Painted Red- 10

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I walked in the school and made my way to the nurses office. I honestly had no clue where it was so I was limping through the hallways like a dummy. I finally found the door and quietly opened it up peeking inside. I thought no one was there until a voice inside the room said "Come on in." I didn't say anything and scuttled into the room closing the door behind me.

    The nurse was sitting at his chair doing some paper work. "What brings you in here-" He stopped talking as soon as he got a look at me. I just stared at the floor. "What happened?!" He said frantically grabbing a bunch of supplies near him. "I..I uhm fell off my motorcycle. I was late for school so I tried to get here as fast as I could. As you can see" I motioned toward myself. "It didn't go so well." He looked at me with concern written all over his face.

    "Don't you need to go to the hospital? There's a lot of blood on you." I looked up at him with wide eyes. "No! No there's no need for that. It's not that bad. All I need is some bandages. That's all." I waved my arms around. He sighed and looked at me. "Fine but I want to clean some of that blood off of you at least. I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank, so much." He smiled gingerly. "No problem. It's my job after all." He then turned around and walked toward a smaller room connected to that one. "Let me get some more supplies and we'll be all set, okay?" I sat down on the makeshift bed thing. "Okay."

    After a minute he came back with wraps, bandages, hydrogen peroxide, cotton swabs, and a whole arm full of other stuff. "So where is it you're hurt the most?" He asked setting down all the supplies on a small table. "It's my left side. It looks a bit..bad. But it's nothing that I need to go to the hospital for." I said not even knowing what my wound looked like. I hadn't even looked at it, but knowing how much it hurt and how much I'm bleeding, it's pretty damn bad. My shirt had covered it up for the most part even though it got torn up in the process.

    "There's goes my Judas Priest shirt.." I mumbled to myself. The nurse seemed to hear me and he let out a small laugh. Then he turned around and faced me. "I used to like that band when I was younger." I smiled at him. "Oh yeah? How young?" He put on rubber gloves and started to prep a bunch of stuff. "Seventeen. I loved all of those bands. They were my world." I didn't say anything back. I just smiled at the thought that he reminds me of myself in a way.

    He then turned around and looked at me. He sighed. "So I'm going to need you to pull up your shirt up and tie it or take it off entirely. Either one works. Which ever one you feel comfortable with." I smiled. "Alright sounds easy enough." I pulled up my shirt exposing my midriff and tied it into a quaint knot. "Is that good enough?" I looked back at him. "Yeah, that's just perfect." He smiled at me warmly.

    Around most guys I would feel really uncomfortable but he makes me feel happy. Not in that weird way, no. He makes me feel like I found someone just like me. He..he seems more like a father figure than my actual dad. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad and he's great and all but he doesn't really fill out in the 'father department'.

    "Okay so first off I'm going to clean most of the blood off to get a better look at what happened, okay?" He said grabbing some hydrogen peroxide. I eyed it carefully. "Is that the stuff that stings? If so, I will throw a fit and run like hell out of here." He laughed. "No, this will only ensure that the wound doesn't get infected. It also cleans it up a bit." I sighed. "Good." He poured some on a white cloth and gently patted my side where most of the blood was. I winced when he pressed a bit too hard on the wound. He pulled away. "Did that hurt?" Then he smacked his forehead. "That was kinda a dumb question. Sorry. Of course it hurt. I'll try to be more gentle." I giggled which ultimately made me feel more pain. "No worries. It's fine. We all make mistakes."

    He continued patting my side gently. Considerably gentler. "Well it's kind of hard to make mistakes when your trying to patch someone up when they look like they've been through hell and back." I smiled. "Yeah I guess it is." After about 30 minutes he was done patching me up. He put large pads on my wound to make sure it doesn't get all gross and sticky. He put some of that wrap all around my side to ensure that it wouldn't come off. I had also learned that there was some cuts on my face. I hadn't noticed it through all the blood.

