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Again thank you all so much for all the amazing comments you guys left and for following this story along with me, i had such fun writing it and I'm definitely not done with this stick figures and i hope you guys aren't done either!

My next avm story will actually be a oneshot collection, where you guys can offer me suggestions and requests for cute little oneshots which includes ships, little day to day stories, angst and sometimes some spice (although if i ever decide to write nsfw it will be separated for everyone's sake)

So from this moment on I'm accepting requests for oneshots about the figures (which includes King too) so drop out your requests whatever you feel like it! And follow me to know when the collection is dropping on my profile

Again thank you all so much, i love you all 💜 💙 💛 🧡 💚 ♥️ 🖤


Purple had never had such a peaceful sleep. His mind being completely free of worries and anxiety for at least a few hours.

Of course, that would be the case if he hadn't been awoken by the loud sound of someone banging at his door.

The purple figure flinched in his bed, lifting his head from the puddle of drool he had created in his pillow. 

─ What?? ─ He asked rather rudely, receiving another loud knock in response.

Groaning dramatically he slowly untangled himself from the blankets and dragged himself to the door.

Unlocking it put him face to face with a very angry looking Blue figure.

─ Why didn't you tell me it was The Dark Lord?

Purple whined quietly rubbing his eyes and staring at his friend. ─ What time is it?

─ The time is why didn't you tell me it was Dark Lord?

Yawning quietly Purple moved out of the door, allowing his friend to come inside.
─ Look... i was going to tell all of you but... It's complicated ok?

─I asked you first! And i helped you with the burn, which probably was his fault too! When were you going to say anything?? ─ Blue groaned, walking inside and closing the door behind him.

─ I'm sorry ok? I should have said something... I was just terrified of you guys reaction and apparently i had good reason for it!

Blue gave a loud and long sigh. ─ Second told me...

─ Of course he did... ─ Purple groaned, sitting back on his bed. ─ I know i should have told you guys about it but it was just too much, i didn't know what to do until it became a snowball and i couldn't back out of it... I'm sorry Blue... i should have told you right there when you helped me...

Blue was about to say something else when the door was slammed open, Yellow storming in. ─ You filthy liar!

─ Oh boy...

─ How could you deceive us all like that? Aren't we friends? You thought keeping such dangerous thoughts to yourself was a good idea? ─ The figure scolded him loudly, putting his face way too close.

Blue rolled his eyes at his friend, who was glaring at Purple with murder in his eyes. ─ Calm down, thesaurus. I was already talking to him about it!

─ Well i have thoughts to share as well!

─ Ok both of you ... ─ Purple sighed, regretting the moment he opened that door. ─ I know you are both upset about it...

─ I will fucking murder him!! ─ Green's voice echoed through the staircase outside his room followed by loud stomping steps, oh Purple regretted opening that door so much.

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