Alex and Mai

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               I want to say thanks to the people who commented because ALL the comments meant a lot. Whether they were good or bad I appreciate them! And also I have chapters 3-9 written but Im not going to upload them all at once so. Thanks for reading!


                 "Morning, Ariana." Mr. Daniel greeted me in the cafe. I smiled back at him, waving. I never smiled and showed my teeth. I hated everyone seeing my braces, they already have to see my glasses. Mr.Daniel knew my mother and father well, which in some terms was a good thing. I got some pretty decent discounts on food and drinks.

                I looked over in the corner and sure enough, Alex was there. "Alex!" I screamed, running over to him. He looked surprised to see me there, mostly because I never got up this early EVER.

                "Ana?" he squinted, checking his eye sight. I laughed at him. I sat down across from him.

                 "Why are you up so early?" he asked slowly. Alex was supposedly popular. Well...not supposedly. He was DEFINETELY popular. It was even proven by his friendship with Austin and Noah.

                 "What? Your not important enough to visit? Fine, Ill go back to bed then." I told him, starting to get up from the chair. He laughed, grabbing my arm.

                  "No, no! Ana, dont leave! I want you to stay. You just never get up this early. So seriously. Why?" I sat back down in the chair, sitting my bag on the table. I just shrugged.

                  "Austin was way to excited for school. So he just had to wake up poor ole' Ariana." I fake-pouted and whiped my finger down my cheek as if it were a tear. Alex chuckled and went back to looking at the comic he was reading.



                "Do you think Ill ever be...pretty?" I asked him quietly. I was ashamed of what I looked like. I really was. I hated my braces and my glasses as if they were both the devil. Alex immediately looked up from the magazine.

               "Ana, your pretty, now! Trust me." he told me seriously. I sighed and just stared at him as he read. Alex had longish brown hair and blue eyes. He was one of the most 'wanted' guys in the tenth grade. But he refused to be a player.

                 "Alex. Im serious. If I get my braces off and get contacts I want to know if Ill look an better."

                   "Ana, you-" I cut him off.

                  "Dont say what you just said! My mom set up an orthodontist appointment for Saturday. I might be able to get my braces off. And if I do I want to get contacts." I told him honestly. He sighed, putting his comic book down on the table.

                   "Fine. Ana you will look much better without braces and glasses."

                   "You jerk! Thats so mean!"

                    "What am I supposed to say? If I say your fine now you get mad at me. If I say you'll be better, you get mad at me!" he whined. I rolled my eyes at his comments. That was so not true! Was it? No of course not! Am I seriously arguing with myself right now?

                    "Fine, Ill just ask Mai for advice then." I said, gesturing to the house across the street. Mai was my other best friend. She was one of the prettiest girls in tenth grade, and the nicest.

                     "Ana!" Alex whined. He knew when I said Id talk to Mai about it instead I meant Ill complain about you to her and THEN ask her advice.

                      I just laughed at him. This was the first time Id noticed Alex actually looked kind of...good in his uniform. I saw Mai come out of her house and walk across the street to us.

                      "Woah! This CANNOT be happening! Is it... Huh! Gasp! Its... Ariana James! Up before noon!" Mai joked. Alex and I chuckled at the look on her face. She took a seat between the two of us.

                      "Ha. Ha." I made a face at her. She just smiled, showing her perfectly straight, shiny white teeth. Mai was half Japanese and half Dutch and in LOVE with Anime and Manga. You couldnt be more in love with it then Mai.

                   "Okay so guess what happened last night on Bleach!" she got super excited and hyper all of the sudden. Alex and I shared a look.

                  "We dont wanna know." ALex and I said, laughing, in unison. Mai looked disappointed and Is tarted feeling bad.

                  "Sorry, Mai. Ana and I...just arent as into it as you. Tell you what, send it to us in an email tonight and we promise to read it!"

                Mai nodded happily, checking her phone.

               "Well guys, our hell hole awaits." she stood up. An hour has passed already? Ugh! Time was So not on our side! All three of us stood up and walked out of the Cafe together. The school was just around the corner, hip-hip-hooray! Not.

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