Bad people.

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Coming to visit his new friend was slowly becoming a habit of his. Something to distract himself from his painfully tired body, and his troubled sleepless mind.

Learning how to code quite fun after all, and Purple felt like he was getting the hang of it quite fast.

But another thing drilling into his skull was the curiosity about the mysterious and powerful stick figure who brought upon himself to teach purple how to code.

Such a weird decision from  someone who could destroy stuff so easily and that somehow ended up sleeping in a old moist bed alone in the middle of the forest.

Purple couldn't stop himself from being intrigued beyond believe.

─ You know... You haven't told me much about yourself. ─ Purple commented, sitting on the grass with a laptop on his thighs.

He received a confused look from the Dark Lord who was just done teaching him the most basic concept of programming.

─ Was I supposed to?

The purple figure shrugged slightly, looking at his saved progress on the screen. ─ I mean... me of all people should know not to pry into other  people's bullshit but... You haven't told me much at all about yourself... And I guess I'm curious.

Dark was still looking confused, but only sighed loudly, looking away. ─ I just... Did a lot  of bad stuff, badly planned bad stuff. That all that is to know.

─ What kind of bad stuff?

─ None of your business kind of stuff.

Purple huffed at him, crossing his arms. ─ How are we supposed to be friends if you don't tell me stuff? ─ He winced at his own words, God he sounded like Second Coming. 

With a louder sigh, Dark got up from the grass, looking at the poor burnt tree by his bad excuse of a house for a moment before finally looking back at Purple. ─ There's nothing to say... I'm a regular old dude, with a great talent of making bad decisions. 

─ A 'regular old dude' that can fly, breathe fire and destroy a entire tree with a single punch... And that lives alone in the forest.

─ What do you want from me Purple? I'm not prying into your boring life. ─ Dark frowned. ─ Look, the class is over, why don't you go home...

Purple only sighed, looking tired and defeated. But he wasn't done.

─ Do you... Do you ever have nightmares about the 'bad stuff' you did?

The question caught Dark off guard. ─ No. Why?

Purple's demeanor changed, he looked less curious and more exhausted.

─ I've been... I've been having this nightmares... About the bad stuff I did. 

Dark didn't spoke, only stepped closer, letting him continue.

─ I did a lot of bad stuff... Bad stuff that hurt my friends, that hurt me... For someone who hurt people... who... who hurt me...  ─ He had to take a shaky breath to no break down and scream. ─ And I miss him... Like...Like a stupid needy parasite who can't live without a host... I want him to be here... And I want him to not be.

Tears slowly started going down his cheeks, his pain coming down on him like a avalanche of emotions. ─ I want him to be alive and I want him to fucking rot in hell. His stupid corpse haunts my dreams and I feel bad for it... He deserved his fate and I feel bad for it.─ His eyes slowly drifted to the stick figure above him.

─ Does that make me a bad person?

Purple would be lying if he said that particular thought didn't cross his mind more than once since the King's death, and it made itself more present every day like a infection taking a hold of him.

─ Do you feel bad about it? ─ Dark finally spoke, surprising Purple.

─ What?

─ Do you feel bad for the things you did to your friends? ─ He clarified. 

Purple nodded without a second thought.  ─ I can't stop thinking about the pain I caused them...

─Then you're not a bad person. ─ The red figure shrugged, ignoring the confused look on Purple's face.

─ How can you be so sure about it?

Dark didn't waste time to kneel at his level on the grass, staring at him. ─ You're not a bad person if you feel bad for hurting people. Believe me, bad people don't feel bad for hurting others... That's exactly what they want to achieve.

─ But... I still dream about my king... I wanted to kill him but I also didn't want to... to lose him... Doesn't that make me bad too? He hurt so many people... And I wanted him to still be here..with me...

─ We can't pick who we like. Life is a bitch. ─ With another shrug the red figure got up again. ─ All I'm saying is... You saw good stuff on someone, good stuff that wasn't there to begin with, that doesn't make you bad...just naive. 

─ Second Coming said everyone deserves a second chance to turn their life around... I wonder if it would have worked with him too.

The name alone made Dark lord frown, tightening his fists for a moment. ─ Well, your friend is wrong.

─ W-what?

─ Bad people doesn't change. Bad people are born bad. ─ Purple frowned slightly at his words. ─ You weren't bad to begin with...Being misguided doesn't make you evil. Doing bad stuff for the sake of doing bad stuff is what makes someone evil, and that doesn't change ever, no matter how many chances you give them.

The purple figure sighed, getting up, staring at the grass cuts on his knees. ─ You... You said that you're not evil if you feel bad for the stuff you do right?

He received a simple nod from Dark who seemed to have calmed down from his anger.

─ You said you did a lot of bad stuff... ─ A knot formed on Purple's throat. ─ Do you feel bad for the stuff you did?

The dark lord turned his back on purple, only glancing at him. ─ Bad people don't feel bad for the things they do. ─ And he flew off.

Purple didn't move, looking down at the grass softly moving with the breeze. Somehow he was left with more questions than answers.

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