The dream and the voice

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─ You always do this... ─ The quiet voice got Purple's attention. A cold tone, one that he didn't recognize.

His feet hurt, like stepping in a thousand little spikes barefoot, somehow that voice pulled him away from the pain, and he felt forced to answer. ─ It was funny and you know it.

Purple flinched when he heard himself, that wasn't his voice. But there was no time to think about it, the other stick figure in the room spoke again.

─ No! It fucking wasn't! You always do this, you destroy everything around you then you turn around and turn it into a joke!

─ Why are you acting like this?? You've been doing the same thing! Why is it bad when I do it??

The figure in front of him sighed, turning around from him. ─ I... I don't want to continue destroying stuff for the sake of destroying it. It's not funny anymore... 

Purple took a step forward, reaching the shoulder of the figure in front of him, but he was too far to touch.

─ it's not worth it anymore... Maybe... at the start, seeing all this mess was good and all... It felt right but... now it just feels empty. Don't you think?

Purple frowned, something inside him hurt so bad he wanted to claw it out, something that made him afraid. ─ No. The world fucking deserves all it gets! It deserves to be pulverized! What? You wanna just go sit and play good again?

─ I'm tired of being the villain!

─ You saved me, Cho! You're my hero! Isn't that enough?

The figure stomped their feet, stepping forward, Purple's heart skipped a bit.

─ I don't wanna be a villain anymore! For fuck sake, there has to be something beyond being hated and feared!

─ There is! Us! We are the somethung elsea You may be the villain I'm their eyes but not to me! We're just doing what they deserve... they deserve to feel what we felt.

─ And then what? What happens after all of it? I accept that I'm bad and then... I just go back to watch the world burn for your entertainment? I'm tired of this life, Dark... It's not worth it...

─ Am I not worth it?

Purple gasped awake, a burning sensation behind his eyes and a throbbing in his head, his vision was bright red for a second before going back to normal.

He groaned quietly, the images so vivid in his head. The conversation felt so real and yet...

What kind of dream was that?

His eyes slowly drifted from his blankets to the clock on the wall.


"Well, may as well get up..." Purple thought to himself, sitting up in his bed with a groan. It was at that moment that came to him, he was just so exhausted that he just passed out in his bed yesterday.

Nothing like exhaustion and a unholy dream to get you started in the morning.

His eyes examined the room slowly, it was rather impressive how easily he had become used to his new bedroom to a point it already looked like a pig sty. Who would have thought that just a couple of weeks prior, the figure would fall asleep in a ditch somewhere, just hoping that he wouldn't wake up the next day.

"That was a depressing string of thought." Cringed the purple figure, throwing his blankets away from his legs and finally touching the cold floor.

He cringed at the soreness through all his muscles, that would sure be a reminder to do some stretches before helping Blue again. Even his legs felt shaky.

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