House Differences: Sirius X Reader

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Your information-

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: During and after Hogwarts/ No Voldemort

Warnings: Bully James, slight swearing,

Posted on: 07/21/2022

12 Grimmauld place was a hell hole for Sirius Black. It always has been and most likely always will be. With that said, his only escape as a child was going to his best friend's house, Y/n L/n a fellow pureblood who his parents loved dearly. Luckily She lived right next door to him so he was always over there instead of his own house.

11 Grimmauld Place was paradise for Y/n L/n. It always was and most likely always will be. Y/n got anything and everything she wanted. Could have her friends over whenever and never really had any responsibilities. Her best friend Sirius who happened to live right next door was over constantly and her parents didn't mind because they were never home to care. Y/n had the home to herself six days out of the week and on the seventh day, she could still have friends over if she asked. She mostly had Sirius over as he was the easiest to get there. Besides, the two Purebloods were super close and had a friendship that could never break no matter what. That is until they went to Hogwarts, and the sorting hat had other plans.

-Y/n POV-

I enter the platform with all my stuff and search for a certain head of hair. I finally spot it and rush over excited to see my best friend.

"SIRI!" I yell hugging the boy excitedly.

"Hey n/n!" He says happily hugging back. "You act like we didn't see each other this morning before we left," He says chuckling as we separate.

"I know we did but an hour and twenty-three minutes is a long time to be away from your best friend," I say dramatically.

"Such a drama queen," He says and I laugh.

"Not the only one either!" I pipe up as we climb onto the train.

"I know, I know," He says rolling his eyes as we take a seat in a compartment and talk more. Soon some other boys join us and we learn their names are Remus Lupin, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew. We all get to know each other and get along quite well.

Once the train stops and we make our way into Hogwarts sorting begins shortly thereafter. Sirius was first out of us to be sorted and he got Gryffindor. I'm not surprised at all, I mean he's been a rebellious pureblood forever. Next Up was Remus and he joined Sirus along with James and Peter. Finally, it was my turn, I took a deep breath and walked up to the sorting hat stool taking a seat. The hat talked to only me saying

"You're difficult, Very difficult. Hm, You're cunning. Ah yes, and a nice thirst to prove yourself. It's all here in your head. Better be," then very loudly it says "Slytherin!" The Slytherin table erupts into happiness and I can feel the color in my face drain. My eyes Immediately shoot over to Sirius whose eyes look as if I just stuck a knife into his back five times over. I stand up and walk over to the Slytherin table and sit since I know most of the Pureblood families already I just lay my head down and ignore everyone. Once we were able to leave I make a b-line to Sirius and the other boys.

"Sirius!" I call out walking after him and the boys but I get no response. "Sirius" I call again thinking he didn't hear me. I catch up to him and pull on his shoulder "Sirius I know you hear me why are you ignoring me?" I ask trying to keep my voice steady and in check. Sirius stays standing forward and says nothing.

"He doesn't want to associate with a disgusting Slytherin so consider your friendship over L/n," James says and I look at James then at Sirius.

"Siri he's wrong, tell him he's wrong," I say my voice is quivering slightly.

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