your mind.

"i like you a lot."

you smack your forehead hard, which cause you to wince for hitting too hard.

'like what? as a friend or...' you shook your head and hold your face, which is hotter than usual.

frowning lightly, you sigh again for a dozen times in a day. it kind of hurt you that she dismiss what she said as an accident.

'i like you... kanade...'


"you accidently said you like her?"


"how did it went after that?"

"it went perfectly well because i dismissed it as something i accidently blurted out. but..."

"she look hurt..."

it was silent for a moment.

"k, do you like her, i mean not as a friend?"

'do i like her?'

"i enjoy her company a lot, my hear beats fast when she look at me..."

she clutch her shirt where her heart is, feeling them thumping fast when she think of you, smiling slightly.

"thinking about her makes me... happy..."

"i think i like her... not as a friend..."

she heard a series of sigh.

"k, why don't you go for it? confess to her. a chance you're getting rejected is not zero, but you'll most likely to be accepted as her girlfriend.

"how do i confess?"



this is bad, you thought.

you're unable to sleep at all. its 2 am and tomorrow morning you should wake up and go to school.

you can't sleep, because of that sudden confession that she dismissed before, without giving you any more explanation.

'i like you too...'

you close your eyes tightly and try to sleep, which somehow you succeed.

morning comes by fast, you almost had no sleep. but hey, its better than no sleep at all.

you wore your black school cardigan and go downstairs, immediatly greeted by your mother who was looking at your expression weirdly.

"you look sleep deprived."

'damn right i am.' you shook your head and grab the milk, immediatly chugging the whole thing down as you went over the sink to splash some water to your face, in order to get rid of the sleepiness.

"im going now..." you yawn loudly and get out of the house, tiredly walking around the neighborhood until you reach school.




"hm." you only hum and went to your seat, putting your head on the table.

both ichika and saki look at each other as they get beside you, taking a look at your gray eyebags.

"that look so bad. you couldn't sleep last night?"


"what makes you sleep so late? you're not watching youtube right?"

you shook your head and close your eyes.

"someone accidently confessed to me and i can't kept thinking about it- eh-"

"eh?! who?! who confessed to you?!"

your head shot up as you wave your hand in front of them, smiling nervously.

"it was something they blurted out so sudden... but i don't know why do i kept thinking about it..." you hold your forehead and sigh, the memory of the white haired teen who's smiling as she said that to you keep playing on your head.

the two look at each other and nod.

"n/n-chan, you like them that's why you kept thinking about it." ichika nod in agreement as you sigh again.

"yes i like her..."

"its a girl!" saki start cheering as she jump up and down happily.

"s-shush! don't say that out loud! and... im not confident that she'll like me back..." they quiet down as ichika mutter a sorry.

"yes its a girl... i don't know what to do now... how do i confess to her..."

"we'll help you."


'love... i've experienced that once on primary school. i used to like a boy. i was so naive that i confess to him, which he turn it down immediatly. it didn't really hurt because we still play together that time. then i close myself from getting too comfortable around people, and found out a different side of love. not that im complaining. but,'

'man... girls are cuter.'



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