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His friends words repeated in his mind over and over again, but Purple tried his very best to muffled it all.

His back was sweating against his sheets from the stress, and truth be told he couldn't care less about it.

"I need to tell Second..." He thought to himself.

"This is going to kill Second if I do though... " He counter argument.

With a rather loud, frustrated sigh, Purple rubbed his face. ─ Or he's going to kill Dark...and me too...

Even without deciding which option was better, he forced himself off the bed. Cringing as his back sticked to the sheets for a moment.

─ Mental note... if I survive this conversation I'll take a shower. I really need one.

And that's how he urged himself to get out of his room.

"You can do this... Second won't hurt you." Purple reassured himself when he finally knocked on the door on the ground level.

No one answered but Purple decided to enter anyway.

Inside the modest room, he saw his friend. Headphones on and training hard against a heavy bag. Poor thing was being punched as if owned Second money.

─ Hey... SC, got a minute? ─ Purple waved softly, making sure Second could see him through the reflection in the mirror.

Second took a deep breath, all that work out took his breath away for a moment. Then he pulled his headphones off and smiled at his friend. ─ Sorry, P. Didn't heard you knock.

Purple nodded softly, trying very hard to focus on literally anything in the room other than his friend but to no avail.

Second looked incredibly nice like that, a black tank top and comfy orange camo pants. His muscles were shiny with sweat.

─ I'll take that as a compliment.  ─ Purple snapped out of it with the comment, awkwardly using his wrist to clean the drool going down his chin. How long did he stare?

─ Sorry, got distracted there...

Second chuckled quietly, shaking his head. ─ So what do you wanna talk about?

"This is it..." Purple thought to himself.

─ I uhn... I...

The orange figure stared at him patiently, waiting for a full sentence that never came.

Purple couldn't say it, it would only cause disaster.

─ Are you OK, dude? You look nervous... ─ Second crossed his arms, stepping a bit closer. ─ Whatever you need to say, just say it.

─ Sorry. It wasn't important, I just... Thought we could hang out or something. 

"Coward." Purple groaned at himself.

A coward and a horrible liar. Second's confused look slowly changed to one of worry. ─ Just tell me what's wrong, Purple. Hiding it from me will only make things more complicated.

He sounded a lot like Blue, or perhaps Blue sounded too much like Second.

─ Oh wow. What is that? What happened? ─ Second asked, worry dripping from each word.

Purple didn't noticed that he had started nervously scratching at his bandaged burn. Second didn't noticed that until now.

─ I'm fine, Second..

─ Who did that? How did you hurt yourself? Why didn't you tell me?

─ I said I'm fine Second Coming! I don't need to tell you everything that goes on in my life.

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