Chapter 26-He's Not So Bad

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So, I've been writing this story for a little over a year. You guys have given me almost 70,000 reads and that's amazing. I never thought I'd ever get that on here and you guys did that for me, so thank you:). I wanted to say that not only is how far I've gotten on here amazing, but so are all of you. I don't know if you guys would read a sequel, but I'm considering it. I love you all<3.

Chapter 26

            I had spent the entire afternoon with Noah, and I was surprised to actually have had fun with him. I'd had a nice time, better than lately. Now, he was driving me home and my thoughts were processing everything. I reached over to turn the radio up a bit, looking out the window. It was around eight, which is the latest I've ever gotten home. I didn't care how mad my dad would get at me, or the questions Alex and Matt would ask.

              I had fun for once in a quite a while, and I wanted to enjoy it. Noah pulled up in the driveway of my house. I could see the kitchen light and my brothers' bedroom light on. I heard Noah take a deep breath.

              I looked up, knowing he would say something. I beat him to it.

            "Thank you," I said just as he opened his mouth to say something. "I had a nice time, even though we didn't do much," I gave him a small, but real smile. The corner of his lips twitched up.

            "It was my pleasure. You haven't had the best sophmore year," He said. it was as if he had felt bad.

              "No offense, but I didn't exactly have the best freshman year either," I was able to laugh a bit. He frowned just an inch and looked down. I bit my lip.

            "I didn't-" He cut me off and shook his head. He looked back up at me.

              "Don't worry about it. I was jerk to you your whole life," He sighed.

                I furrowed my eyebrows, deep in thought. "When I saw you with all those girls," I started. His eyes dimmed a bit, an upsetting dimming though. He nodded, gesturing for me to go on.

              "You weren't really...nice. You just made it seem like you were into them," I said slowly.

             He looked down again, but continued listening to me. "But, you aren't like that around me. Yeah, you used to be mean to me, but now, you're nice. You take whatever I want into consideration," I finished, waiting to see what he'd say about it.

              He looked up at me again. "I told you, Ariana. You're different. I don't want you hurt," He answered.

               I bit my lip. "Why me?" I asked him.

               He shook his head as if he didn't know the answer to it himself. "There's something about you. It made me keep my distance and once I realized it, I didn't want to anymore. I don't know if it's because you're the only one that see's past who I am at school," He shrugged.

             "Mai used to," I pointed out quietly. He looked up with apologetic eyes. Mai was a soft topic, and he knew it, but I wasn't letting her control anything anymore. Not in my life anyways.

              "Then it's something else, but whatever it is," He shook his head. "Today, when we sat in the car at the beach," He changed the topic, or so I thought. "Seeing you smile like that when we were just talking," he continued.

               "Right now, you're fragile. And I don't want to be the one to break you completely," He said softly. "So our talk earlier, I'll give you the answer for you. No," He whispered the last part.

                I furrowed my eyebrows. "What does that have to do with anything?" I asked him softly.

           He took a deep breath. "I don't know if I can stop and just focus on one person right now," He said. I could tell he wished it was different.

               "And I don't want to be the one to bring you down again."

               I nodded. Just by telling me now, he wasn't trying to hurt me. I could see that. "Thank you," I said quietly.

                  He looked up at me. "I hope one day I can, and one day you'll give me a chance, but I want to know that I won't hurt you," He said, brushing my hair out of my face.

                  I gave him an assuring smile. "Noah, you've made up for all those years of torment," I told him. "And I'm glad you told me this, because you were putting what would happen to me first. You thought about it," I said. He gave me a small smile.

            "It seems I've been doing that lately," He chuckled quietly. I smiled.

             "I never said it was a bad thing," I said.

               His hand moved up to my cheek and he let his thumb graze my skin a little bit. I bit my lip as he took a deep breath.

                    "I'll see you tomorrow at school," He said, moving his hand back. I smiled a bit and leaned over, kissing his cheek.

                 "Thank you," I said one last time before getting out of the car.

                  He waited until I walked inside for him to pull out of the driveway. I walked inside, being bombarded by Matt, Alex, and Austin almost immediatley.

             "Were you with Noah?" "You scared me when you didn't come home after school!" "What'd he do to you?" "Are you alright?" "Where were you?"

               I took a deep breath and pushed throught them all. "I'm fine, I'm sorry, and yes, I was with Noah," I said, setting my book bag down on the floor.

               I walked into the livingroom but immediatley turned around. My dad and Mai's mom, Aimee, were sitting on the couch watching a movie.

              I took a deep breath, looking up at the three boys. "If you'd like to interrogate me, that's great, but it's been a long day and I'd rather you let me sleep for twelve hours," I told them, running a hand through my hair.

              Austin bit his lip. "I need to talk to you about them," he nodded to the living room. I looked at Alex and Matt.

               "We'll see you at school, Ana," Alex said. He gave me a quick hug and Matt gave me a small smile before they walked out fo the door.

                Austin sighed. "They're moving in," He said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

               "Who?" I asked.

                "Aimee, Mai, and Chris," He told me. I frowned. Chris was Mai's twin brother.

                   "Why?" I asked.

           "Because they're getting married, and dad wants them too," He said.

I took a deep breath. I could just avoid her, right?

              "Dad's going to talk to us about it in the morning," I nodded.

               And I was out for the night. I headed up the stairs and to my room. I changed and fell into my bed, falling asleep straight away.

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