Mentoring with a Rumour (Short Story)

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(Headcanon for context: as series 3 is currently running, the finalists from the last year (Badger, Robin and Sausage) have volunteered to help out and mentor the current competitors. Though it seems that some friendships are starting to form with everyone, but is there something more happening as well?)

Badger: Alright, we managed to negotiate on the backgrounds and the song choices.

Sausage: Ok that's great! But what about back up dancers?

Badger: That part I'm still trying to find out about. And don't forget, Panda needs some help with her vocal warmups before practise.

Sausage: No problem, I'll reach out to her. And I'll do my best to make sure Bagpipes is mentally prepared for his performances. I have a feeling he's going to need to brace himself for two songs.

Badger: What makes you say that?

Sausage: Well...

*Robin slumps himself down on the sofa, sighing heavily*

Sausage: Hey Robin! What's with the deep look all of a sudden? Loosen up, we've got some performances to help out with!! It's going to be a lot of fun!!

Robin: Hmm? Oh sorry, Sausage. I'm just a little worried I haven't eaten anything and I'm not really getting a lot of sleep. I'm just hoping I haven't come down with anything, like bird flu or something.

Badger: Oh-ho-ho, I know that look anywhere. There's no mistaking what you've got, my friend. *winks at Sausage, hoping she catches on*

Robin: Dunno what you're talking about.

Sausage: Oh, my god! I know it too!! I think something happened at his tutoring!

*Dragon walks into the room*

Dragon: Hey, what's going on, guys? How's tutoring going?

Badger: Hello, Dragon. All is well, getting ready for the "Love Special" week.

Sausage: *Looks over at Robin, giggling*

Dragon: You ok, Sausage?

Sausage: Oh yes, speaking of which.... *in sing-song* Somebody's in loooove~

Dragon: Really? Who?

*Badger strolls over to Robin, wrapping an arm round his shoulder*

Badger: Oh just... a certain Rockin' Robin that's been Rockin' with a Rockhopper. *mumbles* That's a lot of rock...

Dragon: Get out, really Robin?!?!

Robin: Oh what, with the Circus freak?! No way!

Badger: Haha! Rockhopper has gotten under your skin. C'mon mate, admit it!

Sausage: Yeah, a handsome bird like you...

Dragon: A more handsome bird like her though, hehe

*Robin stands up moving away from Badger and the sofa*

Robin: Yeah, that's sweet you guys trying to butter me up about this, but you're DEAD wrong.

Dragon: Ok, y'know what? You're probably right, you're sleep deprived from all the work you guys have put in and that nothing is going on.

Robin: Yes, thank you.

*Sausage and Badger are trying to fight back their laughter*

Dragon: Oh hey, look! It's Rockhopper!!!

Robin: Oh, where?!

*Badger and Dragon laugh while Sausage squeals*

Badger: Oh man! You blown your cover!! You're in love, Tweetie bird!

Robin: Oh yeah! Make your jokes, but it's all professional, guys. Been a long day and longer with you guys on my tail feathers.

Sausage: *sings aloud soulfully* There'll be some love making, heart breaking, soul shaking love~

Badger: Ooh, damn!

Robin: Oh that's real mature, guys. Real grown up. I'm gonna go see if Rockho- ... Um...uhh...

Dragon: Wait, who ya gonna see, Rob?

Robin: ....RoboBunny, yeah that's it. Maybe he needs some help.

*Robin walks away, his cheeks flushing pink*

Sausage: Haha! I love the guy, but he kinda deserved that.

Badger: Oh, without a doubt.

Dragon: So, Badger. What's up with you and Squirrel?

Badger: ...huh?


(I tried to make an image to go with this, but I couldn't quite get Badger right, so here's Robin instead. Took me an hour or so to make. I also decided to finally give Robin his bronze medal, it looks like a collar but I think it looks cuter that way.

Also, hope you guys liked the story, a little bit of fluff never hurts anyone. And just to clarify, this is just my take on a little bit of the characters.)

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