Chapter 21-Because That Wasnt Enough

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Yeah, I uploaded :D. Thanks for , ya know, sticking around if you did. I've been super busy with school and homework and never take honors in high school because your English teacher will despise you.  At least mine does. But I will TRY to upload ASAP. And no matter WHAT. I WILL finish this story, so if I take a few months. Ill still upload. I just need to get the time to write the whole chapter:) Thanks again everyone!

Chapter 21-

I yawned as I sat up in my bed. I ran I hand through my hair, though it barely got completely through because of the knotts. I had to have been tossing and turning all night for it to have done that. I sighed, standing up. It's been about four days since we got to our parents beach house, which meant only four days left until we had tog o back to school.

I walked to my closet, grabbing a black t-shirt, jean shorts, and black converse. I put them on quickly, walking to the bathroom to comb out the knotts that were my hair. Everyone that had been invited was out at the beach, I noted as I looked out my window. I could see Macy and her clones laying in the sand, waiting for guys to hit on them. I rolled my eyes at that.

It was the fact that I saw Mai doing the exact same thing that surprised me. She'd always talked about how the things Macy did were stupid, but there she was, a miniature Macy in the making. I shook my head.

I heard a knock on my door, turning around to see it slowly opening. Noah stood in the doorway, his hands stuffed in his pockets. I raised my eyebrows. Noah and I hadnt talked in a few days. I was surprised that he was on my side and not Macy's, though he was probably only here because of Austin.

"I need to talk to you," Noah told me, closing the door behind him. It wasnt a sarcastic tone, it wasnt a joking tone, it was a completely serious tone. I sat on my bed, looking up at him.

"About?" I asked, sliding from the bed to the floor so that my back was leaning against the bed. I tucked one of my feet under my other leg, pulling that leg up to my chest and wrapping my arms around it.

"I know I've made fun of you since your brother and I became friends," He started, sitting next to me, kis arms wrapped around his knees.

I shrugged. "It's a brothers best friend hates you thing," I tried, trying to act like some of the things he'd said hadnt hurt me. He rolled his eyes.

"I shouldnt have been so mean to you," He told me.

"Since when does this matter?" I asked, my chin resting on my knee.

He looked at me for a moment before answering. "Since everyone in the school started to hate you besides Austin, Matt, Alex and I," He said quietly. I looked down at the ground.

"Thought making fun of me was a sign you hated me," I said. He shook his head immediatley.

"You were just...that girl that everyone wanted to make fun of. With the glasses and braces," He told me, gesturing to my glasses, which Id exchanged for my contacts for a day now.

"So you made fun of me to fit in?" I asked him, annoyed. He sighed, but nodded. I rolled my eyes. I ahd no idea why he decided to tell me this. Was it really helping me? No.

"I'm sorry. I can see everything is messed up for you now," He told me. I shook my head. "But people making fun of me all my Jr. High life had nothing to do with it, Noah!" I said.

"The only reason everyone hates me is because my dad decided to cheat on my mom with my best friends mom!" I sighed in frustration.

Noah bit his lip as if he wasnt telling me something. I stared at him for a moment. "What?" I asked with a sigh. He looked up.

"Since the only people that talk to you anymore happen to be guys, they're calling you-" I stopped him.

I looked down, standing up. "I got it," I said quietly. I walked tot he door, opening it and gesturing for him to go.

"Thanks for the talk," I added.

Noah stood up. "Ariana, I know I was mean to you, like I said earlier, but I can be a good guy to," He told me, standing in front of me.

"Ill show you that," He simply nodded.

"That's a promise," he said as he left, walking down the hall.

I walked back to the window to see Macy smirked up at me. I glared at her, but all she did was simply turn away and whisper something to Mai. I closed the blinds, not feeling up to seeing everyone having fun anymore. I walked to the door, opening it and walking out to go downstairs.

I felt something touch my sides and jumped to see Alex. I rolled my eyes, but managed a smile. I playfully pushed him.

"Not cool, Alex," I chuckled as we walked down the stairs, Alex only a step behind me.

"How's my baby sister?" Austin ruffled my hair as we walked into the kitchen. I glared and fixed my hair again.

"She's fine for someone who's hated throughout the school," I said. Austin gave me a reassuring smile.

"I promise-"

"I know, thinks are going to get better," I finished with a weak smile.

"I knew there was a reason you looked like a nerd," Noah walked in with a teasing smile. I could tell he really wasnt trying to be mean by this one.

"You can memorize things in a flash, huh? He must of said that like once," He leaned against the counter with Austin, giving me an assuring smile.

"Ha Ha, very funny," I mocked. Matt came in and sat down beside me while Alex was on the other side. I looked down, then looked back up at Austin, biting my lip.

"Do you Mai will ever want to friends again?" I asked. All I saw was Austin frown and the others look ed down.

The question shocked them all. Austin sighed.

"Ariana, I have to tell you something," He said, walking out of the kitchen to face me. I raised my eyebrows.

"Dad and Mai's mom are getting married."

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