The Nightmare

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[Just some content warning - Depictions of blood]

*Everyone is asleep in the bus, where they have designated traveller beds as they get taken to Birmingham during the night time. Badger however is sat in the booth as he can't seem to get to sleep. Robin walks in as he too can't seem to sleep, but he's hyped on the excitement of the tour*

Robin: Ok, wow! Best weekend I've had in a long time. How many shows do we have left?

Badger: I dunno, a lot?

Robin: Hmm... Probably about... eight? Eight shows left. Holy crap!!

Badger: Yeah. Lucky us.

Robin: Everything ok, man?

*Robin sits next to Badger*

Badger: Huh? Uh, yeah I um... It's nothing, just trying to recoup, that's all.

Robin: You sure? You're not just homesick?

Badger: Course not, mate. It's just that... I just, I just don't believe how far I've come to be able to do all this.

Robin: Right. Yeah, didn't you say about a motorbike business that went under?

Badger: Uh, yes. Yes I did. Hehe, I am so glad you listen, pal!

*Robin just looks at Badger confused*

Robin: Uh...huh. I'm just gonna chalk that up to being a long weekend.

Badger: Yeah, I mean it's not like I'm actually sleeping well anyway. I keep getting these... nightmares.

Robin: Really? What about?

Badger: It's a little hard to describe.

Robin: Ah, come on! Paint me a picture.

*Badger pauses, he exhales through his nose and turns to Robin*

Badger: Alright. Imagine this. You're all alone, nothing to lean on or escape to, just you.

*Cut to Badger in an empty space - Describing his dreams* *Badger narrating this as a voice over*

Badger V.O:
It starts off quiet and still. Until you hear booming, like thunder. The rules of how light is faster than sound is completely thrown out of the window, there is no light but you could still see everything.

*Badger frantically looks around, every rupture from the thunderous sounds ruffles the fur on his cheeks, the thundering gets louder and more aggressive and eventually knocks Badger off his feet*

Badger V.O:
Don't get too comfortable though, because there's something else to be afraid of.

*A bright light flashes, and a swarm of adders slither to Badger, who is completely paralysed but is still able to hold himself up. He is unable to fight back or escape*

Badger V.O:
You can try your best to kick them away, but it won't discourage them. If anything you're about to seal your fate.

*The adders are now crawling up Badger's legs and aiming for his arms. He tries his hardest to swipe them away with his paws, scratching, prying them away, bearing his teeth and snarling at these unexpected threats, but nothing works. He tries to scream for help, but no sound is able to come out from his mouth.*

*One of the adders takes its first counterattack and bites Badger on his left inner thigh. He screams out in pain, it echoes across this dark room as rain starts to fall. The adder doesn't let go, as the other snakes follow suit and seep their fangs into his arms and legs. Badger is still able to try his best to squirm out of being bitten, but those efforts have proven fruitless. He starts to tire out from fighting as best as he could, he could feel the energy being drained from him*

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