The monster

371 13 25

Sleeping stopped being a option a hour ago.
Instead of resting, Purple was just staring up at the ceiling, phone resting on his chest.

His brain felt like a turbulent and inescapable Ocean, with waves that could sink the most glorious of ships.

For the 15th time since he had laid down on his bed, Purple checked his messages and stared at it, hoping for a reply.

"I know who you are now."

It's been hours, and truth be told, if Dark didn't step up to kill Purple because of this, his anxiety certainly would do the job.

He tried everything, counting the blocks on the ceiling,  taking deep breaths, find five things he could see.

Stress eating was out of the question as well, by the faint noise coming from downstairs, Purple knew someone was in the kitchen. And he couldn't afford questions right now.

More deep breaths. 

He almost jumped when his phone vibrated.

"Let's talk then." Dark Lord replied. The typing bubble would appear and go away a few more times after that, as if he kept erasing the message and retyping it again.

"OK. " Purple simply replied when he decide that Dark wasn't going to send another message.

The next hour was even worse than before. He jumped out of bed and paced around the room trying to build the courage to leave. 

He may die today, he knew that much.

And there was no force on earth that would make him tell his friends.

Purple stared at himself in the mirror for a moment, was it worth to pick nice clothing? If he did died, would the other ghosts mock him for not being well dressed?

A hoodie was enough, he thought. Fuck what the other ghosts think of him.

He rushed out, grabbing the Elytra in the way.

Dark was sitting on a tree trunk, waiting for his arrival like a grim reaper.

─ So... ─ Dark started when Purple landed in front of him. ─ Did you meet Chosen?

─ Second Coming told me.... fuck...─ Purple groaned. ─ You said you did bad stuff..

─ I did say that. 

─ I thought you meant like..stole a car or robbed a bank or  something! This is way fucking worst than just 'bad stuff'.

Dark rolled his eyes, staring at the distraught figure. ─ You really need to reevaluate your standards of bad stuff, Purple.

─ You created a virus! You tried to take over the entire Internet! You almost killed my friends!

─ Yep.

Purple stared daggers at him, the fear of death drowned under the anger and frustration.  ─ Do you even feel any drop of remorse for what you did?? You treating it like a joke!

─ What do you want me to say, Purple? Want me to say I feel bad? Because I don't. Want me  to apologize? I don't feel sorry.

─ Fuck I want you to care! ─ Purple yelled. ─ You did all those things and I don't know how to feel about it! You destroyed so much and tried to conquer the entire Internet, now you hide in a forest like a hermit and acts like it was all a fun game!

─ All I did, I did for Chosen!

─ What?... what are you talking about??

Dark sighed, getting up and walking away from the trunk. ─ Chosen was... everything...

He slowly opened his palm, the black flames on the tip of his fingers forming the black figure that purple was so afraid of.

─ Chosen was created and kept chained like a slave, then his creator was surprised when he rebelled... Like it wasn't inevitable.

Purple stared at form on the fire, moving from a side to the other like it was dancing on his palm.

─ I was created to stop him... to be stronger than him, to be... to be the hero of his story. But... the more I spent around him, the more  I just wanted to help him. To be free with him.

The flaming figure slowly morphed into two, both dancing together in synchrony.

─ When we reached the Internet, it was the very first time I had seen him smile... Just happy to be free and do whatever he wanted... So... we destroyed everything, just because we could, just because there was no one there to stop us...

Purple went pale with the thought, how many stick figures died while these two powerful creatures discovered their place in the hierarchy.

Dark chuckled at the figures in his hand. ─ It was so good... The feeling of doing something only because you wanted to. Doing something without having to follow any master.

Purple's body shivered when the images of King came to his mind, he felt so free and so afraid when he was gone. Purple wondered if Dark was even capable of feeling afraid.

─ Until one day... I noticed that... Chosen had stopped smiling again... And I felt something I never had before... he didn't had fun with me anymore.. he spent more time in his room... and I just wanted that feeling to stop I wanted to make him happy again... so I created the perfect plan...

─ You made a virus.. just to entertain The Chosen One??

Dark sighed, looking at him, the two figures in his palm slowly dissolving away like dust. ─ I thought I could make him feel better with a grand gesture... And he just... He looked at me in disgust like I had done the most horrific thing in existence... I just... I just wanted to make him feel better...

Purple frowned. ─ You fucking moron.

─ what?!

─ You talk like you just got him flowers and he rejected you! No! You. Built. A. Virus! You tried to destroy the Internet with it!
─ And I'll do it again if it meant making him happy again!

─ Did you even ask him why he was upset?? Because all I heard here is that you were too much of a coward to tell him how you felt, too much of a narcissistic asshole to hear why he was upset... and... and too much of a monster to feel bad for  the horrific bullshit you put everyone through!

The words echoed on the forest and just rang like a bell around his brain, and it just finally hit him what he had just said.

Dark's face flashed surprise and, if Purple dared to think, pain. Then it slowly a blank expression covered the feelings but tight fists didnt lie. A swirling black energy slowly surrounding his hands.

Purple's heart stopped, he had completely forgotten his fears, but now they were all back and ready to burn him to a crisp.

─You... ─ He gasped, his lungs felt tight while he slowly moved backwards, Dark just kept slowly approaching him. ─ You're  in a constant cycle, Dark... you will never do better if you don't even try to be...

Black bright eyes, like obsidian in a ocean of lava stared back at him. He flinched, covering his own face when Dark lifted his fist.

Then there was a explosion.

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