Handcuffs- 14

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I walked over to his room and noticed that the door was shut. I decided to be polite and knock. "Hey uh, am I allowed to come in or am I going to have to stay out here the whole night?" I said knocking on the door three times.  I didn't hear a response. "Okay well I'm just gonna come in. You better not be fucking indecent or some shit." I said slowly opening the door.

    As soon as the door opened Eddie spun around and put his hands behind his back. "Oh hey. I was just uh..just cleaning up a bit." I walked in his room and shut the door behind me. "Yeah yeah. You didn't have to though. I really don't give a fuck how messy your room is." I said kicking a stray beer can that was laying on the floor.

    "But on a side note, do you have anything I can wear? I kinda really, really, don't want to wear these blood soaked clothes anymore." I said motioning toward my shirt. "Oh yeah, just give me a second." He said quickly stuffing some random items under his bed. He then went over to his dresser and rummaged through a bunch of t-shirts.

    I took the time to get a good look around his room. Posters were everywhere. He had a bunch of cassette tapes laying around. I noticed that he set my guitar up next to his. At least he knows how to handle a guitar properly. I'll give him that. I roamed around the room slowly taking in the atmosphere.

    I noticed a small bag stuffed between the mattress on his bed and the frame of it. I got curious and pulled it out. My eyes went a little wide when I saw what is was. So he looks cool, is cool, plays guitar, plays D&D, and smokes weed? How much cooler can this guy get? I turned around and saw Eddie still trying to find me some decent clothes to wear.

    Most of his are probably dirty or something. I quietly crept up behind him. I got right behind him and said "You smoke?" He whipped around and let out a huff of air. "Uh no. Where would you get that idea from?" He said questioningly. I grinned. "From this." I then pulled out the bag from behind me.

    His eyes went wide. "I'm guessing your uncle doesn't know?" I asked handing the bag to him. "No, he doesn't. Please don't tell him." He said scurrying to hide the weed in a better place. "Okay. I won't tell him." I said sitting myself down on the edge of his bed. "But for a price." Turned and looked back at me. "What price?"

    I grinned. "You have to let me dress you in whatever I want tomorrow." He looked at me and frowned. "Absolutely not. No. We aren't doing that." My grin faltered. "Well then I'll just go be a little snitch and tell your Uncle about your little...dealership." I said slowly walking toward the door. He then quickly stepped in front of me and waved his arms around rapidly.

    "No! You cannot do that! You know how much trouble that'll get me in." He said getting a bit to close to me. I took a step back and sighed. "Well then just let me dress you in whatever I want tomorrow and we'll be good. I won't tell him." I backing up more and flopping down on his bed.

    He stood there for a couple seconds then sighed. "Fuck...fine. But I swear to god I will murder you if you put me in something really girly." I giggled. "Oh don't worry. I won't do anything bad to you. At least not yet." He rolled his eyes at the last part and flicked me on the forehead. "Prick."

    He then grabbed up some clothes and threw them at me. "You can wear these, but you HAVE to give them back to me. That's my only Metallica shirt and it means the world to me. Don't mess it up. Or else." I snickered. "Or else what, Munson?" I asked sitting up on his bed and staring at the shirt.

    He then quickly stood in front of me and looked me dead in the eyes. "Or else bad things are to come." I rolled my eyes again and stood up. I stood there holding the shirt and the sweat pants he gave me. He just stared at me awkwardly. After a moment of silence I spoke up. "Are you gonna turn around or what?"

     His eyes went a bit wide and he muttered an 'oh..sorry.' He turned around and started to fiddle with his hands. I then quickly took off my absolutely horrendous looking shirt and put on his somewhat clean one. I'm guessing it took his awhile to find some clothes because he hasn't been doing laundry. I mean, I can't blame him. Chores suck.

    I already assumed that the shirt and sweat pants were going to be a size or two too large but I'm not complaining. I took off my dirty pants and kicked them to the side. I grabbed the sweat pants and as I assumed they were a little too big so they hung a bit low on my waist line. It didn't help that there weren't any draw strings.

    I tied the shirt into a knot at the front to make a make shift crop top. I picked up my jeans and shirt and put it in a pile on the floor near the door. "Okay you can stop acting all weird and look now." I said stretching my arms over my head. This time I had half a brain cell so I was carful about my injury.

    Eddie turned around and looked at me. I don't mean just looked at me, no. I mean like looked me up and down. All weird like. I leaned a bit closer and clapped in front of him. "Stop daydreaming, dipshit." He snapped out of his trance and looked up at me. "Oh yeah- sorry I was just uh..looking at the..." He paused. "The?.." I said with a questioning look. "The floor! Yeah. I was looking at the floor."

    "Sure you were." I said with a scoff. "You don't believe me?" He said walking closer to me. "It's not that I don't believe you..it's just that you're terrible at lying." I said slowly walking closer to him. Inch by inch. "I'm not a liar." He said immediately. "Ha! Like I,d believe that. You lie just as much as me, and trust me..I lie way too much."

    I really do lie a hell of a lot. I probably do it multiple times a day if I'm going to be honest. Maybe I should lay off...nah. I could never. It's my passion.

    He rolled his eyes at me. "Whatever." He then just started taking off his vest and leather jacket. I looked away immediately and looked around his room. Nothing really that special here. Just normal guy stuff I guess. I was looking at all the random stuff on his walls when I noticed something a bit odd. I noticed that Eddie was in his own little world getting into some more comfortable clothes so I made my way over to his bed post.

    I picked up the item and stared at it intently. I smirked slightly then looked back at Eddie. He was still minding his own business doing whatever. "Hey Eddie?.." I said turning around slowly to face him. "Hm?" He said while turning around to face me. I held the handcuffs up and his face had utter shock written on it. "What are these for?"

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