𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧

762 28 4

warning// slight nudity

kanade and you are aged up, just for this special chapter


taking the role of doing the house chores is a pain. but for kanade, you'll do it wholeheartedly since you're the only one filled with energy more than her in the house.

she's still the girl, or woman now, who spends most of the time in the house more than outside after all.

you pant, smiling proudly at yourself after you cleaned the whole house.



you turn back and smile widely, your fatigue slowly dissapearing.

"kanade. you're awake."

there stood the woman you love in the doorway that leads to the bedroom. her sleepy look still visible on her face, smiling softly at you.

kanade approach you and look around the house.

"you woke up early to clean the house?"

nodding, you hug her tight and lift her up, carrying her to the couch as she sit on your lap.

'she's really cute when she just woke up.'

kanade places her hand on your shoulders, seeing your sweaty look somehow made her feel guilty.

"mhh... i feel bad for making you do all the house works... maybe i should build my stamina too so i can help-"

"you don't have to. im doing it for the sake of us too, to have a comfortable life."

she look down.


"you're thinking on how to repay me?"

she nod.

"being with you everyday makes me happy already. you don't have to think about it."

you pull her close to you, not to close till she can smell your sweats, "sorry if i smell... i was sweating a lot." kanade shook her head and hug you tight.

"hey y/n..." you hum as she pull away from the hug, her hands are now placed right above your chest, catching you off guard.

"what is it, love?"

she blush at the nickname, swallowing her shyness at what she wanted to say.

"i want to try something with you..."

"and that is?"

its not what you thought right?

"w-we've been cuddling and kissing to sleep, i want to try something new... like..."

you try to hide the blush that is crepting up to your cheek. you definitely know what she wanted to try, but is too nervous to say them to you.

"like how married couples did when they're on honeymoon... at the first night..." with a low voice and shy look, she said that to you.

you lose your cool, face going incredibly red as you start stammering before you gather yourself back.

"o-oh. you mean... t-that?"

kanade nod slowly, her face going red, almost resembling a tomato.

"are you sure about it though? its not like i don't want to do it with you, but..."

"they said it hurts for the first time."

she nod again, acknowledging the fact.

"but they also said... it'll feel good..." she continue.

'jeez...' you were shocked that she actually wants to do it with you.

"its fine if you don't want to..."

you shook your head and carry her like a sack, slinging her over your shoulder.


you slam the bedroom door close, locking them before you throw her down on the bed softly, lips trembling nervously.

"let's do it."

you utter the word, sitting her down on your lap again, then you smash your lips to her.

kanade immediatly grew weak by your passionate kiss, tightly gripping on your shirt. your tounge and hers battle each other, which is obvious that you're winning.

you shortly pull away. her body fell down to the bed, panting harshly. you smirk lightly and hover on top of her, smooching and biting her cheek lightly.

'only i can make her like this...'

"you're panting hard."

"sorry... im just not used at how long the kiss were..."

"if you're not used to it, then im not sure if you can hold something more than that." you chuckle, taking off her blue tracksuit.

even after a few years, the blue tracksuit is still her favourite.

your hand snake downward below her black shirt she's wearing, patting her stomach.



you bite her neck, leaving dark hickeys on her skin.

"i love you." you mutter the word repeatedly to her ear as she squirm, burying her face on your shoulder.

"just get onto it y/n..."

you smirk when you succeed on making her impatient, "alright alright."

sliding down her shorts and panties, your fingers brushed pass on her sacred area. kanade groans softly and hide her mouth on the crook of your neck. she saw your necklace where you put your marriage ring with.

"can i start now?" you ask, poking on her groin area.

"be gentle... its my first time..."

your free hand intertwined with her right one where she wore her ring at, trying to ease her nervousness.

kanade bite your neck while closing her eyes when she felt one of your fingers get inside her.

"i will."


sorry for ending it here LOLBCX tbh im embarrased to write this kind of thing augh i'll leave the rest to your imaginations

thanks for the 100 votes in this book :DDD

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