Deeper Level- 11

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Dustin was the first to speak even though he only mumbled a "Shit." He then hesitantly walked up to me. I didn't stop him this time. "You killed a Demogorgon?!" He whispered to me. I looked at him. "Yeah.." I hesitantly said. He sighed. "And you did it on your own?" I smiled a bit. "Yeah, who knew the new kid could kill monsters, right?" He grinned. "Who knew.."

He stepped back a bit and cleared his throat. "Do you mind...if I can see how bad it is? I mean I can see all the blood but.." He trailed off. "Yeah..I guess." I slowly pulled up my shirt that was now soaked in more blood. It revealed a large bandage covering my whole left side. Blood was seeping out of it. Dustin cringed. "God..that's fucking bad.."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah? I never knew having a Demogorgon lunge on you and try make you it's dinner a bad thing." After a moment of silence Will spoke up surprisingly. " did you do it?" He looked at me in the eyes. I decided that I was in enough pain and I needed to sit down so I snatched one of the chairs and sat down.

"Well..after a little...encounter I had at school.." I paused and glanced at Eddie. "I got a bit angry so I decided to skip school for the day but then I found out my skateboard had gotten stolen so then I walked in the forest for a little while, found this little table, sat down, listened to music for a bit, then left. As I was heading back to the school I heard it. That bastard made such a fucking inhuman sound that I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned around, didn't believe it, then I did believe it, then I ran like hell toward the school."

I paused again adjusting myself to be more comfortable but ultimately getting more blood on my hands. I tried to ignore it and kept talking. "I decided it wasn't the best option to lead a so called 'fictional monster' in a school with hundreds of people in it and went toward the football field. There was this shed and blah, blah, blah, I found a metal pipe, tried to kill it, it almost killed me, then I killed it. I went to the nurse made a fake sob sorry, went to class, made another fake sob story, and then I went here to get my guitar. I thought no one was going to be here. I wasn't really in the mood to see anyone. Nor am I really in the mood right now but I don't have a choice, do I?" I let out a sigh of relief.

"Well that was a lot.." I said eyeing the ground. Then I cleared my throat and stood up. "Well I should really leave now.." I then walked over to my guitar and picked it up. Somehow it seemed a lot harder to carry than before. I tried not to fall when I put it on. I did almost fall a couple times. Dustin spoke up before I got close to the door.

"Y/n, I really don't think you should leave." I scoffed. "Oh yeah, why?" I said placing a hand on my hip then regretting doing that. I still did have a very bad wound after all. "Well you don't look very well for starters, you bleeding out like crazy, and you can barely walk without falling to the ground. I think you should stay here at least until you can get someone to bring you home. "

I sighed. "As much as I want to disagree with you..." I paused. "You're right. I guess I'll stay a little while. You guys can continue this round and I'll just sit back and watch, that sound good with you?" I said and asked Dustin. "Yeah." He smiled. "That sounds good."

I sat in the corner of the room on the floor and fiddled with my guitar. I retuned it again and again as I was pretty bored. I was feeling very hot also. The air conditioning was on though. Maybe it's just me?Yeah..I guess. I might as well take my shirt off. I mean, I have a bra on. No one is going to see anything. I sure as hell don't want anyone seeing anything.

I adjusted my guitar so that it was sitting on my lap comfortably and started to struggle to get my shirt off. It was a struggle because of the pain that would happen when I moved around too much but I eventually got it off. I held it up in front of me and cringed. God..there's a lot of blood on this thing. There's no saving it now.

I looked down at myself and recalled the memories of when I got my first tattoo. Maybe I had made a mistake getting a tattoo that went from my collarbone to my midriff. It's a pretty large one. I have an assortment of small tattoos scattered around like on my arms, legs, inside of the thighs. Basically everywhere. I also have a large tattoo on my back. It's a spine tattoo that starts right at my shoulders and ends right above my butt. It's a snake wrapped around a sword with skulls on it. It hurt a hell of a lot but it looks fucking amazing. one knows about my tattoos. Maybe they'll never know. Maybe someone else has tattoos here. I hope so. They're so cool. They bring out someone's individuality.

I sighed and leaned my head on the wall. I hadn't even noticed that someone had walked up to me until they cleared their throat. I opened one eye and tried to see who it was. I started at them for a couple seconds before it clicked. "Hey, what brings you over here to my corner, Eddie?" I let out a small smile. He grinned and crouched down to my level. "We finished our game. Everyone already left. I'm the only one with a car here so I could bring you home if you want? Or you could walk." I grinned. "I don't know if I want to walk home. So I'll take the first option.

I hadn't noticed that he wasn't staring me in the eyes until sudden realization kicked in on where he was actually staring. "Hey." I snapped my fingers in front of his face. "Eyes up here buddy." He looked at me. "Oh yeah, I know. I was just actually looking at your tattoo." I glanced down at my tattoo. "Pretty awesome isn't it?" He chuckled. "Not as cool as mine." My mouth went agape a bit. "You have tattoos?" He grinned. "Yup. Wanna see them?" I smiled and sat up. As soon as I did that though I felt a stabbing pain in my side. I winced. He looked at me concerned.

"Probably shouldn't be moving so aggressively for a while.." I let out a nervous laugh. He still had a small concerned look on his face. "Please.." He started looking down at the ground. "Please don't try too hard. Don't try too hard. Please." He looked back up at me with pleasing eyes. I didn't know what to say.

He's...he's being so sweet. No one has ever been this concerned or worried about me before. Maybe I could get used to this. Maybe I could get used to having Eddie around more.

I softened my face and smiled. "Eddie.." I leaned forward a bit and grabbed his hand. He looked up at me. "You don't have to worry about me so much. I can handle my own. But.." I paused and smiled softly. "I think it's very cute of you to care about me so much." I smiled at him. He stared at me for a couple seconds then smirked.

"Well, why not show you my tattoos now?" I grinned. "Yes please." I leaned a bit closer and let him show off his tattoos. They're very amazing. He has one on his forearm of a colony of bats. To be's kinda sexy. Of course I'm not absolutely gawking at him on the outside..but on the inside, I'm freaking the fuck out. He's hot to say the least. I hope I can get to know him on a deeper level one day. Maybe we can be better than friends...

"And that's all the tattoos I have. How about you? Can I see yours?" I snapped out of my trance and smiled. "Yeah but first can you close your eyes for a second?" He gave me a questioning look but abided. I then carefully took off my bra and covered up my chest with my right arm. I still don't want anyone to see anything. "Okay, you can open them now."

He slowly opened his eyes. Once he did his eyes went as wide as saucers. "What?" I asked him. "Something bothering you?" I asked innocently. "Uhm..uh- I- I just...nothing. Nothings bothering me..nothing at all." I grinned at him getting all nervous around me. "Y'know.." I moved a bit closer to him while still making sure to cover myself up. I grabbed his hands gently. "We should hang out tonight. I can show you my tattoos..I can play some songs for you..maybe we could get to know each other better." I smiled at him. He looked at me in the eyes. "Uh..y-yeah. That sounds really nice."

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now