Hug Me- 7

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    "Hey! How come I don't get hugs like that from El? I've known her longer!" Mike said flailing his arms around. I giggled and pulled away from El. "Well it just looks like she connects with me better. Sorry Mike." I smiled at him innocently.

    He crossed his arms and pouted like a little baby. "Awww is little Mike mad?" I asked making the 'l' in little sound like a 'w'. He turned around and glared at me. Then I had a devious idea. Why not play with his mind a little bit..?

    "Oh.." I paused leaning back and staring at the ceiling. "I guess you just wont get to see my guitar then.." Mike perked his head up and looked at me. I got a look from Max. She looked like she was a bit surprised hear that I play guitar. "Huh?" He said still staring at me. I finally looked at him. "I have a strict policy that babies can't see my guitar. They'll want to break it. And if they do I'll break their face. No exceptions." I paused smirking a bit. "You could stop acting like a baby and then things will be back to normal..or I can treat you like one." I grinned at him. "Which one will it be?"

    He looked at the ground and then back at me. "I like the first option." He said. "Great! I'm glad I don't have to treat you like a baby."I giggled. "But, that doesn't mean I'm not going to give you the hug of a lifetime." He started backing up. "No. No way." I stopped in my tracks. "Then I'll have to tell your mom about what's actually going on down here." I started to walk toward the stairs.

    Mike then stood up and walked over to me. "No. Please don't do that! You know how much trouble that would get me in!" He said throwing  his hands up in the air. "Hmmm, so you're telling me that you would get in trouble if I were to walk up there and tell your mom what you've actually been doing?" He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying."

    I tapped on the railing of the stairs and acted like I was thinking very hard about something. "I'll let you free," He looked up at me. "If you give me a hug AND you don't act like you hate it." I said smirking at him. "Fine.." I grinned. "Yay!" Then I wrapped my arms around him and picked him up in the air slightly. "Woah, woah, woah! This was not part of the deal. Put me down!" He giggled. "Nope. Not until you act like you like it." I heard some snickers from across the room. The whole group was laughing a bit. Even Lucas and Steve.

    "Okay! Okay!" Mike said wrapping his arms around me. "Awwww you love me sooooo much!" I then set him back on the ground. "Just because I'm shorter than you doesn't mean that I can't be stronger than you." I said patting his head. "Why do you have to treat me like a puppy? It's weird and annoying." "Well that's exactly what I am. Weird and annoying. I'm sorry that I can't be someone I'm not." I said shrugging. I then walked back to the circle and plopped myself back down beside Steve.

    After a couple minutes of everyone just talking about this and that and all together having a nice time, Steve bent down beside me. I looked over at him and mouthed "What?" He then got close and whispered. "You really love them don't you?" I laughed then whispered back, "Yeah, even though I only met them really feels like I've known all of them for a lifetime. They make me feel at home." I smiled at him then playfully punched him in the shoulder. "You're not so bad either."

    He smiled and chuckled. "You too." He then stood back up and leaned against a corner of the wall and watched us talk and chat. They mainly talked about D&D and occasionally I butted in and said something. They talked about monsters and how they've fought them in the past. They talked about how they're real. And El's superpowers are too. all honestly, I believe them. I believe every single word they're saying. I just can't help it.

    We talked for hours. It's been a while. I noticed that I'd lost track of time. As much as I didn't want to leave, I knew that my parents would be worried sick about me. "Hey guys, I think it's getting a bit late..." I said gaining the attention of everyone. Steve came and walked behind me. "Yeah I agree. I think it's time we all go home for tonight." I nodded. "Cmon! It's not that late!" Dustin said sounding like a whiny child.

   "Dustin, it's probably at the least 9:00 pm. It's too late. I suggest that you guys might stay the night? I'm sure Mike wouldn't mind." I turned and looked at Mike. "Uh well..I'm sure my mom would be okay with it." I smiled. "See now you guys don't have to leave." Max looked at me. "Yeah but what about you and Steve, are you guys going to stay?" I sighed and looked at the ground.

    "I don't think I can. I mean what kind of tutor would spend the night at a kids house?" I said winking. "A good one..." Mike mumbled. "Aw..I'm sorry Mike. I know you just love me so much that you want me to stay here forever with you but I can't. I really have to get home." I said standing up. I dusted off my pants and walked over to my skateboard. I picked it up and starting walking up the stairs. I stopped about halfway.

     "You guys thought I would leave without saying goodbye? Who the hell do you think I am?" I said smiling. Everyone returned a smile. "Bye guys! I'll see you all tomorrow at school. Stay safe okay?" They all said bye. "Steve make sure to watch over them okay. Bring out your true babysitter." I said smiling. He chuckled. "Yeah I will. Make sure you stay safe too. We can't have anything bad happening to the new girl on our watch."

    I laughed then headed up the stairs. I said goodbye to Mrs. Wheeler and left.  I got on my skateboard and sped away. I turned on my Walkman and started listening to Separate Ways by Journey. What a great song. Really makes me feel happy...

    I soon made it home and closed the front door. I was greeted by my mom and dad both sitting in the living room. I told them that my day has went well then headed upstairs for bed. I set my skateboard down near my bed and turned off my Walkman. I put it down on my bedside dresser and started to change into some comfier clothes.

    I plopped myself down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. This really has been an interesting first day of school. I beat some dickbag up, I made a whole group of friends. Then there's...there's Eddie. He's...he's different. He's different in the best way. He's charming, he's cute, he's smart, he's confident, he's nice, he's funny, he's just...amazing. I crushing on him? way. I just met him today. No one can possibly crush on someone that quickly...right? Yeah. No one can. It's just me thinking he's cool..and nice..and cute..and- you know what, I'd better just stop thinking about him.

    I turned over to my side and let out a small sigh. There's no freaking way. Sure he's cool and all, but am I really crushing on him? No. Never. Alright, Y/n..just shut up and stop thinking about him. God fuck- who am I kidding?! That's going to be REALLY, really, hard considering I have to see him every fucking day.

    I'd better just go to sleep now. I do have quite the day planned for tomorrow anyways. I pulled the blanket that was halfway on me over my head and tried to adjust myself where I was comfiest. I started to drift to sleep very slowly. I couldn't help but still think about what had happened today. My mind was in a different place. But soon enough I drifted into a deep slumber. Not before thinking about a certain someone just one last time. Eddie Munson...

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now