Gotcha- 8

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    I yawned and sat up in my bed. Time for school. I got up brushed my teeth and slipped on a new outfit for the day. I hadn't really had much experience in fashion in the past but I think I know my way around a box of clothes.

    I grabbed some right fitting black jeans with random rips and tears in them

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    I grabbed some right fitting black jeans with random rips and tears in them. I then grabbed an oversized Judas Priest tee and tucked the front part of it underneath my bra to make a makeshift crop top. I thought it looked pretty nice. I grabbed a random belt and righted it around my pants. I grabbed up my converses and slipped them on then grabbed my guitar and skateboard.

    My guitar case consisted of a strap around the entirety of it ensuring that someone can put it on them kind of like a booksack or purse of some sort. The interior had grey velvet covering it. I had gotten a hard case to make sure when I bring it with me that it doesn't get damaged. I made that mistake with my old acoustic and..well let's just say the neck broke in half.

    I had to come up with an elaborate way to put on my booksack and my guitar

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    I had to come up with an elaborate way to put on my booksack and my guitar. I decided on putting my booksack on first and then strapping the guitar on. It may not look the best but it's going to have to do. I walked out of my room and chose that I didn't really want to have breakfast. I told my mom that had already been awake goodbye. She's always awake first. My dad usually sleeps in most of the time.

    I sped down the street weaving through cars strewn about. I then saw a certain kid with a bowl cut riding to school with his best friends. I smiled to myself. I tried to speed up and catch up to them. It took a minute but I did eventually get enough speed.

    Will was the first to notice me sense he was the last one out of the group riding. I smiled and waved at him. He smiled back. "Hiya boys! Ya gonna say hi to me or what?" I asked the rest of the group. They glanced in my direction. Dustin was the first to tell me hi. "Hey Y/n!" He said giving me a bright smile. I smiled back. "Hey Dustin!" Soon the others followed suite. Lucas said a simple hello. That was it. Mike greeted me good morning.

    We soon made it to school and I hid my skateboard in the same place I had yesterday. "So when are you going to show us your guitar? Are you going to carry it around all day like that?" I rolled my eyes. "I'll show you guys after school. And no. I'm gonna drop it in the AV room if that's alright with you guys?" I answered and asked. "That sounds good and yeah that's fine." Dustin said with a small grin. "Thanks kid." I punched his shoulder lightly.

    I walked over to the AV room after class had already started to avoid the big crowd of students. I dropped my guitar down on the floor in the corner of the room. But just as I was about to leave I noticed a different guitar. I walked over to it and bent down staring at it in awe. Is this Eddie's? It's nice...but not as good as mine though. I ran my finger along the neck of the guitar. It's in tune, it's furnished, and it has a nice color. This guy has good taste...

    The door suddenly burst open. I quickly turned my face toward the door to see who the hell just barged in here like that. Then I got a glimpse of who it was. "Speak of the devil..." I muttered standing and backing away from his guitar. "What we're you doing?" Eddie asked leaning against the door frame. "I could ask you the same, Munson." I crossed my arms. "I'll tell you if you tell me?" I asked. He nodded. "Sure, you go first though." I sighed. "Well I came in here and dropped my guitar off because I didn't want to carry it with me all damn day." I paused and looked down at his guitar. "Then I noticed that one and wondered who in the hell it belonged to. And of course it was you."

    He raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?" I waved my hands in the air in defense. "Nothing. Just that you have really good taste..." He looked at me weird. "In guitars! Not anything else you little dipshit." I said suddenly realizing what he was looking at me weirdly for. He chucked. "Yeah I noticed."

    "Now you tell me just what the fuck you were doing stomping in here like that." I said sitting down in one of the chairs at the table. "I heard a rumor that someone was messing with my guitar. Mine. Mine out of all peoples. I still wanted to see so I came in here as fast as I could. But..." He paused and gestured toward me. "My point was kinda proven. You were looking at it very hard." He smirked.

    Oh I am so going to wipe that dumb little smirk right off his face for almost giving me a heart attack bursting in here like that.

    "Who's to say that I didn't touch it too?" I asked leaning back in my chair. "What? You touched my guitar?" He asked frantically. "Relax dummy, I was just fucking with you." I grinned. "Or was I?" He sighed frustratingly. "I'm kidding. I actually did not touch it at all." Lie. He turned and faced me. "You're not calling my bluff again are you?" I shook my head. "Nope not at all." Lies. "So you didn't touch my guitar?" He asked motioning toward it. "Nu-uh. I would never in a million years." Just more lies.

    " promise me you won't? Because if you do so help me God I will hurt you so bad that even the Devil himself will be weeping in pain." I put my hands in the air. "Woah, now. Did the Eddie Munson just threaten me with a good time?" I asked acting fake scared. "What?" He turned and looked at me. "Relax. Jeez Eddie, take a joke." I giggled. "And yes. I promise I won't ever do that." I'm lying through my teeth at this point.

    "Good..I hope your not lying." I am. "Of course not." I smiled at him. "Sooo do you want to see my guitar before anyone else or no?" I asked trying to find something to do. He smirked. "Yeah I would like to. I wouldn't mind if you played a little something to show me your skills either." I grinned back at him. "You're on."

    I grabbed up my guitar and opened up the case. I grabbed it out of there carefully. I sat back down in the chair and rested it on my lap so he could get a good view of the signatures. "No really weren't lying.." He chuckled. "I really thought you were just up to some bullshit from the start." I flicked his head. "That hurts my feelings Eddie Munson. You might make me cry." I said putting a hand over my heart. "Oh no!" He said gasping very dramatically. "I'm so sorry princess Y/n who has to be treated like she's better than everyone!" He got on his knees and grabbed my hand.

    He's good at acting. A bit too good. He's too believable. I bet he could even fake cry if he tried hard enough.

    "Dickwad." I pulled my hand away. "Stop being so good at making me think your apologizing." I scowled at him. He pouted. "But I am sorry!" I saw the smallest tug of a smile at the corner of his lips. Good. Now all I have to do is play along and break him. This sure as hell will be interesting. I'm just hoping I don't break first.

    I set my guitar down on the table gently then turned back to him with a fake set of desperation on my face. "Oh how I wish you would know how much I've been longing for a genuine apology from you." I sighed and turned back to him after a couple seconds. Then I bent down and cupped his face. "Oh how I was longing for this moment. The perfect guy...perfect mood..we're all one to disturb us..." He stared at me with an unreadable expression.

    Suddenly he leaned in close. Very close. Close enough where I can feel his breath on my face. I was shocked. I don't know why he did that but he had and it had me in a chokehold. He's intoxicating. Just as I thought he was going to do something really drastic, he pulled away and snickered. "Gotcha."

    Damn this very, very convincing good looking guy...

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now