The musical ticking bomb

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He wasn't afraid of Second Coming.

Maybe he should be, maybe it was stupid of Purple to not bring afraid...

But even when he was staring at him, anger seeping through his bright green eyes, Purple couldn't force himself to run away.

─ Where... Where did you heard that name? ─ Second finally said, trying to appear and sound less angry than he actually was just from hearing it.

"I know the name because I met him." Purple wanted to say, but something inside of him told him not to play with luck if he wants to live another day.

─ I... I don't know...I heard it somewhere... Is he... was I not supposed to ask? ─ He was starting to doubt his decision to bring that up.

With that the orange figure sighed loudly, less to show exhaustion, more to calm himself enough to continue the conversation.

─ Sorry Second... I shouldn't had asked.

─ No, no... It's fine...You weren't around when it happened... You're just curious about something... It's not fair of me to be angry about it...

Purple watched as Second paced around the room, anxiety that matched his own in many ways. 

He finally looked back at him. ─ When Chosen fought against Alan... There wasn't much he could do... he created The Dark Lord to combat him... a figure that was strong enough to actually damage back...

─ He... He was meant to stop The Chosen one? You're telling me there's two of them??

─ He was... Alan thought he could make a perfect hero but it went horribly wrong... If possible, The dark lord was even more destructive than Chosen...

Purple felt a shiver down his spine, he was talking to something as powerful as that... thing... and never knew.

Second looked down at his own hands, many scars from a untold story. ─ He tried to take over the Internet with a virus... and when Chosen refused to help he attacked him.

─ What happened to him?

─ ... chosen and I were  able to destroy him... unfortunately...

─ Unfortunately?

The orange figure's tone became quiet and somber. ─ Everyone deserve a second chance.... But... Dark Lord was too far gone for it. It wasn't worth it but I wished I could have helped.

Purple awkwardly came closer, hugging his friend by the shoulders. ─ I'm sure you did everything you could...

─ Sorry for not giving you more information, Purple... but I hope it helped your curiosity a little bit. ─ He looked back at Purple, sighing. ─ But don't stay too focused on this sort of stuff OK?  It's over now and Dark Lord is gone.

Deep breaths, Purple...

─ You're right. Thanks Second.

The orange figure smiled softly, patting his shoulder and quietly excusing himself back to his room. Purple felt the guilt weight down on him, he exhausted his friend because he was curious.

But that got him thinking about the conversation itself...

 Dark Lord was a lot more than a random figure in the woods, he was a traitor, he was a villain... He was dead in the eyes of everyone except Purple.

And Purple didn't know how he felt about that.

He looked at the clock on the wall, it was still so early, but he felt too awake to go back to bed.

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