Mouthbreather- 4

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    I noticed Dustin staring at me with a cheesy grin on his face. I flipped him the bird silently. I soon accepted my fate and sat down next to the mysterious guy. As soon as I sat down the guy looked right at me. I acted like I didn't notice him and starting to "eat" my food. Even though I tried my best to ignore him, he just kept on staring at me. I decided that I had enough and I slowly put my fork down and rested my hands on the table.

    "Are we going to have a problem here or are you just so stunned by my beauty that you can't look away?" I suddenly spat out turning to face the man. He stared at me and didn't say anything. I climbed over the table a bit and faced Dustin. "Is he always like this?" I whispered pointing back to the man. Dustin snickered and whispered back to me, "No. Usually he's loud and rambunctious. I don't know what's up with him." I sighed. "What's his name?" Dustin looked at the man for a second then back at me. "Eddie. Eddie Munson." I grinned and sat back down. "Thanks." I gave Dustin a thumbs up. He gave one back.

    I mentally prepared myself before finally introducing who in the hell I am. I turned and faced him. "Eddie, I'm Y/n L/n. It's a pleasure to meet you under these circumstances." I smiled and waited for a response. He seemed to snap out of his trance and finally got to talking. "Oh.'s good to finally talk to the chick who fought Jason for me." I giggled and smirked. "Hell fucking yeah it is."

I stuck out my hand for him to shake. He reluctantly grabbed mine. When I did grab his hand I felt something cold. I turned his hand around and noticed that he was wearing rings. "So I see you like rings..." He was staring at my hands that were fiddling with his rings. "Yeah..I think they look pretty damn cool." I smiled and looked up at him. "Me too."

    Before I could get to caught up at gawking over his rings, I decided to change the subject. "Do you mind actually telling me what in the fuck you were doing not fighting back?" I stared at Eddie with a sorta angry expression on my face. He looked down at me considering that he was a good bit taller than me. "Well, I just didn't feel up to it. I didn't want to cause any drama. At least not today...or at least not then.." I smirked than started laughing. "Oh so you do like the cause drama? That's good." "Why's that good?" He asked tilting his head slightly. "Because I fucking live for it."

    Soon enough me and Eddie started chatting a lot. We talked about our music tastes, we talked about how much Jason Carver is a dick, we talked about a whole bunch of stuff. I was enjoying it a hell of a lot to be honest. "Yeah and I uh..I noticed that ring on your ring finger. You married or some shit?" Eddie asked pointing down at the ring on my hand.

    I chuckled and eventually answered. "Actually yes. I am married." His eyes went wide and he kinda sputtered out a mess of words that I couldn't comprehend. "She's amazing. I fucking love her to death." I paused thinking about my one and only. "She's the best guitar I've ever had the pleasure of playing." Eddie's face morphed into a confused look for a second but then he smirked.

    "So you play guitar too?" I grinned. "Hell fucking yeah I do. She's an electric. Won her at a Foreigner concert. She has all the band members signatures." Eddie's mouth fell open a bit. "No fucking way. Really? I mean I don't personally care for the band a lot, but that's fucking sick!" I smiled knowing that I had him in my trap. "Yeah. I'm actually planning to bring her tomorrow and show them. They need proof that it's real, don't they?" I pointed toward the group of kids talking about Hellfire and whatnot.

    "Do you possibly want to play together? I feel like me and you could do some real amazing shit." I asked hoping that he would say yes. "Yeah! That sounds really good. I'll meet you in the AV room, sweetheart."

   Sweetheart? Why did he call me that? Ah well...I do like the sound of it anyway...

    "Great! I can't wait." We started to talk about anything and everything again just rambling on about nonsense. Eddie got a hold of this magazine saying shit about how Dungeons and Dragons is a "satanic" game. He started to get annoyed pretty damn quick. "Oh so we're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game?" Eddie paused and pushed his chair back and stood on the table. "But, as long as your into band..or science...or.." He paused looking over at the table where Jason and his dweeb friends sat. "..parties..or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!"

    Jason stood up from his seat and stared at Eddie. "You want something, freak?" Then Eddie did little devil horns and stuck his tongue out at him. I thought it was funny but I didn't laugh. I was more concerned about how Jason talked to him.

    "Hey mouthbreather!" I put my hands around my mouth to make myself sound louder. "You better watch the way you fucking talk when I'm around!" Jason gave me a death glare and muttered something along the lines of "..damn prick..." He is really getting on my nerves. I pushed my chair back and stood up.

    "Mind repeating that?" I walked over to him and grabbed his shirt collar pulling him down to my level. "You should know by now that I can fucking fight. So you might not want to say shit about me or any of my fucking friends." I raised my voice louder and louder by the second.

    Then a glorious idea struck me. I looked back at Eddie and smirked. "Now why don't we make a bet out of this, huh? I bet I can fight you and all of your friends and win." Jason laughed and said "I fucking doubt that."

    I noticed some people still weren't listening or even looking in my direction. "IM TALKING TO EVERYONE IN THIS CAFETERIA WHEN I SAY THIS." I paused and looked around the room making sure everyone was looking at me.

    "If you think I can win a fight against all of little Jason's dweeb friends...come stand behind me." The entirety of the Hellfire Club came and stood behind me. "And anyone who doesn't think I'll win, I'll fight you myself." After that a whole group of people came and stood behind me. "See? No one wants to take the chance of finding out themselves just what I'm capable of." I let go of Jason's shirt collar and threw him back.

    "This Friday, 6:00 pm. Meet me at the field outside of the school. Bring all your little friends too. Don't be late." I said crossing my arms. Considering that today was Wednesday I had today and tomorrow to prepare for the fight. I mean, it's not like I'm going to loose.

    "Fine. I'll be there. But be ready to have your ass kicked." Jason then walked away back to his table and starting mumbling shit to himself. Everyone went back to their tables including the Hellfire Club and me. I sat back down next to Eddie. "Y'know..." He turned and faced me. "That was pretty god damned ballsy what you did there. Are you sure you're going to win? You can back out if you want." I scoffed and rolled my eyes at Eddie. "I can win a fight, okay? You don't have to worry about me. I mean for fucks sake I broke a kids jaw because he called me stupid. I can do this Eddie. Don't worry." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I can take care of myself."

    He seemed relieved at my confidence and reluctantly didn't say anything else about the fight. "I also found it funny what you did with the devil was cute." I said looking back at Eddie. He smiled and didn't say anything else. I took my hand off his shoulder and went back to taking about normal stuff. The school bell went off signifying we have to get back to class. I decided this time that I'll actually attend it. I got up threw my food away and started walking off toward class.

    I was almost at my class when I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Eddie standing there. "I didn't get a chance to say bye to you at lunch.." He paused and looked up at me. "So uh, bye!" I grinned slightly and pulled him in for a hug. He seemed surprised and didn't hug me back until after a few seconds. I don't know what it is but something just something feels right about hugging him. I pulled away and smiled at him. "Bye Eddie."

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now