Chapter 29- End of Winter Break

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Chapter 29

      It was the end of winter break, and I honestly didn't want it to end. It had been great, one of the best for me actually. Noah was really trying with me, he didn't want me to be one of those other girls.

      Mai and I still weren't better, though she had moved into my room. We ignored each other, while we both found out the unoccupied room in our house was going to be used as a nursery, for our upcoming baby sibling.

      Christmas was nice. It wasn't like the past years, but somehow Austin and I were perfectly fine with it. He and Chris actually got along quite well, and I was envious that Mai and I couldn't be like that.

       Since it was the end of Winter Break, that made three weeks for Noah an I. When the girls at school first noticed, they made rumors. Of course, mostly only saying that I was just another girl he was playing. After they realized I wasn't, they were rude and envious at the same time.

       I tried my best to ignore them, and Noah always told me to. Austin, Alex, and Matt were actually pretty okay with Noah and I, and it made me happier. I had my best friends, and brothers, approval.

       Now, on our last day off, I sat on Noah's couch. It wasn't expensive and stiff like must of our furniture. It was comfortable, and I found their were more than enough perks of being middle class, and not like my parents.

        I laid my head in Noah's lap, my legs hanging off the arm of the sofa. He smiled down at me and I smiled back, throwing a piece of popcorn up at him. The lights were off, and we had decided on the Jurassic Park movies, which I oddly loved.

       He chuckled as the popcorn bounced off his face before bending down and kissing me softly. I smiled and kissed him back easily. It had become normal, and I honestly didn't mind.

       " Hey, hey, hey," His mom walked in, causing us to pull away. She didn't want him to hurt me jsut as much as Austin, so when she saw us she would check up.

         "It's all good," Noah raised his hands in surrender. He continued to smile at me as I laughed a bit and sat up. Noah wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder, earning his moms approval.

     The doorbell rang and his mom opened the door. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw Mai, and even more when she was looking at me, tears streaming down her face. She wiped them away quickly as I stood up, walking to the door.

      Noah's mom glanced at us for a moment before leaving us to talk.

          "Hey," She murmured, sadness in her voice. I glanced behind me at the concerned looking Noah. I gave him a small, assuring smile before closing the door behind me.

          "What's wrong?" I asked her.

        "Uhm," She began. "I know I've been a complete bitch to you, and you didn't deserve it. Macy and her little clique were never my friends, and I knew that. It's just, my dad told Chris and I that something was wrong," She said. Her voice was cracking a bit, and I wished I knew a way to help her.

      She was right. She had been a bitch to me, but I wouldn't turn down someone when they were like this. Especially someone that I knew well. I nodded, telling her to keep going.

         "He's dying, Ariana. He's the last person in our family that wasn't completely screwed up and he's dying," She said, tears falling again. I furrowed my eyebrows, sadly.

       "And I know I don't deserve it, but I really need someone right now," That was what broke her down into tears.

       I wrapped my arms around her in a hug. "It's gonna be okay," I whispered ot her in a friendly voice. I let her cry into my shoulder for a bit until she looked up at me and wiped her eyes.

        "I'm so sorry, Ariana. I didn't want my life to change. I didn't want things to be ruined and I screwed things up between us in the process of trying not to get hurt," She told me. "If you don't forg-" I cut her off.

        I smiled a bit at her. "I forgive you. It was a rough few months, and we're going to be step sisters," I told her. "Best friends will fight sometimes," I said. She smiled and hugged me.

         I heard the door behind us open and I looked to see Noah walk out. He smiled at me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Everything alright?" He asked.

        I shared a glance with Mai and we both nodded. Noah kissed my cheek and Mai smiled. Everything was finally okay. I had someone that cared about. I had both of my original best friends back, and I even had a feeling that home would be alright as well.

        Now if I can just get past the other half of sophmore year, and, well, the rest of high school.


That's the end guys. This is the first story I have EVER finished on my own, and you all probably hate me. I wasn't originally going to make Noah and Arianna end up together, but it just fit. I'm still unsure if I should do a sequel. PLEASE COMMENT if I should. Thank you all so much for this. You guys got me so far and I love you all<3- SkyeStyles

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