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So how are we feeling after that damn episode huh. Purple family lore, way too much angst, I am crying. Someone finally hugged Purple and I hope now is official that he found a new family!

I'm not going to be adding his new lore in my story only because we're too far into it to make any sense but I'm actually thinking about making a oneshot about it later on. Also I would like to apologize for the lack of updates, I'm now babysitting my nephew while also juggling other responsibilities but I'll not abandon this story ever.

I would also like to say thank you for all the comments lol. Love yall a lot.

Also tw for a bit of gore, dark ocean, nightmares

Purple gasped and choked when he felt his body heavily sunk deeper and deeper into a grey ocean.
His head darted around, looking down at his own legs and at the deep crater he was quickly being pulled into.

He waved his arms as hard as he could but the only direction he went was down.

Down, down, down into the abyss below him.

Was he crying? He couldn't tell, it mixed with the water and his eyes burned with the salt.

After what felt like a hour of induced panic and struggling, his feet touched solid floor. 

It was so very dark.

He couldn't talk, he couldn't breathe. The figure's head darted around desperately looking for a escape from the darkness.

Until a soft light appeared not far from him, and he sprinted. Underwater, his movements so slow he barely moved at all.

Purple stretched his hand, trying to reach the light sooner.

His eyes adjusted to the light and he saw a corpse which stopped him in his tracks.

A body floating motionless with its belly up like a dead fish.

His King.

The light was unnaturally coming from his crown that kept itself in his head as if gravity wasn't a thing at all.

His hands instinctively reached for the crown, but it was stuck in his head.

The corpse's soulless eyes stared at Purple. The pupils dilated and Purple's stomach cramped, burning from the inside out.

He looked down at the pain in his stomach and he saw fishes, or at least, shapeless masses eating his insides that looked like fishes.

He screamed in pain, water filling his lungs.

Purple gasped awake in his bed, sitting up while coughing as if his lungs were filled with water, he noticed the slightly bloody scratch marks at his stomach and winced, it was clear he was clawing himself in his sleep.

He gave himself a minute to breathe, to calm his fast beating heart. One hand rubbing his sweaty face. ─ Another weird one huh?... ─ Purple muttered to himself, dragging his legs off his bed and feeling the cold floor tiles on his feet.

He reached for his phone, unlocking it and checking the messages.

There was one from Dark Lord.  A simple "srry " that Purple couldn't care less about, he was shouted at before and he felt pain before, at least the dark lord apologized for it.

He let the phone fall on the bed, while he reached for his medkit, cleaning up his scratches and dabbing a alcohol soaked cotton piece on the blood. Somehow that burning felt relaxing.

Hopefully no one would ask him to show his belly for any reason.

After the cleaning, Purple sighed, his body felt heavy and his eyes unfocused.

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