Little red monster

345 16 41

Warning: mentions of blood and mentions of drinking blood.

His heartbeat was so loud it reached his ears like thunders.

No amount of deep breaths and stupid happy thoughts could bring Dark to calm down from this spiral he had gotten himself into.

His body hurt, something he was used to, but this was such a different kind of hurt, it was impossible to handle.

"Monster..." The word ringed in his brain, but why though? It was true after all. Dark knew it was, there was no need to repeat it.

"That's what you always been..." The voice chuckled in his ear, making the figure flinch. "Just a little red monster..."

─ Shut up. ─ He hit his palm against the side of his head twice.

"You know who you are... You should have killed the purple stick figure when you had the chance..."

─ Shut it!

"No one would miss his weak little carcass... The same way no one would miss yours." It whispered at his right.

─ I said shut up!! ─ He yelled, throwing a fireball at the direction of the voice, it just hit a tree that crumbled to the floor in a pile of ashes.

Tears kept falling down his face, but Dark didn't bother to clean it.
He slowly moved a few steps backwards until his back hit the cold bark of a tree behind him.

His body slowly slid down to the floor where he simply hug his knees and cried.

Cried like a pathetic child who lost their parents.

Trying his hardest to not loudly call for Chosen to chase this agony away. He was sure he wouldn't come anyway.

─ He's right isn't he?...  I'm never going to be better... because this is all I will ever be... ─ Dark spoke up, voice barely a whisper, but it wasn't a problem... The voices in his head had great hearing.

"Little red monster... Going down the street... " It teased in a mocking voice, Dark let it talk.

"Going down the street... And watching as the cars come near..."

"You like the taste of blood don't you, little red monster? Perhaps you should taste your own."

Dark gasped when his wrists started to hurt. Both his bracelets burned bright and hot in his skin, the sizzling noise was almost muffled by Dark's cry.

Then as fast as it came, it was gone. A small line of blood escaped the covered wrists, the streak zigzagged his arms because of how much he was shaking. 

"What's the matter little red monster? You always enjoyed the pain of others... Ain't yours much more enticing?"

Dark's entire body felt in the clouds and buried alive at the same time, it was hard to breathe and even his tears seemed to had come to a stop. Perhaps he had cried himself dry.

He slowly lifted a arm, slowly licking the bloodstreak from his skin, going up and up until his tongue reached the hot metal of his bracelet.

With his other hand, the red figure tried to pull the bracelet off, to take the barrier away from his burned wrists, but it felt glued to the skin, like it was slowly melting into his body and becoming part of him.

"Oh, poor little red monster... are you having second thoughts now? Being a lonely tyrant doesn't appeal anymore? It is not convenient anymore?" 

Dark Lord shook his head to get rid of the voice. Slowly forcing his legs to hold his weight again.

With shaky knees, he made his way deeper into the forest. Avoiding branches and large rocks until he reached a lake.

Cold water would help. At least he hoped it would.

The red stick figure slowly came to his knees on the grass.

The reflection in the water was a somber reminder of what he had became over the years. Small scars littered his arms and neck, many battles had been fought but only Chosen left scars.

But what really disturbed him was his face, it didn't felt his, bright shiny black irises with just a tiny tint of red underneath, a sinister smirk plastered on his face to contrast to Dark's own distraught appearance.

It stared at him, as if enjoying what it saw.

"What's wrong little red monster? Don't recognize yourself anymore?"

Dark instinctively slaps the water, causing wrinkles on the smooth surface and breaking his reflection. When it settled again, there was only his tear streaked face, with his own blood in his lips.

His shaky hands cupped some water, enough to clean the blood smears in his face and arms.

To be truly honest, Dark never cared that much for blood. Things costume to bleed when you stab them, and Dark stabbed many things in his life.

But his own blood has always been a weird sight to him.

"Tainted blood..."

He shook his head once more, watching as the blood smear floated away in the lake.

"Tainted blood... from a rotting soul."

─ Can you please shut up! ─ He groaned quietly, sitting on the balls of his feet, there was still a faint iron taste in his tongue.

His bracelets, now glimmering from the water that submerged it, started glowing once more, this time the heat was bearable. Or perhaps he lost the feeling in his wrists after the first burn.

Dark saw himself sitting in front of him.

This new dark wasn't real, he know it wasn't. It was sitting on top of the water, as if mimicking his true body instead of having any type of weight and mass.

Like a mirror.

─ What you want?... I just want to be alone, stupid piece of shit...

"Little red monster always does this though.... It drives it's friend away... just so it can hide alone again."

─ Stop calling me that!

"Little. Red. Monster." It emphasized every word carefully.

Dark lord felt his wrists warming up once more, but now the flames returned to his clenched fists.

"You will end up alone, red monster... You're going to kill everything you love until you're finally alone again. "

A fire ball hit the water, making it splash at an angle hitting the trees on the other side of the lake.

The reflection was gone just like that.

"You're going to destroy everything... " The voice came back, now behind him.

Dark didn't lose time, creating another fireball and turning around, hitting the trees on that side as well. ─ Shut the fuck up!!

"Drink their blood until it purifies your own."

The figure screamed at the top of his lungs, before falling to his knees once more.

A wave of heat and black tainted shadows came from the impact, hitting the plants in its path and killing everything.

And he cried. Cried in this circle of death and anger that he made for himself.

Cried like the little red monster that he was.

Cried so much that he couldn't see the black smear from his bracelets slowly turning his wrist black. 

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