Stupid fears

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When the clock hit 9:00pm, Purple knew it was almost completely safe to leave.

He concentrated in hearing from the kitchen table, the faint click of each door being closed by a very sleepy stick figure and leaving Purple completely alone.

In quiet soft steps, the lonely stick figure went to his room and grabbed his Elytra before rushing outside.

Purple was more than sure that the animator, Second had told him his name was Alan, was asleep at this point and that he was getting in the habit of keeping the computer on at night for the sake of his stick figures.

Which meant the WiFi was on.

His way out of there...

It was a bit complicated for a common Stick to access the Internet, he didn't had Second's powers to open the portal for him since he didnt know he wanted to go there in the first place.

And by the way his new friend seemed to hide from the orange figure's presence...

He felt like it was better to not tell him yet.

So he had to do it the brute way, by giving it a few punches and kicks until he managed to open a small portal, rushing inside without a second thought.

This time he was prepared though, flying through the tunnel using a couple of fireworks then gliding down the opening to the forest below with his Elytra.

Purple looked around when he landed, Dark was nowhere to be found. He assumed he must be inside the forest somewhere...

─ Dark Lord? ─ Purple called out, not getting a answer, only the sound of his own steps and the cracks of the leaves. ─ Fuck... You better not be far...

Wandering around the forest, without any type of tracker made looking for his friend a tiring task.

It took Purple way too long to spot the stick figure.

Dark Lord was working out, at least it was what it looked like, punching and kicking a tree, interesting enough to keep Purple's attention, he was not the best fighter in the group but he was proud to say he could hold his weight pretty well in a battle.

Then Dark got the entire tree on fire with a fireball punch...

And Purple would've been lying if he said that he didn't screeched at the sight.

The noise made Dark Lord look at him surprised before looking back at the tree, as if just not really noticing the reason for the others fear.

Taking the deepest breath he suck all the fire out of the now charcoal colored and abused tree like a reverse fire breather.

─ Sorry, Kid. Didn't see you there. ─ Dark shrugged nonchalantly like he didn't just made a tree combust.

Purple was shaking, he didn't know why, but he was shaking...  badly.

A nagging voice in his brain telling him to run away and go back home.

─ You have powers... ─ He blurted out instead. ─ Like Chosen, Like... Like Second.

The red stick figure's fists got tighter at the mention of the two others, but seemed to just shake the anger away for a moment.

─ Yeah So?

Don't panic, Don't panic.

─ It's.... It's cool. ─ Purple hopes he isn't looking as panicky as he feels.

Dark rolled his eyes and stared at his new friend. ─ I'm not gonna bite ya, Kid.

He knows that... Does he knows that? Purple doesn't know him, he's not his friend... Who is this guy...

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