Scoops Ahoy- 5

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    Finally! Class is over and I can be free!

    I rushed out of class and ran to where my skateboard was. Thank God it's still here. I grabbed it up and started riding. I had noticed this nice ice cream shop just a little ways away from the school. Id better grab some money before I go there...and a jacket. It's a little cold out here..for some reason. I got home as quick as I could and ran upstairs. I made it to my room and looked through a small compartment in my drawer. Found it...

    I grabbed up the small box that was in it and looked inside. $20 that I've been saving up for a couple weeks. "I'm sure this'll be more than enough." I grabbed up the twenty dollars that was in ones, fives, and a ten. I then grabbed a stray jacket from off my bed. I ran back down stairs and I was in the middle of opening the door to leave until my mom interrupted me.

    "Where are you going?" She asked peeking her head around the corner of the hallway. I backed away from the door and cursed at myself for not being quick enough. It would've saved me the nagging. "Oh well I just noticed this ice cream shop just a little ways down the road. Can I go?" My mother paused for a minute then sighed. "Fine. But just be safe." I smiled and opened the door back up while grabbing my skateboard that I left beside it. "That's the only way to be!"

    I put my money in my pocket and started to kick off, luckily gaining some speed. I grabbed my Walkman that I had with me since this morning and turned it on. Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash started playing. I smiled to myself and started humming along to the song.

    After a couple minutes of riding I finally came up to the ice cream shop. I stoped in front of the store and read the name of it. "Scoops Ahoy...sounds so interesting." I picked up my skateboard and started walking in the store. The whole place is themed like some sort of...I don't know..sailor type thing? I can't really find the right words.

    I looked around the place staring at the decorations on the wall and how the contrast of colors work so well. I realized that I'm going to have to order soon so I walked up the the counter and stared at the menu. The guy at the counter looked like he really didn't want to be here. He had a cliche little sailor outfit on. "Cute outfit you got there." I said looking up at the man. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Stop messing around. This outfit sucks."

    I waved my free hand in the air and started to giggle a bit. "No, no! It's cute...maybe a little childish but it's- it's cute none the less." He scoffed and looked away. "Sure it is.." I smiled and started to look at the menu again. After a couple seconds I finally decided what I wanted.

    "Uh, one Strawberry please." I said tapping on the counter. He sighed and started to get it. He came back to the cash register and totaled up how much I owe. "That'll be $1.78, please." I grabbed the money out of my pocket and decided why not give him twenty dollars. After all, he might need the money sense he's I lined up the money and handed it to him. He looked down at it and then back up at me. "Are you illiterate or are you pitying me for working here?" He asked staring at me.

    "No I'm not illiterate and I'm not pitying you either. Im just doing a good deed is all." He let out a small sigh and put the money in the register. I swear I saw him smile just the tiniest bit. That's when I noticed something behind him. I noticed a baseball bat. It wasn't an ordinary one, no. Far from it. It had nails all in it.

    This looks like some weapon to fucking kill zombies or some shit.

    "Hey uh, what's that behind you?" He looked up at me and glanced behind him. "Nothing you need to worry about." He spat out at me. "Well, if it isn't something I need to worry about, then mind telling me why in the hell it looks like something you could destroy monsters or Demogorgans with?" I paused and chuckled. "Like you'd even know what that is.."

    His eyes went wide and he looked at me questioningly. "I..I do know what that is. I would  rather not but life has a funny way of fucking up mine." He said glancing back at the bat. "Oh so you play D&D? Or are you saying that monsters are real? Because if you are taking the latter, then I would agree with you. Monsters are real. They can be anything and be anywhere. No limits whatsoever."

    The guy looked at me and then quickly said "I'll be right back." Then he rushed off toward the back of the store. "Hey! What about my ice cream?!" I yelled hoping for him to come back and give it to me. He didn't. Just my luck. Some guy gets all freaked out theme I mention monsters and Demogorgans. Huh...I wonder what would happen if I mentioned Vecna? I'd better not...

POV of Steve:

    I held up one finger and quickly said "I'll be right back." I then rushed toward the back of the store where a landline phone was located. I heard the girl scream "Hey! What about my ice cream?!" But I ignored her and started to dial Dustin's number. I waited there hearing the ringing phone while tapping my foot anxiously. Suddenly he picked up. "Hey, Steve! What are-" I cut him off by trying to tell him what I needed to tell him as quickly as I could while also making sense.

    "Look kid, I had to bring the bat with me to work today and then this girl came in the store and noticed it and started talking about monsters and Demogorgans. She was talking about how she thinks monsters are real and stuff. And I don't know if she knows about...about the secrets of this town or not but I didn't know what to do so I rushed off to the back and called you." I rushed out then let out a sigh of relief. "Shit...that was a lot..."

    The phone stayed quiet for a couple seconds before Dustin started taking again. "Want me and the Party to meet you there? Eleven and Max can come too if you want." "Fuck..yeah. That would be great..thank you, kid. It really means a lot." I smiled softly and sighed. "Of course man. We're in this together. We all are."

    Dustin told me he was going to be here in about 5 or 10 minutes. I'll just have to stall this chick so she doesn't leave...assuming she hasn't left already. I walked back out to the main room and noticed the girl was still there. She was sitting against the wall on the floor with her skateboard propped up beside her. Thank fucking God she's still here...

    "Hey uh..sorry for running away so suddenly. I uh..I forgot something in the back. It was really important." She slowly looked up at me and nodded. "Yeah...sure. Like I'd believe some bullshit like that. I don't know what it is, but something's up with you and I plan to find out exactly what it is." She looked up at me and said. "Uh yeah..sure. I can tell you all about it soon. But for now let's just chat." She looked be up and down with a weird look on her face. "Okay, what bands do you like?" She asked me.

    "Oh..well I like The Clash, Blondie, The Beatles-" "Typical.." She cut me off. "Uh what?" I asked confused what she meant. She sighed and looked up and me. "You're like every other person. You only like one type of music. No one different like Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Journey, or even Free. You're all the same. You're not original." She said in a "duh" tone. "Well..I mean I like other bands too.." I said eyeing the floor. "Oh yeah? Name three bands and don't say Blondie, The Beatles, The Clash, Bowie, KISS, YES, Journey, Derek And The Dominos, Blue Öyster Cult, The Rolling Stones, or Joan Jett & The Blackhearts." She said while standing up and crossing her arms.

    I was at a loss for words. Which is a rare damn thing for me. Before she could say anything else I heard the the door open. I looked over and saw the Party walking in. Perfect timing... I wouldn't of been able to answer her question even if I tried. "Well actually I can't answer that because these customers just came in! So I'd better get to work!" I said rushing off behind the counter.

    She looked at the party questioningly. Then she spoke up. "Dustin, Will, Mike, Lucas, and two kids I don't know, what are you guys doing here? Did that weirdo tell you guys to come here?" She asked the Party.

    Wait...she knows the Party? Better yet, Dustin? What in the hell...

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now