Fist Fight- 2

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I groaned and pulled the mountain of blankets off of me. I brushed my teeth, at a waffle and then had to choose an outfit to wear. We got to Hawkins yesterday so now today is going to be my first day of lovely. I looked through my boxes of clothes that I still haven't unpacked in search of a decent outfit for today.

    I grabbed some ripped loose jeans and a random band tee

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I grabbed some ripped loose jeans and a random band tee. I slipped on my converses and grabbed my booksack and skateboard. I also grabbed my Walkman off my desk. I quickly made my way out the door in order to avoid any pictures that my mom wants to take so she can display them all over the refrigerator. I turned on my Walkman and put on my earphones.

I already knew the direction to my new school, Hawkins High. We passed by it on my way to our new house. We actually live fairly close to it. I noticed up ahead a group of little kids around 15 years old biking presumably to school together. There were 4 of them in total. I put my foot on the ground and kicked off harder to get some more speed so I can get a better look at them. I'm not a stalker or anything I just want to look.

I got beside them and looked over at them. One kid was already looking at me. He had dark brown hair. He had a bowl cut too. I can't say that it looks terrible but I don't see why someone would get their hair cut like that. The others boys seemed to notice me and also glanced in my direction. I couldn't tell if I was getting positive or negative attention so I just looked away.

Soon Hawkins High came into view so I sped up leaving the group of kids in the dust. I came up to the entrance and got off my skateboard. I put it near the bike racks but a little hidden just to make sure no one steals it. I've had someone steal my skateboard before and I don't want it to happen again.

I went through the entrance and wow. This school is put together nicely. I walked slowly through the hall getting weird looks from people. I pulled a paper out of my back pocket that has all the information I need to know including the which locker is mine. I soon found my locker and started to put some books in it until I heard a commotion from just down the hall. A lot of people went to go check it out.

I decided that I might as well see what's going on too. I put my booksack back over my shoulder and shut my locker. I walked over to the big crowd in the middle of the hall. I couldn't see what the hell was going on so I made my way to the front of the crowd. I may or may not have pushed a few people and called them a few names.

I finally got a good view at what the hell was happening. One guy with short brown hair that was swooped to one side kept spilling out insults by the minute to this other guy with long curly hair, and denim vest, and a leather jacket on. I can tell that the asshole who's insulting this seemingly innocent guy is the "popular bully" of the school. I bet he has one of those cliche names like Jason or something.

This guy was starting to get really annoying for messing with the other guy for no apparent reason. He kept calling him a freak and some other shit that probably isn't justified at all. He is really, really annoying.

Okay, that's it. I'm about to beat this guy the fuck up.

I set my booksack on the ground then pushed pass some people to get in the center of it all. I marched up to the guy and yelled, "Hey dipshit! Why don't you get the fuck out of here and stop messing with this guy?!" I motioned toward the guy standing behind me. The bully looked at me then walked a little bit closer. I stood my ground. He bent down a little to my level and said "Oh yeah, why the hell would I listen to a little bitch who doesn't even know who she's talking to?"

I REALLY, REALLY, want to smack the shit out of this guy right now...he's really pushing my limits...

"Well, for starters you should listen to this bitch because she knows for a fact that you talk all kinds of shit about anyone and everyone to make up for your small dick." Everyone burst out laughing at this point. The guy took a step back and looked a shocked. Then he grinned weirdly. The fuck is he thinking...

"You're a fucking dead man." That's all he said before he punched me in the face. I took a couple steps back and held my face. I pulled my hand away and saw a mess of blood on my hand. I then looked back at him. He had a triumphant smirk on his face. Then I grinned wildly. "You just made a fucking enemy, dickwad."

Before he could react I ran up to him and swept the leg. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. Everyone around me was cheering and chanting some shit. I didn't let him grasp what was happening before I kicked him in his most vulnerable spot. Then I got on top of him and punched him in the face repeatedly. When I punched him the third time I heard a deafening crack. He screamed out in pain and managed to get out "Y-you broke my fucking nose!" I smirked and said "Yeah, and I'll fucking do it again!"

I stood over him and looked down on him. Blood was dripping from my nose and it was smeared all over my hands. Except for the fact that it was his blood on my hands. I bent down and grabbed his hair. "Now, if I see you fucking around with ANYONE and I mean ANYONE AT ALL, I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you again, and again, and again." I started to raise my voice making sure he heard me.

I stood up and backed off of him. He was still holding his nose and laying on the floor like a fucking baby. "Get the fuck out of here." I yelled while pointing toward the big double doors to the school. He scurried up and grabbed his backpack along the way.

I had completely forgot about the guy that he was messing with until I turned around and saw his staring at me with wide eyes. I walked up to him and sighed. "Next time, why don't ya stand up for your self? I don't want to be fighting all your battles for you." Without another word I grabbed up my booksack and set off toward the bathroom to wash all the blood off of me.

The crowd cleared away a bit but some people still lingered murmuring a bunch of stuff like "Holy shit! She just beat the fuck outta Jason Carver!" Or "She's fucking insane man." I heard the one about me being insane and looked over to see that same group of boys from earlier staring at me wide eyed.

I stared at them for a second before saying, "Damn fucking right I am." The boy that had said it looked over at me with his mouth agape. He had curly hair about to his shoulders, he wore a hat, and he had a slight lisp. I smiled and winked before walking off.

Looks like this will be an exciting place...

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now