Join The Club- 3

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    I splashed some water on my face and put my hands on the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror. Bloody nose...scrapped up knuckles. I sure did get fucked up. But, still not as bad as that Jason kid. He deserved it. He's a fucking dick and he has no right to bully people. Even though I like to pick fights and make fun of people, bullying is fucked up. I know because I've been bullied. People picked on me constantly. So that's when I decided to man up and fight back. Now look at me! Saving people from going through the same shit I did. I would say that that's a good deed.

    I should be in class right now..oh well. Who gives a fuck if I miss my first class on my first day here? Not me. I sighed and wiped my face with my shirt. I picked up my booksack and headed out of the bathroom to try and find somewhere where I can just relax.

    I might as well just sit it out and wait until lunch comes around. I walked through the halls peeking into classrooms to see what's going on. In one class I saw that group of kids from earlier. I guess that one with the hat on sensed that someone was staring at him so he looked toward the door. His eyes went a little wide when he noticed me staring through the window in the door. I smiled and gave him a little wave. He pointed at himself and mouthed "me?" And I nodded my head yes. He then gave me a little wave and smiled a bit. He seems like a nice kid.

    I saw the teacher walk up to the kid and ask something along the lines of "Dustin, is there something that's more interesting than what I'm teaching?" The kid who I think is named Dustin looked over at the teacher and started to sputter out a mess of words. I might as well save this kid a detention or some shit. I barged through the door and everyone looked at me. "Excuse me. Is Dustin in here? He has a Doctors appointment and needs to leave right away." I put on my most adult like voice that I could muster.

    The teacher looked surprised but soon calmed down. "Uh yes, he's right there. But who are you?" The teacher stared at me accusingly. I faked being angry and put a hand on my heart. I started to raise my voice. "Are you questioning my authority? Are you saying I'm not worthy of being here? Are you coming on to me?" The teacher went wide eyed and backed up and little. "Uh- no. No of course not. I would never Ma'am." I scoffed and then said "Well then let me take Dustin before I get you fired!" He backed up a little more and slowly said "Of course..."

    "Come along now." I motioned for Dustin to come toward me. He hurriedly picked up his booksack and started to stuff things in it. He walked up and stood beside me. I bent down a little and got to ear level with him. "Do you want your friends to tag along to?" He looked back and me and nodded. "Well then" I put my hands on my hips. "I'll be needing those three boys as well." I pointed toward his friends. Assuming the teacher got the memo not the question me he went ahead and let me take them.

    His three friends packed up their stuff and stood beside me. "Now, I'll be on my way." I opened the door and let the boys walk out into the hallway. I looked back at the teacher and pointed my finger toward him. "I may or may not be taking to the board about your behavior." I paused and stared at him angrily. "Bye bye now!" I chirped slamming the door shut. As soon as the door shut I grinned and said "Sucker."

    I turned around and faced the four boys. "All of you are lucky." I pointed at them. I paused for a second. "So you got any secret places to gossip at? Can't really talk shit right here." Dustin looked at me and smiled "Yeah, we've got a place."

    We made it down the hall to a room called the "AV Club." Dustin lead the way and opened up the door. His group of friends all walked in first. I was the last one to enter. Dustin held the door open for me so I did a little curtsy and said "Thank you kind sir." He bowed and said you're welcome. He really does seem like a nice kid. Nothing like me.

    I walked around the large table in the center of the room and wondered why they need such a big table. "So" I spun around and faces the group of kids "What are your guys names? I mean I can't really get y'all out of trouble if you don't tell me your names." I grinned and waited for a response. Then Dustin started to talk. "Well, I'm Dustin Henderson as you already know." I nodded and pointed to the kid with the bowl cut. "How about you? What's your name?" He looked up at me and muttered, "Will Byers.." I smiled and walked closer to him. "You're the kid that was staring at me on the way to school, aren't you?"

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now