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Upon arriving at Lucas's house it was already turning dark

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Upon arriving at Lucas's house it was already turning dark. Tk had hung his hat on the rack they had by the door and took off his shoes Before entering the house.

" Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair." He greeted them when he saw them in the living room.

" Hello, Thomas, I didn't know you were coming over." Mrs. Sinclair spoke getting up to greet Tk, giving Lucas a slight glare because he didn't tell her she was gonna have guests.

" Sorry, mom, it was a last-minute thing." Lucas apologized.

" Are you staying for dinner, dear?" She asked Tk, who just looked at Lucas not really knowing what to say.

" I was hoping he could stay the night. You know his uncle is working late tonight," Lucas lied to his mother who was none the wiser.

" Of course, he can stay. Thomas is a delight to have around." She said walking to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Tk ended up talking to Mrs. Sinclair the whole time she was cooking he was keeping her company. Even when they were eating they were still talking so when they had finished eating Lucas dragged Tk up the stairs before he could offer to help clean up. much to his dismay. Tk did manage to get out a small goodbye before being dragged completely upstairs.

Once they were in his room Lucas let out a sigh of relief "I thought we would never get out of there."

" what? I enjoy talking to your mom. I think she's lovely." Tk stated

" yeah, I know you do y'all wouldn't stop talking for like, two hours," Lucas complained, flopping on his bed.

Tk liked talking to Mrs. Sinclair. it reminded him of the mother he lost Long ago. Although Mrs. Sinclair didn't look like his mother, Mrs. Wheeler looked more like his mother. He had even called her mom on more than one occasion. Mrs. Sinclair's personality was more like his mom's.

" Tk, are you okay?" Lucas asked, seeing that he was staring off into the distance while he was looking for a comic book for them to read.

" huh? Oh, yeah I found one" he said pulling out a spider man comic he had lent Lucas a while back. He walked over to Lucas and lay beside him sharing the comic book. They took turns reading the pages. Tk read the pages on the right while Lucas read the ones on the left.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

It was around one in the morning when the two boys had officially read all of the comic books Lucas owned which was a lot and were now hungry. Lucas said they could make rice Krispy treats since they still had the ingredients from the last time Tk spent the night. but they would have to be quiet.

So they walked downstairs to the kitchen grabbing what they needed. But when Lucas went to grab a pot to cook the marshmallows. He dropped it making a loud noise that scared Tk which made him drop the cereal. Both of them started laughing at each other's own mess. Having to be quiet and already failing

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