    He asked a bit more on what had happened in detail but I tried to dodge the questions as best as I could. "Well," he said standing back. "Looks like you're all ready to go now." I stood up and united my shirt. "Before you go, do you have a number I can call to tell your parents what happened?" I looked at him shocked then I shook my head vigorously. "No. There's no need for that. They know that I can take care of myself." I hoped that he wouldn't ask to call my parents again. "Alright, well if they really think that highly about you." I let out a sigh of relief.

    "Thank you. But uh I really should be going now. I do have class to get to." I smiled. "Oh yeah, I kinda forgot you had a life out of getting into motorcycle wrecks." It took me a minute to remember my lie. "Well I do, so I'll hopefully not see you later." I said while opening the door. He laughed lightly. "Yeah, I hope I don't see you again in here looking even worse than now." I then waved and closed the door behind me.

    I still had blood on my pants and shirt. My shirt still had rips and tears in it but it's fine. I'm sure no one will question it. I looked through one of the classroom doors and looked at the clock. I still have one more class until schools over. I'm surprised today went by so damn fast. Well I guess time flies when you're fighting a Demogorgon.

    I'd better actually go to this one class. I marched over to my class that was about on the other side of the hallway and opened the door. Everyone looked at me. "Miss Y/n L/n, you're late." The teacher said while sighing. "Oh yeah..I'm really sorry about that. I.. I was actually visiting my brother at the hospital.." I wiped a fake tear off my face and tried to look sullen. "He has cancer. He only has a week left." The teacher looked at me with a shocked expression.

    "Oh, well then never mind. You're excused. Please take a seat." I grinned. "Thank you." Mindlessly I smirked to myself. "Sucker..." I mumbled sitting down in my chair hoping and praying that this damn class with be over with soon.

    "And don't forget about the exam tomorrow!" The teacher said making his voice a bit louder so the kids who already ran out the classroom could hopefully hear. I packed up my belongings and scurried though the door. Now time to get my damn guitar and get the fuck out of here. I still had a bit of trouble walking correctly due to the gapping wound in my side but I could pass as 'okay.' I made my way to the AV room after everyone in the school had left that I could see of. Even the teachers.

    I opened up the door almost falling over to the side. I caught myself and finally looked up. The whole fucking Hellfire club was there playing D&D, including Eddie. Who I just really didn't feel like seeing right now. "Shit." I mumbled then turned back around about to head out the classroom. "Hey, hey! Where are you going? We haven't seen you all day..and to be fair you don't look so good.." Dustin said. I turned back around and looked at him. He was walking up to me.  

    "No shit. Does the blood make it that obvious?" I said rolling my eyes. Then Eddie quickly stood up. "Blood? What the fuck are you talking about? Did something happen? Are you okay?" He fired question after question. I only answered the last one. "Do I fucking look okay to you?! Do I look like I haven't been through hell and back?! You should stop asking such fucking stupid questions for once!" I raised my voice getting agitated. I turned around to face everyone completely.

    Dustin then walked up to me and was about to grab my side for some reason. I backed up quickly and held my hand out. "Don't you dare get any fucking closer." I held my side because for some damn reason, it was hurting more. A lot more. I pulled my hand away after it stopped hurting as much. My hand felt sticky. I looked at it and then noticed just what everyone was staring at me wide eyed for. My hand was caked in a fresh layer of blood. I then looked down at my shirt. More blood.

    Mike, Lucas, and Will also walked up to me with concerned faces. "Y/n...what happened?" Will asked unsurely. "Nothing. Nothing at all." Then Lucas butted in. "Nothing?! How can nothing have happened to you when your bleeding out like that?! Cut the bullshit and tell us what happened." 

    I looked at everyone standing in front of me. They all looked concerned. Even Lucas. I looked down at myself at the blood all over me. I sighed. They're going to all figure it out eventually. I might as well just tell them now. I looked back at everyone. Then I looked at Eddie. He was already staring at me. I then whispered one word that they would all understand. "Demogorgon."

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now