Chapter 8- Saturday

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Hehe! I uploaded!! I think this is a decent length. Chapter 9 is longer than any so far!!! Lets try to get to 850 reads this time!!!!!! Thanks everyone! Hope you like it!

Chapter 8

           Today was finally Saturday. Yes, thats right. The day I get to see if my braces go bye-bye. And the day I possibly might be getting my glasses off to. We, my mom, Mai, and I, walked into the orthodontists office and I was taken straight to the back.

              "Good Morning, Ariana. How are you today?" Mr.Greene, the orthodontist, asked me as he laid me back onto the chair.

                 "Im good." I told him, extremely anxious. He nodded, and started looking through my teeth. I heard 'hmms' and 'mhms' as his instruments made clicking noises against my teeth and braces.

                   "Well, Ariana. YOu can take them off. So if you'll just stay still." he told me. I wanted to jump up and down and shout in Noah's face saying: HA! Im better now! But of course, he wasnt here. It took about thirty minutes for Mr.Greene to take the braces off, and when he did my mouth felt completely different.

                      I walked into the waiting room where my my mom and Mai were. "Well?" My mother asked in a tone that said: You-better-have-gotten-them-off. And to answer her question I smiled a big ole' braceless smile. Which made her smile a coldish smile in return.

                     Ten minutes later and we were at the eye doctor. The one last thing I need off. And tonight and tomorrow Mai and Alex were spending the night. And this would be the first time Alex saw me without my braces and glasses since I was four, when my teeth were terrible.

                     We walked into the perfectly white office, and the lady at the desk told us to wait. I sat down in the dark red, uncomfortable chair that sat next to a table full of toys.

              "Mrs..." A doctor came out looking at the waiting room. It was then that I noticed we were the only ones there.

                "James." he smiled as I stood up and followed him to the back.

                  "So I understand you want contacts, correct?"

                   "Yes? Am I able to get them?" He nodded and I almost jumped in joy.

                      "Follow me." He walked into his office which had rows of different glasses and contacts behind him. He motioned for me to give him my glasses, so I did. He matched the size of my glasses with the contacts and that was about it.

                       "Go to the restroom down the hall and try putting them in. Ill go talk to you mom about buying that pair." I nodded, hurrying down the hall excited to see myself completely perfected out of the instruments that gave everyone the privelege to mock me for the past six years. I slowly held my eye open, slipping the contact in and moving it around to the right spot. I did the same thing with the other eye and then I looked in the mirror.

                       I smiled showing my teeth. I felt so much better. My redish brown hair went down to a little past my shoulders and I had big brown eyes that you could see plainly, and there werent any glasses covering them.

                      "Well, Noah, you better be prepared. Because Im done with you mocking me." I mumbled to myself, exiting the restroom and finding my way to the waiting room.

                        "All paid for." My mom told me, smiling that I was now a true part of our so called 'perfect' family. Ten minutes later we were back home and Mai I sneaked up stair, sure not to let Noah and Austin see me.

                          "When's Alex coming?" Mai asked, picking up a notebook that laid on my desk. Speaking of, the play I wrote is going to be the winter play! It was about two siblings who found out they werent from this world. Someone kills their parents and they have to find a way to bring them back while being normal teenagers in a normal school. And of course they have a side kick that someone falls in love with.

                          "When's Alex coming where?" Alex jumped through my window asking. i just rolled my eyes at him. Mai sat down on the desk, while Alex jumped on the sofa. He looked over at me realizing the glasses werent there.

                        "Ana.." he spoke breathlessly. I smiled making him gasp. Just Alex being surprised made me excited to see all the reactions I would get from my school mates.

                       "Thats my name, dont wear it out." We all started laughing.

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