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He kept his eyes closed, for what felt like a eternity, waiting for the pain to come.

But it never did.

Purple gasped, opening his eyes and focusing on the red figure in front of him.

Dark had turned around, punching the tree instead of Purple.

Something that the figure was very glad of, since the poor tree had been turned into charcoal.

─ Dark? ─ Purple called quietly, but no reply came.

Instead, Dark's breath hitched, and a quiet painful sob escaped his throat. 

His fist slowly went away from the tree, and he put his forehead against it.

That image felt wrong, as if by closing his eyes, Purple had been teleported to a different universe, where The Dark Lord was just a scared crying coward and not a violent monster.

Still, the purple figure didn't know how to react, his brain was telling him, begging, pleading for him to just run away, to fly back home where he was safe with people who won't try to kill him.

But he stayed, looking at the crying figure.

─ It's all my fault.. ─ Dark managed to mutter in between sobs. ─ I've done all of it...

The red figure forced a smile, sobs mixing with quiet sad chuckles. ─ I wanted to make him happy... I needed him happy...

His knees felt weak, for the first time in his whole existence, the weight of the world was just so heavy.

For the very first time, he wasn't strong enough to lift himself. And he fell to his knees.

─ I tried...everything. ..because I knew. .. that if he got tired of me..he could just leave... just find something better. ..

Purple slowly got closer.

─ I... I miss him...─ Dark voice was barely a whisper. ─ I just want him back...

─ He won't back if he doesn't know you're alive...  He won't come back if you don't make a effort...

Dark wanted to answer, to fight back maybe, to tell him that there was nothing to change. But his chest felt so tight, his head pounding so hard, as if he was about to explode.

Because that's what he was... a bomb. A deadly bomb...

One that even the best and most courageous hero he ever met was afraid of... That the hero had to destroy.

He just couldn't help it, he couldn't stop this pressure inside of him, growing and growing and growing.

Purple finally kneeled down by his side, ignoring the almost blinding light coming from Dark's bracelets and how much he was shaking.

He pulled the red figure into a hug.

And Dark didn't know what to do, he felt safer in his arms but even more cramped. Wanting the comfort but wanting to step away and claw at his own burning skin.

It burned.
It burned.
It burned!

Purple's scream of pain made him let go of him, pushing him away as he scrambled backwards.

The figure stumbled back, falling on his back on the grass, gasping as the pain went down his body like electricity.

He coughed, he groaned and whined with the pain in his chest. ─ Fuck...

Dark stepped back, tears still streaming down his face, he looked down at his trembling hands.

Purple barely got time to look at him, the red stick figure flew away as soon as the figure on the floor got up.

He held his own shoulder to try settle the pain, to no avail. Pulling the shirt down, he saw the nasty burnt mark on his chest.
─ Fuck.... Fuck, Fuck. ...

The knocking on Blue's door was frantic.
Frantic enough that the figure hurried to open the door, looking at his distressed looking friend.

─ Purple...Purple is 3 fucking am...─ Blue groaned, rubbing his tired eyes.

Purple didn't say anything, just pulled the shirt down, showing the burnt mark on his clavicle.

His friend quietly gasped and let him in. ─ How did you do that??

─ please blue just...help me fix it..

The taller stick huffed, hurrying to his stack of potion ingredients and starting his brewing stand.

When he saw the slow dripping of the potion being made,  he turned back to Purple who found Blue's beanbag enough of a seat for now. ─ Are you going to tell me how it happened now?

─ No...

Blue groaned, grabbing the finished potion and basically thrusting it on purple's chest.  ─ Drink it. Now who did it?

Purple ignored, drinking the potion, feeling the burning sensation slowly fade, but the aching was still there.

─ Was it Yellow with one of his machines?

─ what? No.

Blue got up once more, digging around until he found a small case of magma cream.

He sat by his friend and slowly started applying the cream on the burnt. ─ Was it Second? Oh god it was Second, wasn't it??

─ Blue, stop. It wasn't yellow,  it wasn't second... just stop.

Purple hissed and sat straight when Blue's hand made contact with the wound, the magma cream sting like hell, but Blue just pulled him back down so he could continue. 

─ You're gonna need to tell someone... you can't just hide it...

─ I can and I will... I don't want to talk about it. ..

His friend sighed, finishing his job with applying the cream before staring at Purple. ─ I'm just saying... Hiding your pain only makes it worst.

─ I'll figure something out.

─ Purple...

─ I'll fucking figure it out! Now quit it.

Purple wanted to cry, he was tired, in pain and confused with all those feelings. His eyes slowly went down  to his own burnt, it didn't  look too bad with the cream, maybe he was right to come asking Blue for help.

From his wound, he drifted to Blue's clothing.  A tank top and short, comfortable to sleep on if Purple hadn't come in at 3am. He could also see the raw, scarred tissue from his waste down, just healed burnt marks that went from his bellybutton down to his feet in various patches.

─ I'm so tired... ─ Purple whimpered, he couldn't move anymore, just so exhausted. 

Blue sighed, helping him into a more comfortable pose on the beanbag. ─ Sleep... I'll keep a eye on your burns for you... But tomorrow... We will talk about it.

Purple just silently nodded, slowly falling into a dreamless sleep.

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