The selfish act of selflessness

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Purple stumbled through the forest, his wrist tight grasped by Dark who seemed to know exactly where he was going.

They stopped only when both reached the edge of land, the sudden drop to the sea below.

Purple, finally free from his friend's grasp had to take a moment to breathe, his lungs ached. Hands going to his knees as he gasped for air.

To hurt his pride some more, Dark was completely fine, as if he hadn't just ran a marathon with someone on toe.

The red figure chuckled quietly, opening his arms and turning in a circle. ─ Can you smell the salty air? Chosen loved coming here!

His laughed only increased when he looked at his friend who was still panting.

─ Come on! It wasn't that far! You're being dramatic now. ─ He sneered, receiving a middle finger from Purple.

─ Fuck you... ─ The tired figure finally got up straight, his heart still beating strong. ─ Why did you brought me here?

Dark walked to the very edge, stretching one leg out on the open just for that small jab of adrenaline. ─ Chosen enjoyed this place a lot, he would jump off and do all kinds of dumb tricks in the air... You could say this became my place to unwind. It helps me think? I guess...

Walking closer, Purple could finally get a good view of the waves hitting the rocks below. He had to admit the idea of such a drop, jumping off without a care and flying away felt absurd and yet so tempting. ─ This is... quite high up...

─ You can fly can't you? ─ Dark gave a few steps back from the edge, preparing himself to jump off.

─ I... I can... ─ Purple thought for a moment, for as long as he had his elytra, flying became one crucial way of transportation. He would fly for hours, sometimes without destination. His worries and fears would just disappear for a while, like the entire world was just a blur that didn't matter.─ It's been a while since I actually done it for fun though...I don't even think I remember it anymore.

─ Stop being whiny, no one forgets how to have fun. ─ The red figure finally reached a distance that seemed to please him. ─ I would go insane if I never had fun...

─ I'm not whiny! And you're already insane.

Dark Lord didn't answer, instead he ran as fast as he could towards the ledge. Diving out of it.

Purple instinctively gasped, walking forward to watch as the figure fell, body rolling in the air for a few seconds, but when he seemed to reach a dangerous proximity to the rocks below, bright orange flames engulfed his wrists and propelled him up again like a rocket.

The purple figure would have been lying if he said his heart didn't skip a beat, but his cheeks went warm when he noticed how the flying figure was laughing and enjoying himself.

What a embarrassing sight, being foolishly worried about a figure completely capable of taking care of himself.

─ Come on, coward! You're not nailed to the floor! ─ Dark shouted, flying back to land and gently nudging purple forward to the edge. ─ Jump off.

For the first time in his life, the height gave him shivers, purple felt rusty when it came to flying tricks and the small creeping fear that he would fall haunted him.

─ Stop being a fucking pussy and fucking jump. ─ The red figure put a hand on his back, pushing him off the edge.

Purple's heart stopped for a few seconds as he flapped his elytra desperately, he only had about two fireworks left in his inventory.

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