Little me time

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Hey! Welcome to the second story of my avm series! This one is the second part that comes directly after "Acts of Redemption" so if you didn't read that one I ask you to give it a read so you don't get lost!

Also tw for this story: swearing, mild violence and way too many sex innuendos and jokes.


Staring up at the ceiling stopped being entertaining after a hour or so.

Purple sighed quietly, rolling off his bed and walking out of the bedroom.

The day was very quiet, which was kinda odd for Alanspc.

It's been just three weeks since Purple had moved in, and living with the other stick figures was becoming manageable, and even entertaining at times.

But for the very first time, no one was out of their rooms... At 2pm!

The purple stick figure went up the stairs to the bedroom above, knocking on the door softly.

He could hear a very faint buzzing coming from inside the room but it stopped when he knocked.

Red opened the door just enough so he could see Purple. ─ Oh hi, purple... ─ The stick figure smiled a bit, still not opening the door.

─ Hey Red uh... I wanted to see if you wanted to watch some movies with me.

─ Sorry...I'm...I'm just a bit busy right now... Maybe later!

Purple nodded, not getting much of a conversation before Red closed the door once again, the buzzing came back after a moment and purple went downstairs.

He knocked on another door, maybe he'll get luckier this time.

Yellow's door opened slightly and purple couldn't stop himself from looking inside.

The stick figure was sitting at his workstation, working on what looked like some sort of piston contraption.

Purple couldn't bring himself to bother him, he seemed way too busy.

The same went with Blue, who left his door unlocked and was just sprawled on the floor around a pile of empty bottles of potion and cake crumbs. Guess he got himself into a food coma or a alcohol one...

Green was also a lost cause, headphones on, blasting music and not even listening to the knock on the door.

All of that was so frustrating, Purple pouted all the way down to Second's room, knocking in the door.

─ Come in. ─ Came the voice of the bedroom owner.

Purple didn't waste time, walking inside and just unceremoniously flopping on Second Coming's bed.

The orange stick figure was sitting on the floor on top of a pillow and reading a book.

He didn't even look up. ─ What happened this time?

─ Why is everyone cooped up in their bedrooms, I'm so bored!

─ People need some alone time sometimes.

─ Well that sounds boring as well...─ Purple pouted slightly, sighing way too loud.

Second stared at his book for a moment before putting it aside. ─ It's been a long week, I'm sure everyone just wants to unwind and have some privacy, everyone will come when they feel ready.

Another groan and Purple sat up on the bed. ─ I'm just tired of not doing anything...

The orange figure thought for a moment. ─ Look... I'm actually going to the Internet today to check on Chosen so why don't you come with me and explore? I'm sure he won't mind and I'll be a way for you to distract yourself.

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