Thriller- 9

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I looked at Eddie. "What." I deadpanned. "You fell for it!" He giggled like a child. "You fell for my trap!" He giggled more pointing at me. For some reason I felt a pang of sadness wash through me. I then decided it would be best if I got to class. I got up, put my guitar in its case and closed it. I made my way to the door and opened it. Eddie seemed to notice that. "Hey, where are you going all of the sudden?"

"Class." I said in monotone. I then quickly left and roamed the hallways trying to find somewhere to occupy my time other than actual class. I don't feel in the mood to go right now. I sighed. I can't think of anywhere around here where I can just relax. I might as well just skip school today.

I walked out of the school and went to where my skateboard was stashed. Except, it wasn't. It wasn't there. "Shit!" I said angrily. Of course this day just had to get worse. I decided to not dwell on the fact that someone stole my skateboard and try to think about a nice place to calm down at.

I'm sure my guitar will be fine in the AV room. I hope. I really don't want to carry it with me wherever I'm going. I'll just come back later at night and get it when nobody's here. I hope to God that no one will be there...

I put my hands on my hips out of frustration but felt something on my right side. I looked down and noticed my Walkman. My Walkman! Yes! Finally a glimmer of hope for todays! I quietly got it out and decided to play my favorite song of all time, Separate Ways by Journey. I quietly sang along to the song while walking down the road aimlessly.

I decided I might as well take a walk in the forest since there's no where in sight to go. I walked through the forest humming along to different songs such as Paranoid by Black Sabbath or Eruption by Van Halen. The music calmed me down a hell of a lot. Music just makes me feel better in general.

I came up to this picnic table and decided to sit down and just watch nature and listen to some music. I tapped my finger along to the beat of Twilight Zone by Golden Earring. That's one of my favorite songs. I don't know why but I just gravitate toward it. Maybe it's because I've felt like I've been in the Twilight Zone sometimes. Maybe not. I'll never know.

I stayed there for about two hours and just relaxed. I lied my head down on the table and sighed. "At least I feel a hell of a lot better than before." I feel less angry now..which is good. I don't really like to be angry. "I've been out here a while..I guess I should head back to the school. I'll still have to get my guitar anyways.." I mumbled the last part to myself. I walked away from the table picking up my pace a bit.

I finally made it to the road and started walking in the direction of the school. I hummed along to a new song that just came out last year called Money For Nothing by the Dire Straits. I like the Dire Straits. They make really nice music. I mean, I like a lot of bands. Like, a lot. Probably too many to count.

I saw the school just a bit further up the road a put a bit of pep in my step. I looked down at the ground and kept walking. I didn't really see the point in looking up when I already knew what would be there. Then the one and only Michael Jackson started playing. Thriller is my favorite song by him. What a coincidence that it started playing.

I tapped my finger on my hip along to the best of the music. I smiled and sang along quietly.

It's close to midnight
And something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight, yeah

I had my volume turned up so loud that I almost didn't hear the low growl coming from behind me. Almost. I took off my headphones and put them around my neck. I still heard the song playing quietly. I turned around slowly just anticipating to see an angry dog or something small that I can deal with. That was nowhere near what I saw.

My eyes went wide as the creature stood in front of me. It was around 6-10 feet tall. Way taller than I am. I backed up slightly in pure fear. There's no way that this thing is real. It's just some guy in a...really, really good Halloween costume.'s nowhere near Halloween. How can this thing even be real?!
Demogorgons are just...

My racing thoughts about this thing not being real for cut off when it opened its mouth in a flower like shape with small rows of razor sharp teeth everywhere and let out the most inhuman noise I ever heard. As soon as that happened I wasted no time and booked it toward the school that was only about 60 yards away at this point. I turned around and ran as fast as I could. The Demogorgon wasted no time running after me. My heart was beating a million times faster than what it normally does. I took a small glance behind me and saw that it was gaining on me. I pumped my feet even harder trying so hard to become even the least bit faster.

I neared the school entrance but decided against leading a supposed fictional monster inside a school with hundreds of people inside. I veered left toward the football field. I noticed a small storage shed and headed for it. I noticed before I got to it that there was a lock on it so there's no chance on me getting inside. I went to the side of it and noticed a pile of metal pipes. "Not the ideal weapon to defeat a monster but it's not like I have another option." I picked it up and turned back around.

I didn't have time to move out the way before the Demogorgon came barreling toward me. I got knocked to the grout and it sunk its many rows of teeth into my side. I screamed. Louder than I ever have. I raised the metal bag and whacked it on the head with all my might. I backed away when it made a weird noise and shook its head back and forth. I quickly stood up and held my side. It felt warm. I pulled my hand away and noticed blood. A lot of it. I wiped my hand off and gripped the pipe hard. I ran towards it and hit it on the head repeatedly. It didn't seem to do that much damage but at least it's something.

It lunged on me quickly and almost ripped me apart. I took the opportunity to where it took a second to see it hadn't actually had me in its grasp to whack it upon the head again. It fell to the ground screeching and making very, very monstrous noises. I hit it again. And again, and again, and again until it wasn't moving anymore. I put my free hand on my knee and bent down trying to catch my breath. I looked at my hands. Blood everywhere. Mainly not my blood but my god I look like I just came from hell and back. The pipe was bent a little bit but it still looked like it could do some damage.

The Demogorgons head was smashed in to no end. It looked like someone used a meat tenderizer on it. "Fuck.." I exhaled in relief. "That's definitely not what I was expecting today." I paused and took a moment to reassess myself. That's when I heard the song that was playing on my Walkman. It was quiet but no doubt still playing. Psycho Killer by Talking Heads. I let out a humorless laugh. "How fucking ironic.." I mumbled.

I need help. I'm basically bleeding out here. I only know a certain amount of people that I can trust to help me but I honestly don't want to burden them. I might as well just go to the school nurse and make up some lie about how...this happened. I'm sure they wont mind all the blood. I'm sure...

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now