Get Working- 13

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     I rested my head against the window and stared at the scenery passing by. I sighed. "Are we there yeeet?" I looked over at Eddie in the driver seat. "No we're not. Just stop whining." I scoffed. "Well maybe I wouldn't be whining if we weren't so fucking far away." He rolled his eyes. I put a hand over my heart and gasped. "Are you sir, getting attitude? Because if so I will slap the ever loving shit out of you and smile when I do it."

    Eddie smiled. "Oh noooo! I'm so scared! Please don't hit me!" He said acting all scared. I lightly punched his leg. "Shut up doofus." I grinned and leaned my head back against the window. We've been sitting in silence for a while and to say the least, I'm not liking it. "Eddieeeee, can we at least listen to some music? I hate the silence." I said pouting.

    "Fine but I get to choose whatever gets played." I smiled and looked over at him. "Yeah, yeah whatever." He turned on the radio and surfed through the stations while also maintaining not to crash the damn car. He was switching through stations when I heard a familiar tune. "Wait, wait, wait! Go back to 98.5 please!" I said sitting up abruptly. He didn't say anything. But luckily, he did turn it back to that station. As soon as I heard what song was playing I smiled like a kid on Christmas. "Yes! I fucking love this song!"

    I saw Eddie smile the slightest bit out of the corner of my eye. I reached for the volume knob and turned it up. I sand along to one of my favorite songs. Since You Been Gone by Rainbow. I sang. Every. Single. Word. To it. I was belting my heart out to so it was no doubt that Eddie could hear me.

    I let out a huge sigh when the song was over. "Well that was something..." Eddie said not taking his eyes off the road. "Oh shut up. You know you love hearing my voice. It's intoxicating." I grinned proudly. "Sure. Whatever you want to believe." He let out a small laugh. "To be honest your not that bad of a singer. Still not better than me, but your getting there."

    I giggled. "Keep talking like that and see where it gets you, Munson." We sat in the car listening to various songs quietly. I smiled the whole time. I'm honestly having a good time. I could really get used to this.

    After a few songs he finally pulled into the driveway of this quaint little trailer. My smile didn't falter. I really like it. I think his little cozy home is very cute.

    I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. The cold air nipped at me. "Fuck it's freezing out here." I mumbled to myself. I shut the door and stretched. Maybe not the best idea but who cares.

    I watched as Eddie grabbed the guitars adjusting them correctly. Then I remembered something. "Ah shit." I said face palming myself. Eddie looked up at me confused. "I left I booksack at school. I guess I'll just get it tomorrow." I paused. "I also have the fight tomorrow. Y'know what? We can talk about this later." Eddie nodded slowly. "Uh yeah..later. But first we actually have to get inside, so come on." Eddie walked past me and toward the front door to the trailer. I followed slowly behind him.

    He opened the door slowly and walked inside. He motioned for me to follow him. I quietly followed behind him. I shut the door after I entered and got a good look at the place. I didn't notice that someone was sitting on the couch until someone cleared their throat. I let out a small yelp and jumped in the air about 6 feet- or that's what it seemed like. Probably just a couple inches at most.

    I turned around and saw an old man sitting there. Eddie turned around slowly. "Hey Uncle Wayne..." He said sheepishly smiling. His uncle looked like he wanted to kill him. Literally. That is until he smiled warmly at him. "I'm glad you're home. I was getting worried." He said standing up.

    He then turned and looked at me. "And who's your little friend here?" He said glancing at Eddie. "Oh uh she's a friend from school. We uh..." He paused seemingly not being able to think of a good lie. "We were assigned to work on a science project together. We worked all of today and we didn't notice that the time had gotten so late. We've already got it almost complete." I smiled at the man and held my hand out. "I'm sorry to meet you on such inconvenient timing but it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Munson. I'm Y/n." He grabbed my hand and shook it. "It's a pleasure to meet you too. And don't worry. This isn't an inconvenience. You're welcome to stay here as long as you need."

   I smiled. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. But that's the parents don't know that I'm working on the project at someone else's house right now.." I paused and scratched the back of my neck nervously. "Oh well we have a telephone right over there. You can call them if you like?" He said gesturing toward the telephone sitting on a small coffee table. "Thank you again. It means a lot." I smiled and walked over to the phone and dialed my parents number.

    After it ringing a couple times a familiar voice made it's way through the phone. "Hello? Who is this?" My mom said. "Hey mom." I said "Y/n?! Where on earth are you?! You know your curfew is at 10:30!" She said frantically. "Relax mom. I'm at a friends house working on a science project. We've been working on it all day. Can a just stay here and keep working on it?" I said hoping and praying that she would say yes.

    I heard a sigh come from her. "Fine but you have to be back home tomorrow, and tell me sooner next time if your spending the night, okay?" I let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "Yeah I promise I'll tell you next time. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" "Okay, bye! Be safe! I love you." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, love ya too."

    I set down the phone and let out another sigh. I had noticed that Eddie disappeared and his Uncle was sat back down on the couch. "Uhm do you mind telling me where the bathroom is?" I asked him. He looked up at me. "Oh yeah! It's just right over there." I smiled. "Thank you." "Eddie's room is just over there." He also said. I nodded.

    I'm guessing he went to his room while I was calling my mom. Dickwad didn't even think to fucking tell me first? Whatever. I have other things to worry about right now anyways.

    I walked into the bathroom, shut the door and locked it just incase. I opened the cabinets in search of bandages. I found some large bandages and some of that tape. "I guess this'll do.." I muttered to myself. I stood up and took my shirt off which was caked in a lot of dry blood and some new blood. My bandage had blood all over it.

    I cringed at it. "That is absolutely disgusting." I slowly took the bandage off while squinting my eyes shut to try and power through the pain. I soon got it off and threw it in the thrash. I looked down at the wound and put a hand over my mouth in order to not gag.

    Blood was all over it. My flesh was all red and puffy around it. I could see the indentations of the Demogorgons teeth in my skin. I chose to not dwell on it anymore and put new bandages on it. I got that done but not without having to stop a couple of times due to the pain. I threw all the old stuff away and sighed.

    I looked at myself in the mirror. I still had the small bandages on my forehead and face. I'm sure Eddie's Uncle noticed it. There's absolutely no way he couldn't have. I guess he just decided to ignore it.

    I guess I should go to Eddie's room and ask for some new clothes. I'm sure he has some I can borrow. After all, I really don't want to wear this blood soaked shirt and these dirty pants anymore. I stood up straight and sighed. I put my shirt back on and made my way toward Eddie's room.

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now