Superpowers- 6

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POV of Reader:

    I was confused. Why the hell did part of the Hellfire Club walk in? And those two other kids that I haven't met.. whatever. They aren't important right now. I walked over to Dustin and whispered "Is that guy okay? He's acting really weird. I think maybe something is missing in his head." He looked at me and sighed a bit. "Is this the girl you were talking about?" Dustin said aloud to the guy behind the counter.

    "Yeah, that's her." I gasped loudly, turned around to face the guy at the counter, and put my hands on my hips. "So you did tell them to come here! See I knew something was up with you. I'm a great people reader after all. And face breaker for that matter- but that's not important! I need you to tell me what the fuck is going on before I just so happen to use my fist to break your face." I rushed and making big hand gestures to get the point that I'm very confused out.

    I sighed and looked around the room. I then walked up to the counter. I put both hands on the counter and stared at the guy. "You still haven't given me my damn ice cream. I gave you twenty dollars and this is the service I get? Maybe I'm better off back in my old town.." I said pushing off of the counter.

    I paced around the room trying to get a hold of myself before I get a bit too frustrated. "Okay...before I get more out of hand and break something out of pure anger, Dustin, why don't you tell me who these lovely people are." I motioned toward the two girls standing around aimlessly. Dustin smiled a bit and put his hand on the shoulder of the girl with dark brown hair, shoulder length. "This is Eleven but we call her El." I looked at her and walked over and stuck my hand out for her to shake. She glanced over at Dustin before warily shaking my hand. "I like your name. It's unique." I smiled at her. She gave me the smallest grin ever.

    "How about this one?" I pointed to the ginger girl staring at me. "This is Max." Dustin said putting his hand on her shoulder. As soon as he did that she shrugged him off. She stuck out her hand for me to shake. She shook my hand with an iron grip. I decided to do the same to her. "Good grip you have there." She smirked. "You too."

    "Well..." I paused and stood back. "I am Y/n L/n. It's a pleasure to not want to punch you two." I smiled brightly at the girls. Max snickered and said "I like her. Where'd you find her at?" She turned and asked Dustin. "Well..she kinda found us. The first impression was...not ideal." Dusting said while scratching to back of his neck.

    "Oh? How come?" Max asked Dustin. "Uh,
Y/n why don't you tell them how you met us."  I grinned and crossed my arms. "Well to start off, I moved here yesterday. I got to school and there was this kid named Jason Carver that was messing with this other kid named Eddie Munson that just so happened-" The guy from the counter speed walked over to me. "You said Eddie Munson, as in the Eddie Munson?" I turned and faced the guy. "Uh yeah? What about it?" I crossed my arms in annoyance.

    "He's bad news. Stay away from him." I scoffed. "Bad news? That guy is one of the coolest people that I've met today. And who are you to tell me what to do? I don't even know your ass." "I'm Steve Harrington. Now that you know me, listen to my advice." I rolled my eyes. "I don't really have time to be bickering with a man-child. And if you don't mind I want to get back to telling these lovely ladies about how I met my new friends."

    Before he could rebuttal I went back to telling the story. "As I was saying, it just so happens that Eddie is the leader of the Club that these guys are in. You know what- I'm sure you two already know that. Anyways, I got pissed off that Jason was messing with him so I said something about it. I insulted him, then he punched me, then I swept the leg, he fell to the ground, I punched him again and again until his nose broke. Then I threatened him and saved the day." Max grinned at me. "You know how to fight?" She asked eyeing me up and down. "Hell yeah I know how to fight! How else are you supposed to make yourself known?"

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now