He hates me

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I was going to make a mega chapter but I gotta admit it was too big so I'll break it into 3 chapters XD hope yall don't mind


─ Second? ─ A hesitant voice came from behind the door.

Tears were already going down Second's face, but he forced himself to dry them when he heard his friend's voice.

─ Yeah?... ─ He forced out, his throat felt dry.

─ Are you well? I heard glass breaking...

─ I'm...

"I'm not fine" He thought.

─ I'm fine, Yellow.

For a moment, he thought that convinced Yellow. Only for a moment... Then the door creaked open.

─ I know it is not my business but... That nver stopped me before. ─ Yellow admitted, walking right to his friend and gently holding his wrists. ─ Come along now... Let's see the damage this time...

Second didn't had the energy to fight him off, so with the soft tone and tugging, he coaxed the shaken figure to the bed.

Yellow moved away for only a moment, walking to the orange bag thrown in a corner and taking a roll of bandages and a bottle of alcohol off of it. ─ Will you give me motives for the mess or should I just guess it?

─ I talked to Purple about a few things... I... I lost my cool and it wasn't right... ─ Second sighed, looking at his bleeding knuckles. ─ It's just complicated...

─ Lost your cool? Perhaps I'm not the only one spending too much time with Green. ─ Yellow joked, sitting back on the bed and taking his hands. ─ Sounds uncharacteristical of you...

─ He talked about what he felt... I'm being too overbearing with him... I just can't help feeling worried.. I didn't even noticed there was a problem to begin with...

─ That is no news, SC... You always care too much about everyone and too little about yourself... ─ His friend shook his head, dripping some of the alcohol on the wounds, coaxing a pained hiss from the orange figure.

─ I changed my mind, I want Red to deal with my wounds...

That made the yellow stick chuckle, calmly disinfecting his knuckles. ─ Do not ask for gentle touches from me, I'm a engineer, I'm not a doctor.

Although Yellow wasn't, indeed, a doctor, that didn't change the fact he had very steady hands, something that Second for sure didn't have.

─ Besides, Red has been very busy with the animals lately, so I may as well take doctor's duty to ease it for him.

With another hiss and a flinch, Second pouted at his friend rough techniques. ─ You're horrible at it...

There was no true in his words, it made Yellow chuckle, and that made him think how lost he would be without them all here for him. How much he would miss Yellow's sarcastic but loving mannerisms.

Second shook those thoughts, he is stressed enough for today, no need for more.

─ He mentioned Dark lord... Asking if... I thought him worthy of redemption as well..

─ Do you?

Second stopped for a moment, lifting his gaze to meet with his friend's. ─ What?

─ Do you think he deserved redemption? There... All done! ─ Yellow sighed, pleased with his work.

The orange figure looked down at his now bandaged hands, small speckles of blood already decorated the white fiber before groaning. ─ No... Yes?.... I...I don't?...

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