One step at a time

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Guys this is the last chapter, but don't worry it won't be the end! I still have a epilogue, a third story on the writing and a oneshot collection I'll be starting (with requests open) in a little bit so yall won't get rid of me for a good while lol!

I want to thank each one of you for the votes and comments, i absolutely adore all of you so so much and posting this stories made me meet so many amazing people in this fandom. Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart ❤️

I hope to see yall comments in the next stories and I'll see yall in the epilogue


Dark wasn't afraid of Chosen, not in the slightest.

Self preservation be dammed, he would let the black figure kill him at any moment he liked without question!

At least that's what he had been telling himself the past two years.

But being face to face with Chosen once again lit up something inside Dark that he had no idea he still had.

Will to live, will to survive in just one more day. Will to hear his voice just one more time.

His body hit the rocky floor when he was tossed, rolling in the grass as the black figure landed in front of him.

─ You need to learn how to use your words. ─ Dark groaned as he came to his knees.

He was kicked back down in a second. ─ And you need to learn how to stay dead!

─ You can't tell me you don't feel at least a little bit relieved for-

He was kicked in the jaw before he could finish his sentence, spitting blood onto the grass.

─ Don't you dare tell me how i should feel! You have no idea what I've been through! ─ Chosen yelled, grabbing him by the neck and slamming his body on the ground multiple times.

─ I grieved you! I missed you! I killed you and kissed you in my head more times than you deserved!

Dark stayed silent for a moment, staring up at the glossy red eyes glaring at him. Not even flinching when tears dropped on his cheek from above him.

For so very long he desperately wanted to talk to him, to look him in the eyes.

Kill him, destroy him, make him feel the pain you felt!

─ I missed you too... ─ Was all he manager to say.

Chosen stared at him before blinking to push the tears away, his grasp in his neck tightened again and his glare was finally back.

─ Shut up! You can't expect to fix everything by just appearing here again!

Dark felt the air leave his throat, he couldn't speak anymore as he was lifted out of the ground by the neck.
He gasped and coughed in his grasp, hands holding his arm as tightly as he could we a plead for forgiveness.

But Chosen's eyes were cold. The tears streaks down his face  being the only indication that the once love of his life ever felt anything at all.

And his eyes would be the last thing he saw, Dark thought, as the world started to blurry and his grasp loosen.

Dark gasped and coughed when his body jerked back awake on the grass. He turned on his belly, staring at the floor as his body violently heaved as his lungs filled with air once again, the world spinning around him.

He lifted his gaze to see someone in front of him. Using their own body as shield.

No. No he can't!

─ Purple... ─ Dark managed to wheeze it out, receiving only a glance from his friend.

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