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"n/n-chan! good morning!"

turning your head to the voice, you brace yourself on the incoming impact of the blonde's tight hug.

"saki let go. she's not your cuddly teddy bear." the gray haired said and pull her away from you, which you thank her at.

ichika can only smile nervously on the side, watching shiho pinching saki's cheeks as she begs her to stop.

"good morning, y/n-chan!" honami greeted, sending you her usual heartwarming smile.

"morning, honami." you greet back, flashing her your small smile which she happily took it as something good.

"oh right, n/n-chan did it succeed? you know what im talking about, right icchan?" saki wiggle her eyebrows after she freed herself from shiho. ichika respond with a nod, also curious how it turned out.

"it went really well than i expected." you look down while smiling, saki squealing in the background with two clueless girls.

"am i missing something here- where did you get this keychain from? they look so cute." honami grab the earphone keychain from your sling bag, turning toward you.

"its from-"

"her girlfriend! they went on a date and exchange keychains they bought- umphfmm-" both ichika and you cover the blonde's mouth from telling them all to the two.

"saki, privacy..!"

"sorry n/n-chan!"

"girlfriend? you didn't told us about it,

"you don't?"

you shook your head, "sorry. i was just... excited that i forgot to tell to the two of you." its not that you forgot, but you're scared of what their reaction would be.

some things are better to be kept as a secret after all.

"who is it? does she came from our school?"

"slow down with the questions, honami... anyways, good for you, y/n. i hope the two of you can last forever."

but from their reaction right now,

"thank you, shiho."

shiho isn't actually that bad, you thought.

"and to answer your questions, no she's not from our school. and i think you know who the person is, since she always mentions about her house cleaner that always come and cook for her."

she think for a moment, her eye widening when she realized who.

"y-you mean yoisaki?!"

you motion her to quiet down and nod with a blush on your face.

"really? it was really unexpected... im so happy for you!"

'they sure are great to be around with.' the reason why you felt lonely even though you're in the friend group. is because you rarely talk about yourself to them, never wanted to include yourself in their conversations.

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