Dancer Gossip

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*Squirrel had headed back into the studio, getting ready to start the day* 

Squirrel: Alright, what's on the agenda today? 

*She checks her phone, getting a text from Zip* 

Zip: *in text* Hey, girl. What you doing up so early? 

Squirrel: *In text* That's it, Zip. They've gone to the tour now. I just waved them off for us. 

Zip: Cool. Since you're up, could ya get me a coffee plz? 

Squirrel: Make one yourself, you're just being lazy now. 

Zip: Damn. Should've been my first text. 

*Squirrel rolls her eyes and puts her phone back in her pocket* 

Squirrel: ... 7am... Better get on with the day then before it's gone. 

*Later, back at the studio lounge* 

*Squirrel buys a coffee from the vending machine and sits with Scarecrow and Frog* 

Squirrel: Hey, girlies! 

Frog: Morning, Squirrel. How you doing? 

Squirrel: I'm alright, thanks. Been up early to see the tourists off. 

Scarecrow: Badger's gone with them, hasn't he? 

Squirrel: It's gonna suck without him being here for two weeks. 

Frog: Well, if you want some excitement, I hear that there's plans for a renovation of the studio because there's gonna be more dancers coming in soon. 

Squirrel: Really? How'd you hear about that? 

Scarecrow: Didn't you see signs about it? There's been some things that have been closed off in preparation. 

Squirrel: Oh, THAT'S what that was for. 

Frog: What did you think it was? 

Squirrel: I don't know, vandalism? 

Scarecrow: I'm touching straws here, but I don't think there's ever been a vandalism on the studio grounds. 

Squirrel: I suppose you're right. Come to think of it, are we going to meet these guys? 

Scarecrow: At some point, I imagine. But there isn't anything set in stone yet. 

Frog: And even then, where would they stay? There's no room set up at the moment. 

Squirrel: Seems like it's gonna take a while. Oh well, at least there wasn't anything that I needed over that way anyways. 

Frog: Not even, say, a shortcut to Glory's? 

Squirrel: Aw man, my shortcut is gone?! Damn, it took me a while to figure out that route. 

Scarecrow: KB's gonna love hearing about that. 

Squirrel: Who wouldn't?! I am her best customer after all. 

Scarecrow: Speaking of which, isn't that where you met Badger? 

Squirrel: Sort of. I knew he was a singer when we arrived at the studio, but I never really talked to him at the time.  But there's just something about him that drew me into him, I'm not sure what it is. 

Frog: Is it cos he's a runner-up? 

Scarecrow: Interesting taste in fashion? 

Frog: A sexy voice? 

Squirrel: Dude!! 

Frog: What? We're all thinking it, I just had the courtesy to say it. 

Scarecrow: Yeah, and that's why we THINK these things. 

Squirrel: I mean, she's not wrong. 

*Squirrel avoids any eye contact with Frog and Scarecrow, looking away with a blush* 

Frog: Ooh, look at YOU going all red!!! 

*Frog giggles* 

Squirrel: I think I need another drink. 

*Squirrel goes back to the vending machine for a bit* 

Frog: Haha, I love making fun of her sometimes. 

Scarecrow: I thought Flamingo was supposed to be the gossip girl... I don't know, Frog. I think Squirrel can do a little better than him. 

Frog: What do you mean? 

Scarecrow: I can't explain it, but I get this weird vibe from him. He looks to be the type to have... Well, some sort of sketchy past. He seems friendly enough, but with those huge claws he seems pretty intimidating... Maybe he's nice cos... he wants something? 

Frog: I mean, sure. But he doesn't seem so bad, especially since he's friends with Robin and he seems pretty great too. 

Scarecrow: Oh no, I love Robin as much as the next mask, but his friend... I don't know, I guess innocent 'till proven guilty, right? 

Frog: Sure. But you British people are definitely something else. 

Scarecrow: Oh, shut up. 

*Scarecrow playfully punches Frog in the arm, they both laugh. Squirrel comes back* 

Squirrel: Heh, what's so funny over here? 

Frog: Nothing, making fun of Scarecrow again. 

Squirrel: Really, why? 

Scarecrow: She saw me talking to Pumpkin about something and got the wrong idea. 

Frog: What?! Come on, there's totally something there! I know it!! 

Scarecrow: Frog!!! He's just a friend. A dance partner sure, but he's just a friend!! 

Squirrel: Anyways, I've got the dance room booked for today and I want to get this routine right. 

Scarecrow: Oh yeah, I forgot you were doing that today. I was going to go to Glory's with Zip later, you're welcome to join us. 

Squirrel: Thanks, but I think I'm gonna be at the studio all day. But I'll try to drop in whenever I can. Well, whatever it is you plan to do. 

Scarecrow: Ok, I'm gonna get myself sorted for today, my straws are all a mess under my hat. 

*Frog and Squirrel look at Scarecrow* 

Frog: That's a mess? What's tidy for you? 

Scarecrow: Oh shut up, Frog! 

*Scarecrow stands up and leaves the room, as the girls wave each other off* 

Squirrel: I'm gonna take off too. I'll see you around the studio maybe? 

Frog: Sure. See ya, Furball! 

*Squirrel leaves the room and heads for the dance room that she had booked.*


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