I love him

555 20 26

Purple woke up feeling something he hadn't felt in a while.


His eyes felt dry and he was down to downing a entire jug of water but his body felt light in a way it hasn't in a while.

Looking around he found himself alone in his room, body comfortably placed in a cocoon of blankets with a mug of tea waiting on the nightstand.

Slowly, he untangled himself and felt the cold air that came from his window, before stretching his muscles and reaching for the tea.

It has gone lukewarm at this point but perfectly sweet in a way that compensated for the temperature.

He took only a few gulps before leaving it back on the table.

Walking through his bedroom to his wall mirror, Purple stared at himself, yes he still looked rather tired but... Some color had come back to his pale face.

He rubbed his tired face before pulling his shirt off, for a moment being surprised with his bandages before actually remembering what happened before.

Sighing, Purple gently started pealing the bandages off, flinching once in a while when the fabric material rubbed way too much in a particularly sensitive spot.

And soon, the layers of fabric fell to the floor, leaving Purple to stare at the horrible sight that was his burn wound.

It was painful, and quite inflamed, but Purple would be a fool to wish for a faster healing.

He dug through his drawers in looks for a new roll of bandages... After all, the figure had no reason to bother Red with it again. At least, not now.

After his morning routines, Purple quickly gathered his bag and elytra, rushing out of the room.

Second woke up with a leg on his face.

Simple as that.

Yellow slept quite rarely, but when he did it was entertaining to watch.

He would starfish his way through the bed, making a journey from the pillows to dangling halfway to the floor.

And every time he did, one of his friends would have to fix him or else Yellow would whine and complain about back aches all day long.

Second held his chuckles the best he could, but he couldn't help how adorable his friend looked while asleep.

Determined to not disturb his rest, the orange figure slowly moved his leg away from his face, shuffling until he managed to slip out of bed completely, leaving his friend to rest in his bed for as long as he needed. 

Stretching his muscles and cringing at the loud cracks from his bones, Second rushed to grab something decent to wear.

Curse him for falling asleep in his training clothes, the sweat had already dried and left a peculiar smell behind.

Tank top and pants discarded in his dirty laundry basket, he dug through his drawers and got a more comfortable shirt and pants.

Second took his time to get ready, making sure he looked his best... And ignoring the bandages tightly wrapped around his knuckles. 

Then, leaving a small note for Yellow before getting out the door.

The fresh air gave him chills down his pain. Curse himself for not picking a jacket.

Going to the Internet had become a habit of his, at this point.
At first it was once a month, but quickly became a weekly thing.

Visiting Chosen was great, but the Plains and forests that surrounded the powerful stick's house was a phenomenal place to decompress after a particularly tiring day.

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